A Budget Proposal
I received an interesting email from the Assembly Caucus this week. It asked me for "budget solutions and ideas," and said they would be distributed to the caucus.
I figured out one thing from my time in the Legislature. The budget analysts in the Department of Finance and the Legislative Analyst’s Office use English words to analyze the budget, but those words don’t have English meanings. The words are budgetese, completely unintelligible to anyone for whom English is the primary language. They can only be interpreted by another budget analyst, whose usual motivation in the budget process is to maintain the status quo. As a result, Legislators, who spend a lot of their time racing around Sacramento trying to catch up to the task they were supposed to do yesterday, have no idea what is going on, and, especially in this era of term limits, they just do what they are told to do by the analysts.
So, I am going to make a proposal for the next budget. It will be in English, and I think it will be understandable. It will require a degree of concentration, so I want each Legislator who reads this to shake their hands and their feet, roll… Read More