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Jon Fleischman

Consumer Choice and Jobs in the Yucca Valley — Victims of Global Warming Alarmism

Do you know where the Yucca Valley is? If you don’t, that’s okay. It’s in a relatively obscure part of inland Southern California. It’s sparsely populated compared to the big metropolitan areas of the Golden State. If you are in the Yucca Valley, it’s a big deal that WalMart is coming to town. It means… More consumer choices for products, lower prices for consumer goods, and, of course, jobs! In our current recession, there’s been a big slow down in new construction and the opening of new retail stores. So, a WalMart for Yucca Valley… It’s all good, right?

WRONG. In today’s Los Angeles Times, there is a story about how the construction of this new superstore in the Yucca Valley has been halted by a judge! Why? Because apparently WalMart has not, according to the Judge, taken the proper steps to ensure that their new facility offsets enough carbon emissions.

How could this be? This is yet another iteration of the actual REAL and NEGATIVE economic impacts of the global warming alarmism… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Consumer Choice and Jobs in the Yucca Valley — Victims of Global Warming Alarmism

Do you know where the Yucca Valley is? If you don’t, that’s okay. It’s in a relatively obscure part of inland Southern California. It’s sparsely populated compared to the big metropolitan areas of the Golden State. If you are in the Yucca Valley, it’s a big deal that WalMart is coming to town. It means… More consumer choices for products, lower prices for consumer goods, and, of course, jobs! In our current recession, there’s been a big slow down in new construction and the opening of new retail stores. So, a WalMart for Yucca Valley… It’s all good, right?

WRONG. In today’s Los Angeles Times, there is a story about how the construction of this new superstore in the Yucca Valley has been halted by a judge! Why? Because apparently WalMart has not, according to the Judge, taken the proper steps to ensure that their new facility offsets enough carbon emissions.

How could this be? This is yet another iteration of the actual REAL and NEGATIVE economic impacts of the global warming alarmism… Read More

Jon Fleischman

ATR: Special Election Fact of the Day: It’s the Spending Stupid

Courtesy of our friends at Americans for Tax Reform

CA Special Election Fact of the Day: It’s the Spending Stupid Washington D.C. – Gov. Schwarzenegger and the rest of the spending interests that got California into its fiscal crisis want Golden State voters to extend the tax hikes passed in February for another 2 years, resulting in another $16 billion in new taxes. Points of fact: California has the highest income and sales tax rates in the nation and nearly the highest state and local tax burden.Read More

Only Government Would Pay For A Free Lunch

This installment of government waste is relatively small in this era of billion and trillion dollar deficits. As comparison, this example is like having gum stuck to the bottom of your shoe and tracking it across your carpet at home – annoying, leaves a spot or two on the rug, and over time, accumulates with a lot of other spots to necessitate new carpet.

Waste Watchers- Only Government Would Pay For A Free LunchRead More

Meredith Turney

Appealing to Latino Voters

At the California Republican Assembly convention two weeks ago actor and comedian Paul Rodriguez delivered a remarkable speech during the Saturday evening dinner. Rodriguez’s family farm has been hit hard by the judicial ruling that shut off water to the Central Valley because of the Sacramento delta smelt. My Townhall article this week is about Rodriguez and the government-inflicted water shortages hurting California farmers.

The state GOP needs to take note of the anger many Latino Democrats are feeling right now because their party won’t do anything to stop the insane government policies. Instead of merely talking about Hispanic outreach, the CA GOP should be in the Central Valley explaining to voters how Republicans believe in the principles of a limited government that won’t place the interests of a fish above the wellbeing of citizens. If you have the chance, I recommend listening to Rodriguez’s entire speech to the CRA, available on iTunes. It’s inspiring and offers the GOP a clear message on how to appeal to… Read More

Jon Fleischman

GOP Rallies Behind Teresa Hernandez in Special Election

Many FlashReport readers may not be aware of the fact that there is a special election taking place in Los Angeles County RIGHT NOW. President Obama tapped a local Democrat to serve in his Cabinet, opening up a seat in East Los Angeles County. Longtime FR friend and California Republican Party Regional Vice Chairman for that area, Doug Boyd, pens this introduction to the situation, and his words are followed with some commentary from the Republican Party’s endorsed candidate for the seat, Teresa Hernandez… AN OPPORTUNITY TO MAKE A DIFFERENCE An introduction by Doug BoydRead More

Jon Fleischman

Guest Commentary: Ashley Ingram – LA County GOP Reorganizes; Elects New Officers

A New Beginning For Republicans in Los Angeles County By Nicole Ingram Today I write to the FlashReport community as a proud Young Republican from Los Angeles. Last night in the county in America with the most Republicans, we elected a new Republican Party executive board. Over the past six months there has been a lot of worry, a lot of confusion, and a lot of division about the direction of what we the party should be doing next. Glen Forsch, who had been elected Chairman earlier this year, honorably stepped down as did his executive board, and I want to thank them for their courage and poise. It is not always easy facing a crowd of people who disagree with your politics and they can not be commended enough.

Being a native Angeleno and life long republican, it means the world to me that we elected a board that represents all Republicans throughout the county. Our… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Guest Commentary: Ashley Ingram – LA County GOP Reorganizes; Elects New Officers

A New Beginning For Republicans in Los Angeles County By Nicole Ingram

Today I write to the FlashReport community as a proud Young Republican from Los Angeles. Last night in the county in America with the most Republicans, we elected a new Republican Party executive board. Over the past six months there has been a lot of worry, a lot of confusion, and a lot of division about the direction of what we the party should be doing next. Glen Forsch, who had been elected Chairman earlier this year, honorably stepped down as did his executive board, and I want to thank them for their courage and poise. It is not always easy facing a crowd of people who disagree with your politics and they can not be commended enough.

Being a native Angeleno and life long republican, it means the world to me that we elected a board that represents all Republicans throughout the county. Our board represents the diversity of… Read More

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