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Tab Berg

Basketball welfare for Billionaires

At a time when Californians are experiencing brutal tax increases and cuts to vital services, it’s unthinkable for the state to secretly give away a billion-dollar asset to wealthy sports team owners. But that’s exactly what might happen. It’s corporate welfare gone pro.

Cal Expo – the publicly-owned home of the state fair and harness racing venue – is exploring a deal with the National Basketball Association to build a new “Entertainment Venue” as part of potential $1.6 billion deal. The arena portion is estimated to cost as much as $700 million and would be essentially given "free" to the billionaire owners of the Sacramento Kings.

Now, I love having a professional sports team here in Sacramento. I go to games, concerts and other activities at the current ARCO arena (pejoratively referred to as Echo Arena.) But public assets should be for… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Glutton for Punishment: Abel Maldonado

Like all average Californians, I am working away while listening to the John & Ken Show via the internet (isn’t that what most people do?).

They just announced that on May 15th, State Senator Abel Maldonado will be coming onto their show.

Good grief.

That’s like that Hatfields asking to come have dinner at the McCoys (did I just insult the Hatfields?).

LOL — you can be sure we’ll provide a link to the podcast of that appearance!… Read More

Jon Fleischman

U.S. Rep. Royce: The Federal government Must Get Out Of The Business Of Picking Winners And Losers

This in from California Congressman Ed Royce (R-Fullerton)…

The Federal government Must Get Out Of The Business Of Picking Winners And Losers Congressman Edward R. Royce Tuesday the House Financial Services Committee held a hearing on proposed legislation that would make whole local municipalities with failed investments in Lehman Brothers, an investment bank that filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy last fall. Orange County’s Treasurer, Chriss Street testified.

By all accounts Lehman Brothers was and is today a failedRead More

Jon Fleischman

Why June 1st?

Capitol Alert has confirmed (they have the advantage of being IN the Capitol, not in Orange County) that this morning, as anticipated, Assembly Republican Leader Mike Villines has announced he is quitting his post.

But he didn’t announce that he is leaving today — but he is departing at the end of the month. That’s in just a few weeks, so no big deal, right?

Well, MAYBE.

To be honest, I am not really too caught up in whether the actual change in position happens now or in 24 days.

What I am focused on are two things — one very significant, and the other important, but not as significant (given the limited time window up Villines’ chosen date to step down).

The significant question, given the severity of the state’s fiscal crisis as a result of overspending, is from today forward, who is the point person for Assembly Republicans in providing leadership on this issue? If a… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: FR’s Jon Fleischman Interviews Van Tran About His Announcement That He Is Running For Congress

Third term Assemblyman Van Tran, a Republican from Orange County, yesterday announced that he was forming an exploratory committee to official look at running for Congress in California’s 47th District, currently represented by Democrat Loretta Sanchez.

I had an opportunity to sit down with Tran, and ask him some questions about this major decision in his life. Here is that interview…


**There is more – click the link**

View Full CommentaryRead More

Jon Fleischman

Assembly Republican Leader Sam Blakeslee — Some Thoughts This Morning

This morning at 9am, Assembly Republicans will enter into a special caucus meeting. The purpose? Apparently Central Coast Assemblyman Sam Blakeslee has put together the votes to become elected Assembly Republican Leader. This morning the current occupant of the job will announce that he is stepping aside (which is the politically correct way of saying that he was "let go" from his duties as leader).

Having had some time to absorb this turn of events, I thought I would make the following observations…

As FR readers know, the current leader, Michael Villines of the Central Valley, was one of the key architects behind a budget deal in February that ultimately gave California’s the largest tax increase in the history of any state. In addition, he along with former State Senate Republican Leader Dave Cogdill (as well as Governor Schwarzenegger and legislative Democrat leaders) concocted the Proposition 1A "toxic cocktail" — a measure that would apply "revenue smoothing" measures into state law, but also triggers, if it passes, an addition $16 billion in higher taxes for Californians. The campaign to pass 1A is… Read More

Jon Fleischman

FR’s Jon Fleischman Interviews Van Tran About His Announcement That He Is Running For Congress

Third term Assemblyman Van Tran, a Republican from Orange County, yesterday announced that he was forming an exploratory committee to official look at running for Congress in California’s 47th District, currently represented by Democrat Loretta Sanchez. I had an opportunity to sit down with Tran, and ask him some questions about this major decision in his life. Here is that interview… FLASHREPORT PUBLISHER JON FLEISCHMAN INTERVIEWS ASSEMBLYMAN VAN TRAN

FlashReport (FR): Van, I’m glad that you could spend some time with the Flash ReportRead More

Jon Fleischman

Garrick on Blakeslee, and a Pub Note

This just in from conservative Assemblyman Martin Garrick:

“I wanted to take a moment to relay some of my experiences with Sam Blakeslee and share why I am supporting him for Leader. Sam is someone that I have come to know to be a strong social conservative and fiscal hawk. I’ve pulled up Sam’s ratings and note that he enjoys perfect A ratings from Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Association, perfect A ratings from the National Rifle Association, he consistently scores among the highest with the California Manufacturers and Technology Association and the Chamber of Commerce, and received a 100 percent in the California ProLife Council’s most recent voter guide. I saw a report that Sam had voted for AB 32, and so I pulled up the vote tally on the bill. It confirmed that, in fact, Sam not only voted against AB 32, but I recall he gave quite an impassioned speech on the floor about why AB 32 was a bad bill. I know Mr. Blakeslee will be aRead More

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