Governor to head to DC on special election day?
A longtime FR reader brought to our attention that according to Politico.com, "sources say that" Governor Schwarzenegger is going to travel to Washington, D.C., tomorrow to be on hand as President Obama sticks it to American families during a recession by mandating new, expensive fuel standards on auto-makers. In fact, to the extent that the taxpayers are "invested" via bailout in U.S. automakers, we are getting smacked by these regulations twice!
I don’t know who will be more ashamed tomorrow, U.S. automaker executives who rightfully have been fighting these regulations but now have to attend this White House event as their companies are on the public tit, or Arnold Schwarzenegger who, as our reader put it, appears to be, "slithering out of town with his tail between his legs," as voters seem on a certain path to reject his ill-advised package of special election ballot measures (which include a massive tax increase).
I wonder if the Governor will have time to vote on his way to his private jet? I haven’t known him to vote by absentee ballot,… Read More