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Jon Fleischman

Governor to head to DC on special election day?

A longtime FR reader brought to our attention that according to, "sources say that" Governor Schwarzenegger is going to travel to Washington, D.C., tomorrow to be on hand as President Obama sticks it to American families during a recession by mandating new, expensive fuel standards on auto-makers. In fact, to the extent that the taxpayers are "invested" via bailout in U.S. automakers, we are getting smacked by these regulations twice!

I don’t know who will be more ashamed tomorrow, U.S. automaker executives who rightfully have been fighting these regulations but now have to attend this White House event as their companies are on the public tit, or Arnold Schwarzenegger who, as our reader put it, appears to be, "slithering out of town with his tail between his legs," as voters seem on a certain path to reject his ill-advised package of special election ballot measures (which include a massive tax increase).

I wonder if the Governor will have time to vote on his way to his private jet? I haven’t known him to vote by absentee ballot,… Read More

With “Friends” Like These…

While I can’t vote tomorrow and join in the reindeer games, I can watch from my "inside the beltway" perch. Here’s what I’m seeing so far: According to an informal Facebook "review" of the Governor’s "friends" it’s not going well.

About 20 minutes ago, The Gov. posted a plea for Facebook "friends" of his to support the list of propositions that read like a Sesame Street sponsorship list. "Today’s tax increase was brought to you by the letter….."

In the 20 minutes since The Gov. posted his appeal, 17 of his "friends" have told him, via the "comment" feature to pound sand–electorally speaking. I’ll bet now there will be a social media campaign afoot to tilt the scales in the other direction.

It will be interesting to see if the trend continues, but based on my early analysis: with "friends" like these…The Gov will either sound enthusiastic like Elmo or mopey like Snufalufagus.… Read More

Jon Fleischman

AUDIO: Fleischman and Maldonado Debate 1F on Bay Area Radio

This morning I had the opportunity debate State Senator Abel Maldonado on Proposition 1F on KSRO radio in the Bay Area. Play the audio clip (7 minutes) below. Who won? I think I did — but want don’t you decide?

Last week, Jon Coupal of the Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Association took on Jeannine English of the AARP on KSRO over Proposition 1A. Check that out on KSRO’s website here. Read More

Jon Fleischman

Reason Video: Governor Schwarzenegger Fails To Live Up To His Promises

Longtime FR friend and Reason Foundation Vice President Adrian Moore sent this over… Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger is warning that the state’s budget deficit will reach $21.3 billion and the state will face a “cash crisis” if voters don’t approve the budget measures on next week’s ballot. So the massive $42 billion deficit hasn’t been a crisis all along?

The governor’s promotion of these ballot measures is just the latest example of his failure to live up to his promises. Wasn’t he going to blow up the boxes of government? And cut up the state’s credit cards?

The ballot measures are simply tax increases and accountingRead More

Jon Fleischman

Two Reasons To Oppose 1A: $16 Billion In Taxes And A False Promise Of Spending Restraint

With the special election taking place tomorrow, I wanted to pen my last pre-election commentary on the issue of Proposition 1A. On this website we have featured a score of guest commentaries on the issue of 1A, most of them highly critical of the measure, but a few supportive of it.

I wanted to share with you my observations on 1A, in some detail, and make it very clear why I am voting against it at my polling place tomorrow, and why I strongly encourage you to do the same. IF 1A PASSES, CALIFORNIANS ARE HIT WITH $20 BILLION IN TAXES THAT THEY OTHERWISE WOULD NOT HAVE TO PAY

There are basically two consequences of the passage of 1A. One is that a weak spending limit is adopted, which we discuss in detail below. The other huge consequence is California taxpayers will be hit with over $16 billion in higher sales taxes, higher income taxes, higher car taxes, and a reduction in the tax credit for dependents which would cost families $200 per child. According to the Howard Jarvis… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: Two Reasons To Oppose 1A: $16 Billion In Taxes And A False Promise Of Spending Restraint

With the special election taking place tomorrow, I wanted to pen my last pre-election commentary on the issue of Proposition 1A. On this website we have featured a score of guest commentaries on the issue of 1A, most of them highly critical of the measure, but a few supportive of it.

I wanted to share with you my observations on 1A, in some detail, and make it very clear why I am voting against it at my polling place tomorrow, and why I strongly encourage you to do the same. IF 1A PASSES, CALIFORNIANS ARE HIT WITH $20 BILLION IN TAXES THAT THEY OTHERWISE WOULD NOT HAVE TO PAY

There are basically two consequences of the passage of 1A. One is that a weak spending limit is adopted, which we discuss in detail below. The other huge consequence is California taxpayers will be hit with over $16 billion in higher sales taxes, higher income taxes, higher car taxes, and a reduction in the tax credit for dependents which would cost families $200 per child. According to the Howard Jarvis… Read More

Mike Spence

The Notre Dame Speech YOU Need to Hear.

The last week has been filled with news about President Obama’s invitation to address the graduating class at the Catholic operated Notre Dame University. Properly a focus is on the Catholic Church’s teaching about the destruction of innocent human life and President Obama’s dedication to advancing that destruction.

In 1981, President Reagan addressed graduates of Notre Dame. it was the first time he spoke outside of Washington D.C. after the assassination attempt on Reagan’slife.

One great truth spoken was, "For too long government has been fixing things that aren’t broken and inventing miracle cures for unknown diseases".

I doubt that President Obama will utter anything so true during his speech. The last 7-8 paragraphs are an indictment of the ideologies of those currently in power and a call for freedom.I urgeyou to read the speech or view it.Read More

Barry Jantz

Sunday San Diego: An Important Public Service Announcement to Californians about Upcoming Changes to TV Broadcasts

Californians face enough issues in the days and weeks ahead, with a continuing economic crisis and a decision on Tuesday whether to tax themselves even more. Yet, just as significant an issue for many of our citizens involves the pending change to their television broadcasts.

Thus, the FlashReport brings you this Public Service Announcement:

By June 12, 2009, television stations in the United States will stop analog broadcasts and convert to digital broadcasting. If you currently watch television on an analog TV set that is not connected to cable, satellite or other pay TV service, you will need to take action before your local TV stations stop analog broadcasts. If you are still watching television on an analog TV set and have not yet taken action to convert to digital capabilities, get a life. You have either been living under a rock or just got out of prison. Perhaps you have taken no responsibility for your actions. If you don’t really care about receiving TV broadcasts, that is fine. In any case, you do not deserve any more of my hard-earned tax dollars being spent by the Federal government to… Read More

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