Memo to Dennis Hollingsworth and Sam Blakeslee: Take Charge Now!
Now is the time for Republicans to claim a victory inthe defeat of the Proposition 1A tax increase, and learn a lesson to begin the resurgence of our popular appeal in California. StateSenate Republican Leader Dennis Hollingsworth, and AssemblyRepublican Leader Sam Blakeslee, now have a choice of a lifetime in politics: they can actually lead, and exercise their offices to set the future of our party on a path to broader victories statewide. Or they can blow it all, let the Democrats dominate the agenda once more, andallow for more of the sameunforced errors leading to "circular firing squad"opportunities against Republicans byopportunistic radio personalities.
On Tuesday, Californians resoundingly rejected the Democrats solution to our state budget crisis: tax increases. California taxpayers demonstrated they are sick of taxes and spending. While the politicians in Washington and Sacramento consider the next bailout measures, the citizens of California took control on Tuesday and gave themselves the only bailout theycould – a tax cut. They did it themselves, with the opposition of their Republican governor,… Read More