I Hope My Generation Is Great
I attended a Memorial Day event today that was modeled after the USO tours of the 40’s, 50’s and 60’s. It was a great event and Marilyn Monroe even sang a couple of lusty songs for the troops! The proceeds benefited the George Patton Museum.
A couple of observations grabbed me. First, a retired Colonel who was a war hero was asked by the MC prior to the show if he would get up on stage and say a few words. The Colonel declined because he wasn’t in uniform and didn’t want the attention to be on him and not the military.
The next one was an elderly gentleman who caught my attention throughout the show. When we stood, he stood a little straighter than us. His demeanor was more intense, more reverent than most of ours. At one point they played the service songs and asked members to stand when their branch’s song was played. When he stood up, the pride, dignity and unselfishness he exuded, withoutsaying aword,spoke about Memorial Day.
It made me wonder what these soldiers were remembering. Buddies who died and didn’t make it back home? The seperation from family during the fighting and… Read More