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Jon Fleischman

Have you ever heard George Will in person? You should!

Last year, I had an opportunity to attend, with my good friend and former California Republican Party Chairman John McGraw, the Pacific Research Institute’s annual gala in San Francisco, where the main program was a presentation from none other than Pulitzer Prize winning journalist and columnist George Will. It was a special evening, not just to gather with fellow conservatives, but I have to tell you that Will exceeded my expectations. If, like me, you enjoy reading his columns (like this recent one on California), well hearing him in person is literally like experiencing his columns in 3-D – it’s awesome.

If you are from Southern California, now it is your turn to experience George Will “unplugged” at what promises to be another evening of conservative camaraderie and fellowship as Will is the featured… Read More

Matt Rexroad

SB 676 (Wolk) Local Control

SB 676 (Wolk) is scheduled to be heard on the Senate Floor in the next few days. It is a minor bill that is sponsored by the County of Yolo and one that should earn support of people concerned with transfers of wealth and those that value local control.

Yolo County studied how much it cost to provide some of these services where the fee we could charge was controlled by state law. Some of these fees had not been adjusted for more than 20 years despite the increased cost of providing the service. This bill that was introduced by Senator Wolk addresses some of the issues that were discovered in that study.

Let me give you an example. Let’s say that Publisher Jon decides to play in a local soccer league run by the City of Irvine. Good for Jon, bad for his teammates, and maybe good for Irvine. Does anyone think that the general fund and all the taxpayers in Irvine should subsidize Jon’s soccer? I certainly don’t. I want Jon to pay exactly his share of costs for Irvine to run the soccer league. No more. No less.

So why… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Another One Bites The Dust

And the next person arrested in San Bernardino County politics is… Click here.… Read More

Meredith Turney

Federal Lawsuit Filed Against Prop 8

As predicted, the fight over Proposition 8 and same-sex marriage drags on. This morning media reported former Solicitor General Ted Olson has filed a federal lawsuit challenging Proposition 8. ABC’s White House Correspondent Jake Tapper blogs about the lawsuit here. It’s interesting that two former legal adversaries have found unity on such a divisive issue: Olson is joined by David Boies, his opponent in the historic Bush v. Gore case.

The two lawyers contend that the Supreme Court’s upholding of Proposition 8 violates the Fourteenth Amendment’s equal protection and due process clauses. Read the complaint here. The suit requests an immediate injunction so that Proposition 8 cannot be enforced. My latest article examines the Proposition 8 case and how this issue will be making headlines for years to come.… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Guest Commentary; Andy Pugno, Chief Legal Counsel, Yes on Prop. 8

This in from longtime FR friend Andrew Pugno, who serves as the Chief Legal Counsel for the Yes on Proposition 8 campaign…

Yesterday – less than three months after Kenneth W. Starr and I appeared in the California Supreme Court on behalf of our Campaign to defend Prop 8 – the Court finally issued its decision… all 185 pages of it! By a 6 to 1 vote, a nearly-unanimous majority of the Supreme Court upheld the vote of the people by which Prop 8 was passed into law to protect traditional marriage in our State Constitution. You can read the decision Read More

Jon Fleischman

Guest Commentary; Andy Pugno, Chief Legal Counsel, Yes on Prop. 8

This in from longtime FR friend Andrew Pugno, who serves as the Chief Legal Counsel for the Yes on Proposition 8 campaign…

Yesterday – less than three months after Kenneth W. Starr and I appeared in the California Supreme Court on behalf of our Campaign to defend Prop 8 – the Court finally issued its decision… all 185 pages of it!

By a 6 to 1 vote, a nearly-unanimous majority of the Supreme Court upheld the vote of the people by which Prop 8 was passed into law to protect traditional marriage in our State Constitution. You can read the decision hereRead More

BOE Member George Runner

Misplaced Priorities: State Moves to Ban Civilian Water Softeners While Providing Them to Prisons

The Legislature is often accused – and rightfully so – of misplacing priorities. One example of this is Assembly Bill 1366, authored by Assemblyman Mike Feuer, of West Hollywood, which involves banning water softeners.

Specifically, the measure authorizes local water boards to seize water softeners from private residential homes to supposedly solve the problem of water salinity in rivers and streams. This bill is being pushed through the Legislature – despite the fact that a recent water softener ban in Santa Clarita did not do enough to solve the water salinity of the Santa Clara River. The policy did not work at the local level; one can only guess why Mr. Feuer believes it would work on a statewide level.

But here’s the kicker: while the Legislature wants to ban the use of water softeners by law-abiding civilians, the state is currently purchasing large quantities of softeners for the criminally insane! The state has recently purchased large quantities of water softeners for prisons, even as the water board pushed to ban civilians from using these softeners. The State of California is placing the water needs of murderers and rapists over everyday… Read More

Barry Jantz

Thank God for my Government Permit!

Ahhh, Memorial Day weekend, the unofficial start of Summer! I look forward to the weeks ahead and picking a day to have some of the neighbors and a few friends over for a barbecue.

Thank goodness we have the freedom to invite to our homes those we choose, as often as we want, without having to ask permission of some local agency.

Let’s say for a moment that I like my friends and neighbors enough, and the aroma of a barbecue just as much, to have a weekly get-together at my place? About 15 folks, for regular burgers and dogs, maybe steaks. Bring your own, those who can show, fine, if not, next week, or when you can.

Uhhh, before my wife nips this in the proverbial bud, let’s say she likes the idea?

Okay, that too would be our choice — to have a weekly feast and invite some friends— not the government’s, right? Yep. Again, thank goodness.

Now say that instead of a bbq, it’s a weekly book club. About 15 of us, reading the same book on our own, then getting together at my house regularly to discuss it. The Da Vinci Code, perhaps. Whatever.

Again, thank goodness for… Read More

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