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FlashReport Weblog on California Politics

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Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: I am so done with John McCain

United States Senator and former Republican Presidential Nominee John McCain recently came through California — helping out Gubernatorial hopeful Meg Whitman, and LG candidate Jeff Denham. Good for them, I suppose. Whitman played a key role, nationally, on McCain’s finance team in the general election (she supported Mitt Romney in the primary) and Jeff Denham has been a McCain guy for a long time. It’s notable and noble, I suppose, to see McCain coming back to help out people that helped him.

I was invited to come and hear McCain at these California events — and ultimately, I just couldn’t do it. And let me preface these comments by saying that they are not intended to be a slight on Whitman or Denham, their inclusion in this commentary is merely to reference McCain’s reason for traveling out here.

I am so done with John McCain.

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Jon Fleischman

Lee Baca, the “Republican” Sheriff of LA County HEARTS Barbara Boxer

Every once in a while, someone tries to make the case that Leroy Baca, the Sheriff of Los Angeles County, has some sort of Republican credentials. I don’t have enough time to make the case for why that just isn’t true. While Baca’s most egregious across-the-aisle endorsement was when he backed then State Senator Adam Schiff, a liberal Democrat, in his successful challenge to Republican Congressman Jim Rogan — his most recent endorsement of a hard-left Democrat isn’t any better.

Click on the link below to see a list put out by Barbara Boxer of some County Sheriff’s endorsing her re-elected to the United States Senate. Among them, the Los Angeles County Sheriff — truly a R.I.N.O — Republican In Name Only.… Read More

Jon Fleischman

DeVore Video: If Barbara Boxer and Nancy Pelosi Ran The World

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Jon Fleischman

Under New Management: Los Angeles County GOP

Just a couple of weeks ago, the many members of the Los Angeles County Republican Party Central Committee gathered and brought in some new leadership for the county committee – and let me assure FlashReport readers that these changes, all for the good, are really going to better position Republicans in our state’s most largely populated county to make some much-need gains. Their new Chairman is Jane Barnett, First Vice Chairman is Gary Aminoff, Second Vice Chairman is John Cozza, Treasurer is Len Lanzi, Secretary of Alex Burrola, Assistant Treasurer is Gwendolyn Patrick and Assistant Secretary is Davina Keiser – all capable, competent party leaders. Ashley Ingram is the new Executive Director. (Aminoff is the only new officer that was on the previous board, but he played a key role in making the change-over in leadership.)

Today in the FlashReport, we feature a column from the LA County GOP’s new Chairman, Jane Barnett… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: Under New Management: Los Angeles County GOP

Just a couple of weeks ago, the many members of the Los Angeles County Republican Party Central Committee gathered and brought in some new leadership for the county committee – and let me assure FlashReport readers that these changes, all for the good, are really going to better position Republicans in our state’s most largely populated county to make some much-need gains. Their new Chairman is Jane Barnett, First Vice Chairman is Gary Aminoff, Second Vice Chairman is John Cozza, Treasurer is Len Lanzi, Secretary of Alex Burrola, Assistant Treasurer is Gwendolyn Patrick and Assistant Secretary is Davina Keiser – all capable, competent party leaders. Ashley Ingram is the new Executive Director. (Aminoff is the only new officer that was on the previous board, but he played a key role in making the change-over in leadership.)

Today in the FlashReport, we feature a column from the LA County GOP’s new Chairman, Jane Barnett… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Whitman and Sotomayer: Friends From Princeton

I just sat down for a thirty minute interview with Gubernatorial candidate Meg Whitman and House Republican Whip Eric Cantor, who endorsed Whitman's candidacy this morning. Look for that interview in the next few days.

While the Congressman's support is notable, my favorite factoid from the interview is that Whitman is friends with and went to Princton with President Barack Obama's Supreme Court pick, Sonia Sotomayer… What did Cantor and Whitman have to say about the Sotomayer pick? You'll have to wait until we publish the interview!… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: Have you ever heard George Will in person? You should!

Last year, I had an opportunity to attend, with my good friend and former California Republican Party Chairman John McGraw, the Pacific Research Institute’s annual gala in San Francisco, where the main program was a presentation from none other than Pulitzer Prize winning journalist and columnist George Will. It was a special evening, not just to gather with fellow conservatives, but I have to tell you that Will exceeded my expectations. If, like me, you enjoy reading his columns (like this recent one on California), well hearing him in person is literally like experiencing his columns in 3-D – it’s awesome.

If you are from Southern California, now it is your turn to experience George Will “unplugged” at what promises to be another evening of conservative camaraderie and fellowship as Will is the featured… Read More

Frank Schubert


The California Supreme Court has issued its much anticipated ruling on the validity of Proposition 8, the constitutional amendment defining marriage as being between a man and a woman. The Court, by an overwhelming 6-1 vote, upheld the constitutionality of Proposition 8. Many people view the ruling as being primarily about the wisdom of allowing gay marriage in California. But whether you agree or disagree with gay marriage, the ruling was an important one for those who support the right of voters to initiate laws and challenge governmental decisions.

At the core of the challenge to Proposition 8 was a challenge to California’s initiative process itself. Opponents of Prop 8 argued that this plain-language 14-word amendment constituted an illegal “revision” of the state Constitution that only the Legislature can initiate. Prior Court rulings had defined constitutional revisions to be those proposals that resulted in a fundamental restructuring of governmental power. How, one might wonder, does a 14 word proposal that simply inserts the age-old understanding of the definition of marriage constitute a fundamental restructuring of government? Fortunately, the Supreme… Read More

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