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Jon Fleischman

State Senate GOP To Unveil Roadmap

Get a "sneak peak" — in full color — by opening the attachment below!… Read More

Jon Fleischman

WSJ’s Fund: Arnold’s Waterloo

From today’s Wall Street Journal Political Diary E-mail…

Voters to California Pols: Drop Dead

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Ray Haynes

No Time for Gloating

What happened yesterday was a good thing. For too long, Sacramento has acted with contempt for the will of the voters, forgetting that the one-fortieth or one-eightieth of the state the Democrat legislator represents, after having been elected by less that 30% of the voters in that district (usually in the party primary) is not a mandate to expand government. Voters hit the limit, and said so in resounding tones.

But this is no time for those of us who believe in small government to gloat. We have not yet made our case that more government spending does not make for better government. We do not have the money that the government unions have. They are going to spend that money over the next six weeks to beat back any proposed cuts that are sure to come, and we dont have the resources to counter their propaganda. The war is not over for them. It never is. We have won nothing yet.

I have been through election wins that were squandered when we fell asleep. This is the time to wake up. We have awoken the electorate. They are ready to hear our message. We need to double down now. We need to step up our actions and activities. We need to get… Read More

Congressman Doug LaMalfa

Another Chance At The Drawing Board

I’m not sure who won on Dancing On The Idle American Star Search last night but I do know thatall taxpayingCalifornians got a win with the election results of last night. If the legislature hasn’t "gottenit" yet with dismal poll ratings,the No On Prop 93 to term limit extensions result, the Tea Parties that have and will continue to happen all over the US andCalifornia, then maybe the Prop 1F resultwill send themessage. See that gesture legislators?Basically, theF in1F stands for finger, as in the middle fingerlegislators have just beengiven by many Californians.Don’t tax us more, get it right, don’t trick us with baddeals made at midnight.

With the state’sconditions as they are, there isn’t really muchcause to celebrate but a sense of relief that patchwork fixes did not get passed, aspending cap was not encased in the Constitution that doesn’t cap anything [which would’ve thereby ended the debate for good] that the debate must continue and a sober re-evaluation of what and how the state operates must occur. Indeed it is a 2nd chance to get it right.… Read More

Michael Der Manouel, Jr.

The Repudiation Is Complete

Governor Arnold has made history. Since 2005, he’s been repudiated by almost every political coalition in California. Its a great illustration for all aspiring "GOP moderates" – stay in the middle of the road and EVERYONE runs over you.

Even with yesterday’s thorough beating, it will soon be obvious that California’s Democrat leadership and the Governor will prove to be too stupid to understand thatCalifornia voters have a limit to what they will put up with from Sacramento. Across the State, we knew from the day the budget deal was inked in February that it was a failure, that it was going to fail, and that higher taxes would drive stake into the heart of the economy. Apparently, those that voted yesterday agreed.

The Republican Party should not now "let a good crisis" go to waste. We need to show up with alternatives – NOW, and the first alternative we need to suggest are tax rate reductions, across the board, on small business and families. There is NO other strategy to jump start this economy than tax relief. Revenues to the State will increase if such a bold move is made, but when I observe… Read More

Jon Fleischman


Over the next two days, we will be presenting to FlashReport readers our “Winners & Losers of the May 19 Special Election” feature… Today we will be presenting the winners – those people or groups who, from our perspective, increased their stature, standing and reputation as a result of the outcome of yesterday’s vote. Let me say that you will not find on the list below any of the labor groups (and there were some) who opposed Proposition 1A. Our position is that, given the ineffectiveness of the alleged “spending cap” in 1A, these groups have actually done themselves harm – though we are okay with that.

So, without further commentary, and in no particular order, our Winners…


**ThereRead More

Jon Fleischman


Over the next two days, we will be presenting to FlashReport readers our “Winners & Losers of the May 19 Special Election” feature… Today we will be presenting the winners – those people or groups who, from our perspective, increased their stature, standing and reputation as a result of the outcome of yesterday’s vote. Let me say that you will not find on the list below any of the labor groups (and there were some) who opposed Proposition 1A. Our position is that, given the ineffectiveness of the alleged “spending cap” in 1A, these groups have actually done themselves harm – though we are okay with that. So, without further commentary, and in no particular order, our Winners… FR’SRead More

BOE Member George Runner

The Special Election is over; where do we go from here?

Yesterday, the voters sent a strong message to the California Governor and Legislature – enough is enough! Taxpayers have done their part and will continue to pay their fairshare of taxes to the California treasury.After all, California taxpayers pay some of the highest taxesin the nation. Now it’s the time for politicians to give taxpayers something in return: Like topnotch, efficient services and the best value for their tax dollars. We must stop wasteful spending, end programs that don’t work and adjust spending to the revenue stream – that’s what hard working Californians do in their household and business budgets and that’s how their state government should operate.

Taxpayers are willing to pay for education, but they don’t want to pay for increased spending in public school, whichhas ballooned more than $11 billion in the last six years despitea declined enrollment of75,000 students. Especiallywhen test scores and drop-out rates have remained stagnant and these problems continue to go unaddressed.

Californians want improved infrastructure, but they are sick and tired of paying for the construction of… Read More

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