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Jon Fleischman

FR Interviews Meg Whitman and House Minority Whip Eric Cantor

Last week, on Wednesday and Thursday, the number two ranked House GOPer, Republican Whip Eric Cantor of Virginia, was out in California where he announced that he was endorsing Meg Whitman in her campaign for the GOP nomination for Governor. Cantor appeared at two fundraising events for Whitman (one in the Bay Area, the other in Los Angeles) and sat for two interviews with Whitman. One with FR friend Joe Mathews (what Joe lacks in defining ideology he makes up for with his irrepressible sense of humor) and the other with the FlashReport.

Immediately below this introduction is a short 90 second video that I shot with the handy FlashCam right after the interview — the endorsements of the FlashReport are worth seeing it to its conclusion, despite the terrible lighting which makes it hard to see the subjects. Below that is the full text of the 35 minute interview. It is a bit lengthy but when I am able to give a full… Read More

Bill Leonard

Not Much Stopping Government These Days

Idid my best to prevent the Board of Equalization from endorsing an incredibly bad bill on Wednesday. In the end, I lost 3-2 with Michelle Steel joining me in voting no. Elective democracy only works well when the citizens push back when the government goes too far. Sadly, this rarely happens. Nonetheless, every business owner in California should take a look at Assembly Bill 852 by Assemblyman Paul Fong (D-Mountain View), a bill that would allow county assessors to mandate that businesses file their property tax returns electronically. Not every business, just the ones the assessors pick. Those that are targeted by the assessors must file electronically or get hit by a ten percent penalty. This shows the total falsity of the assessors’ argument that this is good for business. If that were so, there would be no need to mandate it with the threat of a penalty. A reasonable person might think California is so eager for revenue they would allow people to pay their taxes in any way that results in the State getting the money on time. Nope. This bill is all about the assessors making things more convenient for themselves. Under my grilling, the assessors’ representative… Read More

Mike Spence

June’s Tax Elections Are Upon Us

Had enough of elections? In Los Angeles County there will be four, count them four school districts that will try to pass a parcel tax.

Parcel taxes of course require a 2/3rds vote to pass. This is an important protection to property owners that actually pay the tax.

June 16th, South Pasadena Unified has a tax of $95/unit in multi-unit parcels and $288 for other parcels that will last four years.

June 23rd, Palos Verdes Peninsula Unified School District has a $165 per parcel for four years.

June 30th features two elections. La Canada Flintridge with a five year $150 a parcel tax and Rowland Unified with a five year $120 annual levy.

Will these pass? Probably, with the exception of Rowland Unified. May 5, 2009 San Marion residents approved a parcel tax just 14 days before San Marino voters rejected the tax extension measure 1A.

Local taxes usually pass in Los Angeles County.

One little secret is that everyone one of these measure exempt seniors from paying for the tax. Why only seniors? Some say it is because they don’t use the schools or they are on fixed income. Home school or private school parents or for the matter the… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: FR Interviews Meg Whitman and House Minority Whip Eric Cantor

Last week, on Wednesday and Thursday, the number two ranked House GOPer, Republican Whip Eric Cantor of Virginia, was out in California where he announced that he was endorsing Meg Whitman in her campaign for the GOP nomination for Governor. Cantor appeared at two fundraising events for Whitman (one in the Bay Area, the other in Los Angeles) and sat for two interviews with Whitman. One with FR friend Joe Mathews (what Joe lacks in defining ideology he makes up for with his irrepressible sense of humor) and the other with the FlashReport.

Immediately below this introduction is a short 90 second video that I shot with the handy FlashCam right after the interview — the endorsements of the FlashReport are worth seeing it to its conclusion, despite the terrible lighting which makes it hard to see the subjects. Below that is the full text of the 35 minute interview. It is a bit lengthy but when I am able to give a full… Read More

Barry Jantz

Mark Larson Rejoins KCBQ

Great news for local talk radio. Thanks to the SD GOP for sending along….

Popular Southern California radio personality Mark Larson returns to KCBQ 1170AM beginning Monday June 1st. His new morning talk show will air from 7-9AM. "I’m honored to have the opportunity to rejoin KCBQ", notes Larson, who in 1999 (as the station’s GM) launched KCBQ’s current talk format. “This is like coming home," he adds. "It’s important to be part of an organization which champions intelligent, Conservative Talk, especially in times such as these.” Salem/San Diego General Manager Dave Armstrong notes, “Mark Larson is Mr. Radio in San Diego and we are excited to have him back with us at KCBQ!”

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Jon Fleischman

FR Mobile – Do you use it?

Thanks to the generosity of Schubert Flint Public Affairs, the FlashReport since last Fall has been available not only as the website you know and love, but also as an mobile version, optimized to allow you to easily read our main news, commentary and blog pages in a format that is specifically set up for easy reading and use on your PDA — whether you are on a Blackberry, Treo, iPhone or other hand-held devise!

You can access the mobile version on your PDA two easy ways (three if you have a Blackberry).

Just open up your PDA’s internet browser and aim it to The mobile site will come right up! If you pull up the FlashReport on your PDA, you can hit the link at the top of the regular site "Mobile Version"… Finally, if you have a Blackberry, you can (once you are on the mobile site) download the free FR BlackBerry Application (over 2,500 people have done this already). This app will put … Read More

Barry Jantz

Sunday San Diego: Permit This!

Oh-my, to have heard the discussions between the members of the Board of Supervisors and top San Diego County staffers in the wake of last week’s news that some bubble-headed bureaucrats were requiring a Major Use Permit for a home Bible study. The Supes weren’t talking publicly about the matter, but no doubt they were filling some ears privately, especially as evidenced by the quick resolution (reported in Saturday’s Union-Tribune).

County Chief Administrative Officer Walt Ekard summed it all up nicely…

Let me be clear: religious intolerance in any form is not, and never will be, allowed under any circumstance…I deeply regret that a routine code enforcement issue has transformed into a debate over religious freedom in San Diego County. The buzz about the issue started with no mainstream media coverage whatsoever, WorldNetDaily having it first, a week ago last Friday.… Read More

Jon Fleischman

I am so done with John McCain

United States Senator and former Republican Presidential Nominee John McCain recently came through California — helping out Gubernatorial hopeful Meg Whitman, and LG candidate Jeff Denham. Good for them, I suppose. Whitman played a key role, nationally, on McCain’s finance team in the general election (she supported Mitt Romney in the primary) and Jeff Denham has been a McCain guy for a long time. It’s notable and noble, I suppose, to see McCain coming back to help out people that helped him.

I was invited to come and hear McCain at these California events — and ultimately, I just couldn’t do it. And let me preface these comments by saying that they are not intended to be a slight on Whitman or Denham, their inclusion in this commentary is merely to reference McCain’s reason for traveling out here.

I am so done with John McCain.

As the elected Vice Chairman of the California Republican Party for Southern California, I was obliged by state party rules to refrain from involvement in the Republican Presidential primary last year. Let me assure you that had I been able to do so, I would certainly have not been a… Read More

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