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Meredith Turney

“Surrendering” A Child to the Government

The Assembly is plowing through dozens of Democrat-sponsored bills today, literally “fiddling while Rome burns.” Amongst those bills that have passed today is AB 1048, by Alberto Torrico, legislation that increases from 72-hours to 30 days the amount of time parents have to “surrender” their child to the government. Many Republicans voted for this legislation today and in the past, under the impression that it is a “pro-life” policy that will save lives. Some legislation appears good public policy until it is truly examined. AB 1048 is one of those bills that initially makes lawmakers feel good about themselves, but sends the wrong message to the public.

First, the very concept of “surrendering” one’s child to the government is antithetical to the American principle of limited government. America was founded upon the belief that the church and family are the nucleus of our communities. If a woman finds herself unable to care for a newborn, she should be able to turn to her family, church, or local private charities for assistance. But as the… Read More

Barry Jantz

Response to Cries for Help

The following had so many comments on my Facebook page yesterday (who’d of thunk FB would become a blog of it’s own), I thought I’d share it here…

Every time I receive an "Urgent Action Alert" email from someone asking for help in saving their particular entity-program-subsidy from CA budget cuts, I will now respond with, "Thanks. Please let me know what should be cut in place of your program?"

Join me?… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Cameron Smyth’s Facebook Status Update

If you need no greater indicator about how life as a Republican legislator in Sacramento is all about defense, you need look no further than a Facebook status update recently posted by Assembly Republican Caucus Chairman Cameron Smyth, who said — “Can't believe the Assembly is voting on 93 bills today and only 4 are authored by Republicans.”

This happens because not only do Democrats author more bills, but more significantly the Democrats kill Republican bills in the various policy committees, while advancing their own.

Actually, it is probably a good sign that there are so few Republican authored bills making it to the floor — given that in order to get to the floor, they have to substantively pass must with ideological leftists.

Until there is more parody in the legislature between parties, Republicans can look forward to passing meaningless studies, non-controversial resolutions, and commemorative license plate bills.

The key, as newly appoint Assembly GOP Floor Leader Curt Hagman would tell you, is to aggresively embarrass Democrats on the floor of the legislature for “fiddling while Rome… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: Arnold’s Cuts, Emmerson’s Plan, Weintraub’s Tie

REPUBLICANS SHOULD PRESS FOR A VOTE, AND VOTE TO SUPPORT THE GOVERNOR’S REVISIONS You’ve heard it from FR contributor and Board of Equalization Member Bill Leonard already, but the first order of business in the State Capitol should be to schedule an immediate up or down vote on the Governor’s proposed budget revisions.

Newly minted Republican legislative leaders Senator Dennis Hollingsworth and Assemblyman Sam Blakeslee should ask for an up or down vote right away.

Let me tell you, there is plenty for everyone to dislike in that package, whether you hail from the left or the right. For my part, some of the cuts to the Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation, and borrowing money from local governments really don’t sit well with me. And I know that there are a lot for those on the… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Arnold’s Cuts, Emmerson’s Plan, Weintraub’s Tie

REPUBLICANS SHOULD PRESS FOR A VOTE, AND VOTE TO SUPPORT THE GOVERNOR’S REVISIONS You’ve heard it from FR contributor and Board of Equalization Member Bill Leonard already, but the first order of business in the State Capitol should be to schedule an immediate up or down vote on the Governor’s proposed budget revisions.

Newly minted Republican legislative leaders Senator Dennis Hollingsworth and Assemblyman Sam Blakeslee should ask for an up or down vote right away.

Let me tell you, there is plenty for everyone to dislike in that package, whether you hail from the left or the right. For my part, some of the cuts to the Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation, and borrowing money from local governments really don’t sit well with me. And I know that there are a lot for those on the… Read More

Shawn Steel

American Indian Charter School—Libs need not apply

" We are looking for hard working people who believe in free market capitalism…Multicultural specialists, ultra liberal zealots and college tainted oppression liberations need not apply." This recruitment statement come from one of California’s best Middle Schools. The American Indian Public Charter School, Oakland ranks the 5 th highest of any Middle School from the thousands in operation. Unlike the other schools mostofthe children are exceptionally poor. Bay area liberals are aghast and want this school’s success buried. Betty Olsen-Jones the boss of the far left Oakland Education Assn, aka Teachers Union, isn’t happy with American Indian’s success, byteaching students with discipline, basics, respect, uniforms and homework.Read More

Mike Spence

Beverly Hills 90210 Voter Fraud

Think that voter fraud is ACORN signing up some poor kid 29 times for smokes? Apparently voter fraud is now for the rich and famous as well. Opponents of a Hilton condo and hotel projectare reporting 569 questionable voters in the election that approved the project by 129 votes.

George Runner should do a press conference there for his Vote Safe Initiative.No smokes needed.… Read More

BOE Member George Runner

Assembly Bill 656: The Hugo Chavez Empowerment Act

Assembly Bill 656 is a picture-perfect example of the flawed logic that prevails in the California Legislature as legislators wrestle with an enormous budget deficit while also trying to appease the dominant far-left liberal wing.

Need revenues? No problem. Tax big oil. That scenario plays well in a Democrat primary, so full steam ahead.

It’s not a coincident that AB 656 is authored by Assemblyman Alberto Torrico, who is embroiled in a contested primary for Attorney General in 2010 and thus needs to burnish his liberal credentials. AB 656 seeks to raise revenues and attack the oil industry by assessing an excise tax on oil – extracted only in California.

Where to begin. First, Mr. Torrico’s bill clearly makes us more dependent on foreign oil at a time when most Californians want us less dependent on foreign oil.

AB 656 also would increase gas prices in the midst of the worst recession we have experienced in our lifetimes – and everyone acknowledges that a gas price increase will hit the poor hardest. I guess the party of the less privileged can hammer the less fortunate if it benefits them politically!

Finally, the one principle… Read More

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