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Jon Fleischman

Proposal by Democrats to Gut Proposed Reserves To Maintain Spending Levels Is Irresponsible

I am going to make two predictions – one about the California economy, and the other about the projections for future revenues coming into state coffers. Hold onto your seats here folks, because what I am going to say it going to shake the very underpinnings of your understanding of state finances

California legislative Democrats, are you reading this?

Prediction #1 – The recession is getting worse, not better. At a time when the public sector should be shrinking so that as much burden as possible can be lifted from a struggling private sector can recover and turn around the state (and national) economy – public spending is up. In Washington, D.C., Democrats seem to be crazy-drunk in their spending orgy, telling the public that more government spending is going to actually help the economy. Not. Of course, as the economy continues to sputter, this will continue to have a detrimental impact on the various taxes and fees that provide the income stream for state government. We’ve already seen a huge-drop off in state and local government revenues – and there is no reason that such a contraction will not continue has severe belt-tightening… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: Proposal by Democrats to Gut Proposed Reserves To Maintain Spending Levels Is Irresponsible

I am going to make two predictions – one about the California economy, and the other about the projections for future revenues coming into state coffers. Hold onto your seats here folks, because what I am going to say it going to shake the very underpinnings of your understanding of state finances

California legislative Democrats, are you reading this?

Prediction #1 – The recession is getting worse, not better. At a time when the public sector should be shrinking so that as much burden as possible can be lifted from a struggling private sector can recover and turn around the state (and national) economy – public spending is up. In Washington, D.C., Democrats seem to be crazy-drunk in their spending orgy, telling the public that more government spending is going to actually help the economy. Not. Of course, as the economy continues to sputter, this will continue to have a detrimental impact on the various taxes and fees that provide the income stream for state government. We’ve already seen a huge-drop off in state and local government revenues – and there is no reason that such a contraction will not continue has severe belt-tightening… Read More

Shawn Steel

PIONEER HENRY LUCAS, DDS, mobilized other black conservatives

A close friend of Ronald Reagan Dr. Henry Lucas enjoyed a full and productive life. He was also a California Republican leader.Lucas first campaigned for Reagan for Governor in 1966.

Born in February 27, 1932 he earned his college degree in 1937 at Howard University and a dental degree at Meharry Medical College in Nashville. Both historical black colleges. After starting practice in San Francisco for 5 decades, Lucas help form PACT [Plan of Action for Challenging Times] a non profit which has funded over 40,000 African… Read More

James V. Lacy

Sotomayor hearings set

Hearings on President Barack Hussein Obama’s nomination of Sonia Sotomayor to the U.S. Supreme Court are now set to begin in the Senate Judiciary Committee on Monday, July 13. A copy of the Committee’s Questionnaire for the hearings and Judge Sotomayor’s answers is attached below.

A quick review of her answers reveals some interesting things. [She has an excellent educational background and many awards, but those are expected of a Supreme Court nominee (with the exception of Harriet Miers, an awful candidate for the Supreme Court originally nominated by George W. Bush, who subsequently "withdrew") and aren’t that interesting for purposes of this blog.]

She was employed by the "Maternity Center Association" in New York City from 1985-86. It is currently named "Childbirth Connection." According to their website, this group serves as "your source for trustworthy up-to-date evidence-based information and resources on planning for pregnancy, labor and birth, and the postpartum period. Founded in 1918, Childbirth Connection is a national not-for-profit organization dedicated to… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Call To Action: Blueberry Commission Supporters

We recently reported that last week the State Assembly, with an overwhelming bipartisan vote, voted for legislation that would create a new state commission – The California Blueberry Commission. No, we did not make this up.

If you are a supporter of this idea, either as a legislator, blueberry grower, blueberry eater or whatever — please drop me a line with your reasoning ( I am curious to understand your mindset. Thanks!… Read More

Today’s Commentary: The Decline to State Voter

The Decline to State voter, California’s version of independents, is in the unique position to influence partisan Primary Elections. In Primary Elections (other than in Republican Presidential Primaries) Decline to State (DTS) voters have the option of choosing a Republican or Democratic Party ballot.

Earlier this year in January our Capitol Weekly/Probolsky Research California poll found that 15% of DTS voters would choose a Republican ballot and 38% would choose a Democratic ballot. January 2009 was probably the low point for the GOP and the height of the Democratic/Obama frenzy. Flash forward to the brink of summer with continued economic woes and enough time for one-party rule to scare some of these unaffiliated voters and the numbers have shifted somewhat, now 19% want to vote in the Republican Primary and 33% in the Democratic Primary.

Conventional wisdom has been that more moderate candidates, especially on the Republican side have a greater chance of attracting DTS voters to weigh-in for them. However… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Coupal: Time For Democrats To Make Real Decisions

This just in from Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Association President Jon Coupal…

On Friday afternoon Democrats on the Budget Conference Committee voted to enlarge the already voluminous deficit by another quarter billion dollars. I have nothing against sending underprivileged kids to college, ensuring that the poor and elderly are taken care of, or funding public safety, but at some point Democrats in the legislature need to make their funding priorities known. Thursday and Friday were the first two days the committee had the opportunity to take action on the Governor’s May Revise. Instead of moving the state toward the black, Senate and AssemblyRead More

The Decline to State Voter

The Decline to State voter, California’s version of independents, is in the unique position to influence partisan Primary Elections. In Primary Elections (other than in Republican Presidential Primaries) Decline to State (DTS) voters have the option of choosing a Republican or Democratic Party ballot.

Earlier this year in January our Capitol Weekly/Probolsky Research California poll found that 15% of DTS voters would choose a Republican ballot and 38% would choose a Democratic ballot. January 2009 was probably the low point for the GOP and the height of the Democratic/Obama frenzy. Flash forward to the brink of summer with continued economic woes and enough time for one-party rule to scare some of these unaffiliated voters and the numbers have shifted somewhat, now 19% want to vote in the Republican Primary and 33% in the Democratic Primary.

Conventional wisdom has been that more moderate candidates, especially on the Republican side have a greater chance of attracting DTS voters to weigh-in for them. However… Read More

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