NEW POLL: Gov Race Tightens, Voters Split on AB 32
Today’s Capitol Weekly features new poll results from the Capitol Weekly/Probolsky Research CA Poll. The economy still tops concerns of voters statewide.
The GOP Primary race for Governor is tightening but Tom Campbell still leads with 13% (voting for and leaning toward), Whitman gets 10% and Poizner at 8%. This represents a 100% increase in Poinzner’s numbers since our last poll. Most voters though are undecided. We changed the ballot designations for all three candidates in this poll to more accurately reflect what might appear on the ballot. Having reached out to all three candidates to provided a new preferred ballot designation, only Poizner’s campaign provided one: Entrepreneur/Educator
On the Dem side Attorney General Jerry Brown leads with 24% (we did not include Sen. Feinstein this time). San Francisco Mayor Gavin Newsom gets 16% and rival from the south LA Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa rates 15% (all numbers combine voting for and leaning toward voting for).
Voters are split on whether to move full… Read More