Democrat Legislators Are Predictabel — Majority Vote Taxes
Well, the Democrats are acting predictably, I am sorry to say. This morning in my commentary (a couple of post below this one), I said that the Democrats would unveil tax increases as part of their plan. This morning just after 11am, the Sacramento Bee posted this story: Assembly Democrats Push Oil, Tobacco Taxes.
I urged Democrats to just come out with their nefarious plans — and they did! Once again, they have demonstrated that they are completely tone dead from the message sent by voters last month with the overwhelming rejection of Proposition 1A and its tax increases.
The attempt by Democrats to hike taxes are not surprising in the slightest. After all, we are talking about Democrat caucuses that are split between complete union hacks, whose fealty to the public employee union bosses leave them unable to vote for cuts that would negatively impact the core mission of the unions (to increase the wages and benefits for union members, as well as increase the size of the union) — and liberal ideologues to whom making any cuts in social welfare programs, let alone cuts of this… Read More