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Senator Benoit: Blowing The Whistle On State Waste

My boss, Senator Benoit, has penned a commentary giving credit to FlashReport bloggers’and the Republican Caucus’ ongoing efforts to root out waste in State government: Blowing The Whistle On State Waste


Over the past few years, the gifted researchers from the State Senate Republican Caucus have captured insightful snapshots of real-life government waste in action.These witty and all too regular installments, called “Waste Watchers,” have brought to light dozens of tales of egregious activity in State and local governments. Since taking Senate office in December, my Chief of Staff has regularly posted these features here on the FlashReport, continuing a great tradition from my predecessor, Senator Jim Battin.All told, these features have exposed nearly $500 million in wasteful spending. … Read More

Jon Fleischman

Poizner Augments Senior Campaign Staff

It’s late on a Friday afternoon, and I just got a press release in from the Poizner for Governor campaign, announcing some new hires. I’ll pull the relevant paragraphs from their release and put them below. Have a great weekend! Deputy Campaign Manager – Audrey Perry Audrey Perry has joined the campaign as Deputy Campaign Manager. Audrey most recently worked as Campaign Finance Counsel for McCain-Palin 2008 and as Deputy General Counsel for the Romney for President campaign. She previously served as legal counsel to the Committee on House Administration of the U.S. House of Representatives, where she advised on campaign finance, lobby disclosure, and election administration issues. She has also worked at the Federal Election Commission, where she was a law clerk to Commissioner Michael E. Toner, and at the Campaign LegalRead More

Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: Liberals In The Legislature: Unions Aren’t Your Friends — And Steinberg’s Quixotic “Voluntary” Pay Cut Campaign

MEMO TO LIBERAL IDEOLOGUES: PUBLIC EMPLOYEE UNIONS ARE NOT YOUR FRIENDS True liberal ideologues in the state legislature, you are agonizing over the needed cuts in state government programs because you believe in a healthy "social contract" between the people and their government. You believe to your core that in America, everyone is entitled to a standard of living that, for some, must be provided in total or in part by the government. You believe that it is right and good for those who have benefited financially from America’s free market system to "bring up" those in this country who really never have or will have the ability to pull themselves up. Victims of society, as you refer to them, need protection and assistance from those who can afford to provide it. I don’t agree with this philosophy, but I "get it" and understand that it is a valid, if flawed, point of view.

If you are one of these ideologues, then you really need to step back and look at the out of control state public employee unions. If… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Liberals In The Legislature: Unions Aren’t Your Friends — And Steinberg’s Quixotic “Voluntary” Pay Cut Campaign

MEMO TO LIBERAL IDEOLOGUES: PUBLIC EMPLOYEE UNIONS ARE NOT YOUR FRIENDS True liberal ideologues in the state legislature, you are agonizing over the needed cuts in state government programs because you believe in a healthy "social contract" between the people and their government. You believe to your core that in America, everyone is entitled to a standard of living that, for some, must be provided in total or in part by the government. You believe that it is right and good for those who have benefited financially from America’s free market system to "bring up" those in this country who really never have or will have the ability to pull themselves up. Victims of society, as you refer to them, need protection and assistance from those who can afford to provide it. I don’t agree with this philosophy, but I "get it" and understand that it is a valid, if flawed, point of view.

If you are one of these ideologues, then you really need to step back and look at the out of control state public employee unions. If… Read More

Assemblyman Curt Hagman

Long Summer for School Kids? Blame the Red-Tape

On the rare occasion where all parties involved in a situation can come to a common-sense solution, time is of the essence.

Recently an accounting error by the Chino Valley Unified School District has caused quite a stir in our community. The school district has come across an error in its bell schedule, and consequently fourth through sixth graders at two elementary schools were a few minutes short of instructional minutes on several shortened days.

Currently, if no action is taken, the school year will be extended 34 days to make up the time lost due to this mistake. These make up days would be mandatory for all fourth- through sixth-graders at those two elementary schools. Aside from the fact that these school kids are paying for the mistakes of irresponsible adults, it is astounding for me to learn about all the regulatory red-tape we impose on our local school districts. I understand the need for rules and regulations, but it should also be obvious to even the most ignorant of observers that this mistake was not made with malicious intent.

With bi-partisan support, support from the school board, the school district superintendent and the local… Read More

Matthew J. Cunningham

So-Called “Blue Dog” Democrat Loretta Sanchez Casts Deciding Vote To Cut-Off Gitmo Funding

For years, Rep. Loretta Sanchez has fooled too many people into thinking she’s some kind of conservative "Blue Dog" Democrat, even as she amasses a reliably left-wing voting record.

Sanchez punctured that myth yet again today, casting the deciding vote to cut off funding for Guantanamo and going along with the new, dainty, squeamish sensibility of the Age of Obama that will somehow win the War of Terror (that is, if we still called it that).

But Sanchez first voted against cutting off funding. Then the hammer of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi came down hard of Loretta, who 10 minutes later changed her vote.

Spineless, on top of being plain wrong. What a combo.

Plus, Loretta hands yet another issue to GOP Assemblyman Van Tran, prepping a run to take out Loretta in 2010.

You can read more about it on… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Carla’s Obsession With Jerry Brown’s Announcement…

FR friend Carla Marinucci, a veteran political reporter over at the San Francisco Chronicle, is apparently so bored at the office that she is looking for something, anything to write about.

Is there any FlashReport reader out there that doesn’t know this startling piece of California political intelligence — Jerry Brown is running for Governor?

I didn’t think so.

Carla, though, is hyper-obsessing on looking for clues about whether he is running. You can see two posts on this here and here. As we said above, either Carla is that bored — or perhaps there is an ulterior motive? Our current theory is that she is so upset about the recent retirement of her colleague and friend John Wildermuth from the Chronicle that she is not thinking straight.

Anyways, you can always see if he is running by checking the Los Angeles Times.… Read More

Meredith Turney

Sacramento Mayor at Center of White House Scandal

For the past week conservative talk show hosts have been following the unfolding scandal of President Obama’s firing of AmeriCorps inspector general Gerald Walpin. Sacramento Mayor Kevin Johnson is actually at the center of this scandal, as it was his non-profit organization Walpin discovered was abusing federal grants.

It was alleged that Johnson’s charity St. HOPE Academy misused the federal money for political purposes and personal errands—such as car washes—for Johnson. Johnson and his charity agreed to pay back $847,000 worth of grants they received from AmeriCorps between 2004 and 2007. Sacramento voters will recall that last year during the campaign for mayor, this scandal threatened to derail John’s bid to unseat incumbent Heather Fargo. But Johnson was able to survive the bad publicity and ultimately defeat Fargo.

Late last week Fox News Channel host Glenn Beck brought national attention to the fact an independent inspector general had been unceremoniously fired from his job and questioned the possible political motivation behind it. It was suggested that the firing… Read More

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