Budget Kabuki – Senate GOPers Stand Tall!
Praise is due this morning to Governor Schwarzenegger and Senate Republicans for putting the brakes on a partial budget fix yesterday that would have kicked the proverbial can on fixing the budget shortfall projected for the coming fiscal year. As we have said, the top priority of Capitol Republicans must be a $24 billion comprehensive fix — lest we end up back at it in the Spring, with pressures high to raise taxes.
I get that there are some decent policy reasons to want to enact this particular group of cuts now. But, guess what? There is always and excuse or a reason to look to the short term instead of the long term.
Hopefully today the leadership teams of Senate and Assembly Republicans are meeting with each other and with the Governor. Republican unity and focus on the end goal with be required to protect taxpayers in this crisis.
Democrats have hopefully learned that they will need to put up a complete fix to this budget situation if they want GOP approval. Delaying this, whether for weeks or months, is not an option.… Read More