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Bill Leonard

Revised Budget Do Over

I watched the Democrat press conference on the Calcliptv Youtube channel

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and found several… Read More

Jon Fleischman

FR Twitter Feed

FlashReport’s official Twitter Feed is here, or you can sign up on Twitter by looking for "FlashReport" — follow us today! (If you are one of the hundreds to have signed up to follow "JonFlash" – my personal Twitter feed — even though I don’t Tweet there, you’ll want to change that.)Read More

Inside the Beltway News — Monday

Newport Beach-based bond maestro Bill Gross earned a glowing multi-page profile in the New York Times Sunday edition, a link is here.

Bay Area Congresswoman and soon-to-be diplomat Ellen Tauscher is profiled for her diplomacy as presiding officer of the House, in today’s Roll Call, here.

Roll Call also reports on the May fundraising report filings for the respective party campaign committees, here.

Reagan-Bush (41) alums outline the interesting argument that government health care might face privacy challenges under a constitutional test, in today’s WSJ, here.… Read More

Jon Fleischman

To Pass a “Water Solution” Advocates Must Learn The Lesson Of Proposition 1A’s Failure

Apparently while on the stump in Fresno late last week, talking about the state’s fiscal crisis, a frustrated Fresnan lambasted the Governor for the lack of water — and calling for dams and canals to be built.

This unnamed man in the Sacramento Bee story linked above is justified in venting his frustration about the problems of water delivery in the Central Valley — that having been said, his aim is a bit off. If I am a Californian who is frustrated about the water-availability challenges facing the Golden-But-Thirsty state, I would look at these three primary causes, all of which place the blame for our current man-made crisis at the feet of Sacramento Democrats:

1) Federal laws prioritize critters and plant-life over people. The federal government primarily has passed too many laws that deprioritize the needs of people — and rather places a higher priority in the protection of critters and plants. We all understand the need for some balance to ensure that resources are available for this and future generations, but many of these laws… Read More

Michael Der Manouel, Jr.

Flip Flopping All To Common In The Legislature

The news today that Assemblyman Jim Nielsen pulled a Benedict Arnold on the Poizner campaign wasn’t a total surprise. Team Poizner secured support from an overwhelming majority of State Assembly members and Senators early in the campaign, so it’s reasonable to believe that after Meg Whitman entered the campaign they might lose the endorsement of a few of the legislators on the periphery. I’m sure that the Whitman campaign feels as though they scored a point today, but they still have a long way to go when it comes to securing support from the Republican legislators and local elected officials who matter. It would help if Meg had been a Republican for more than a year or two, but that’s a different story all together.

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Senator Benoit: Blowing The Whistle On State Waste

My boss, Senator Benoit, has penned a commentary giving credit to FlashReport bloggers’and the Republican Caucus’ ongoing efforts to root out waste in State government: Blowing The Whistle On State Waste


Over the past few years, the gifted researchers from the State Senate Republican Caucus have captured insightful snapshots of real-life government waste in action.These witty and all too regular installments, called “Waste Watchers,” have brought to light dozens of tales of egregious activity in State and local governments. Since taking Senate office in December, my Chief of Staff has regularly posted these features here on the FlashReport, continuing a great tradition from my predecessor, Senator Jim Battin.All told, these features have exposed nearly $500 million in wasteful spending. … Read More

Jon Fleischman

Poizner Augments Senior Campaign Staff

It’s late on a Friday afternoon, and I just got a press release in from the Poizner for Governor campaign, announcing some new hires. I’ll pull the relevant paragraphs from their release and put them below. Have a great weekend! Deputy Campaign Manager – Audrey Perry Audrey Perry has joined the campaign as Deputy Campaign Manager. Audrey most recently worked as Campaign Finance Counsel for McCain-Palin 2008 and as Deputy General Counsel for the Romney for President campaign. She previously served as legal counsel to the Committee on House Administration of the U.S. House of Representatives, where she advised on campaign finance, lobby disclosure, and election administration issues. She has also worked at the Federal Election Commission, where she was a law clerk to Commissioner Michael E. Toner, and at the Campaign LegalRead More

Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: Liberals In The Legislature: Unions Aren’t Your Friends — And Steinberg’s Quixotic “Voluntary” Pay Cut Campaign

MEMO TO LIBERAL IDEOLOGUES: PUBLIC EMPLOYEE UNIONS ARE NOT YOUR FRIENDS True liberal ideologues in the state legislature, you are agonizing over the needed cuts in state government programs because you believe in a healthy "social contract" between the people and their government. You believe to your core that in America, everyone is entitled to a standard of living that, for some, must be provided in total or in part by the government. You believe that it is right and good for those who have benefited financially from America’s free market system to "bring up" those in this country who really never have or will have the ability to pull themselves up. Victims of society, as you refer to them, need protection and assistance from those who can afford to provide it. I don’t agree with this philosophy, but I "get it" and understand that it is a valid, if flawed, point of view.

If you are one of these ideologues, then you really need to step back and look at the out of control state public employee unions. If… Read More

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