Governor Orders Fiscal State of Emergency; Requires 3rd Monthly Furlough Day From State Employees
At 11:30am today, Governor Schwarzenegger held a press conference where he issued a State of Emergency due to the budget impasse, and also has ordered a third non-paid furlough day for each state employee through June 30, 2010. Below is a release put out by the Governor’s office with the details…
Gov. Schwarzenegger Declares State of Emergency Due to Budget Impasse Governor Calls Legislature into Prop 58 Special Session, Issues Executive Order to Impose Three Furloughs per MonthFollowing the legislature’s inability to pass a comprehensive solution to solve California’s entire $24.3 billion deficit, Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger today proclaimed a fiscal emergency and called a Proposition 58 legislative special session to address this emergency. Additionally, the Governor exercised his executive authority to save cash for vital state functions and services by ordering three furlough days every month.
“Though the legislature failed to… Read More