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Mules Pulling Hummer Picture

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Could We Be Nearing The Final Stretch Of The Budget Negotiations?

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Tab Berg

Bad info flows fast on the internet…

The internet is a great tool – it distributes information, helps us organize…and occasionally its spreads false information quickly, without the benefit of accuracy.

That’s what’s happening now regarding SB 572 – the Leno bill to create “Harvey Milk” day.

An email alert from CRA and a post on Flashreport lists a number of Republican Assembly members as possibly supporting the bill.

The problem is – it’s not true. At least its not true in regards to the Assemblyman from the 65th District – Col. Paul Cook.

Colonel Cook voted against a similar bill last year (AB 2567) and remains opposed to the current version.

I’m frankly confused as to what led anyone to believe Col. Cook changed his position. There has been no statement, no release – in fact, no information of any kind that even the most cursory investigation would imply that Col. Cook has changed his position.

I can’t speak on behalf of… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Mirror Mirror On The Wall, Who’s The Most Hypocritical Group Of All?

Q: Mirror, mirror on the wall – who is the most hypocritical group of all? A: The California Teachers Association, of course.

The California Teachers Association (CTA) has just launched television ads attacking Governor Schwarzenegger for his proposal to suspend the Proposition 98 spending guarantee on education. Let’s remember that education consumes the largest portion of the state’s general fund, which is out of what by like 25%. Of course you have to cut funding to education if you don’t have it.

But the CTA running this ad is total hypocracy because the public employee union is not about "better education" — hardly. The goals of the CTA, like all public employee unions, are two-fold: (1) Increase the salary and… Read More

BOE Member George Runner

Two Very Bad California Trends

The bad news continues to pour in as California faces the worst recession since the 1930’s.

First, California lost more than 100,000 manufacturing jobs in the past year and nearly 1,500 manufacturing jobs in November. In fact, more than 536,000 jobs have been lost in the sector since the decline started in Dec. 2000 — nearly a 28 percent decline.

While most western state’s manufacturing sectors have also lost jobs, California’s manufacturing situation is far worse. As a matter of fact, California’s costs to do business is 24 percent higher than the national average and contributes to its manufacturing segments lagging behind key western states which compete for manufacturing jobs – jobs that provide (or did provide) hard working California families with upwardly mobile, high paying job opportunities.

The second major problem is that since January of 2001 the private sector has experienced a 2% decline in jobs. Given the recession we are living through, that would provide a great deal of explanation. Unfortunately, during the same time period, government jobs have grown 7%. This is the wrong way street California has been… Read More

Meredith Turney

GOP Assemblymembers Voting for Harvey Milk Day?!

Capitol Resource Family Impact and the California Republican Assembly both sent out alerts to their supporters this week, warning them that there are rumors in the capitol Republican assemblymembers may be considering voting for SB 572, Mark Leno’s bill that will make May 22 Harvey Milk Day in California. Governor Schwarzenegger vetoed identical legislation last year, citing the overly broad impact of declaring a statewide day of significance for a San Francisco County supervisor. The legislation calls for all schools and educational institutions to participate in “exercises remembering the life of Harvey Milk, recognizing his accomplishments, and familiarizing pupils with the contributions he made to this state.” Apparently the wavering Republicans believe that because SB 572 doesn’t explicitly mandate schools to participate in Harvey Milk Day activities, they can vote in favor or simply abstain. However, legislators should know better than anyone else that “encouragement” from the government eventually turns intoRead More

Looking Ahead: Next California Fiscal Trainwreck

Below is a policy briefing prepared for Senator Benoit who, as Vice Chairman of the Senate Energy Committee, drives the Republican agenda on Energy matters. AB 32, rushed through the legislature by Fabian Nunez and Governor Schwarzenneger, sets virtually unattainable goals for California’s use of renewable energy. (Compare to Federal Cap and Trade policy… on steriods!) Senator Benoit for the past year has been seeking more reasonable timelines for implementation, and the inclusion of already in use renewable energy sources such as hydro and nuclear generation. The bottom line compromise sought? A reasonable, attainable policy that won’t stick taxpayers with soaring utility bills.

Introduction – A Lesson From History On both page and screen, “A Bridge Too Far” is the heartbreaking story of Operation Market Garden, the Allies’ courageous but failed attempt to crack the German lines in the occupied Netherlands during World War II.

Tens of thousands of paratroopers were dropped deep behind German lines to secure a series of bridges over which… Read More

Mike Spence

Long Beach targets businesses to force gay agenda.

Republican turned Democrat Long Beach City Councilman Robert Garcia is happy to tell you what to do. After his election to the city council he immediately got down to business to squash all those scofflaws smoking at bus stops.

Now Garcia has a new personal crusade. According to, he wants Long Beach to coerce businesses doing business with the city to give benefits to domestic partnerships. Garcia, who is gay, not that there is anything wrong with that, believes that this is more important the contracting with the qualified lowest bidder.

Of course, taxpayers will pay for the benefits as companies that do business with the city charge more to cover their costs. Other cities that have done this like San Francisco and LA aren’t shining examples of fiscal responsibility.

These ordinances aren’t about the money, they are about forcing their view about homosexuality on business OR making sure people of faith don’t have opportunity to bid on government contracts.

The Long Beach Chamber of Commerce is neutral. They have to be or else. If the issue was forcing businesses to… Read More

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