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Shawn Steel

Republicans come roaring back

When the Wall Street Journalbellowsthat the "Budget Deal Gives Boost to California Republicans", you know the Party has finally turned the the corner.

Senator Dennis Hollingsworth whose initial ascent gave hope to Republicans, that Republicans would behave like Republicans instead of accommodationists for bankrupt [literally] union legislative spending.The prior leader was woefully out of his depth. Let’shope that he is thelast of the ‘let’s get along crowd’ that has dramatically tarnished the Republican brand, hurt CRP fund raising and discouraged conservatives.Read More

Jon Fleischman

VIDEO: Senate Prez Whines About 2/3 Vote Requirement

For FlashReport readers with a strong constitution and about seven extra minutes to spare, check out this video of State Senate President Darrell Steinberg. Within the first minute of his remarks of this afternoon, he starts railing on the 2/3 vote requirement to raise taxes and to pass a budget. It is a theme that he echoes over, and over, and over again. The voracious appetite of liberals to overtax the people is just stunning — and serves as a reminder of why the supermajority vote requirements are there. It is abundantly clear that Democrats want to end those requirements so that they can ratchet up a redistribution of wealth scheme that will leave our state floundering with an even worse economy.

Oh well, here is the whining of the Senate President…

(At the tail end, Steinberg talks about pushing a vote tonight or in the early hours. I sure hope that State Senate Republicans block such a manuever. Shame on them if, when it is over, they never gave conservative policy experts outside of the building a chance to review the documents and give substantive input.)… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Carole, John and Sheila – Time To Find Real Jobs?

There are a myriad of cuts in the budget deal in the billions of dollars. A small amount of those savings would come from the axing of the Integrated Waste Management Board (there are five political appointees to that commission, all making generous six-figure salaries for what many characterize as part time work).

Three of the members of this commission are former Democrat lawmakers Carole "Crash" Migden, John "We Need More Taxes" Laird, and Sheila "I want government healthcare" Kuehl.

If the deal passes as described, at the end of this year, this particular board will vaporize, causing these three expanders of government to have to find a job. Unfortunately the big spending policies they embraced during their time in the legislature has played a contrributing role in making the recession here in California worse than it could be. So it’s not a very good time to look for a job.

That said, here is a website for Migden to help her start looking.

This site looks like a good starting point for Laird.

Kuehl can… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Thanks, Steve!

I just got this nice note from Insurance Commissioner Steve Poizner, who read my column in support of term limits over on CalBuzz. Steve’s praise is especially meaningful because of his leadership role in defeating Prop. 93, or as we dubbed it, "The Fabian Nunez Career Extension Act."

Poizner’s note is below (for those who fear I would print your notes to me without asking — I asked Steve if I could post it, and he said it was okay)… Jon, I want to applaud your submission to Calbuzz this morning on term limits. I think you are spot on with many of your points. As you know, I was a leading voice on voting “No” to Prop 93. Even though we were outspent 3 to 1, voters sent the clear message that they favor strict term limits. As this budget process has demonstrated, we need to change the type ofRead More

Jon Fleischman


This just off the transom…

The Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Association Political Action Committee announced today it has formally endorsed the recall of Anthony Adams, an Assemblymember who brazenly violated his pledge to his constituents not to raise their taxes.

Adams, who represents parts of Los Angeles and San Bernardino Counties, cast one of the deciding votes that imposed the highest tax increase in the history of all 50 states.

HJTA-PAC President Jon Coupal said the PAC's action is based both on principle and on the practical.

“Voters have every right to toss out politicians who lie in order to gain office and who demonstrate they have no intention of defending the interests of those who elected them,” said Coupal. “Blocking further damaging tax increases requires we have lawmakers the taxpayers can trust, and Adams has proven he cannot be trusted.”

In February, thanks to Adams, the Legislature imposed higher sales taxes, already the highest in the nation; higher income taxes, already the highest in the nation; higher car taxes, now the highest in the nation and increased taxes on… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Why Rushing To A Vote Is A Bad Idea

“Transparency” is a great sounding word. It probably polls well, but what does it mean? In the context of the budget deal, at this point, it really means having the final language of the bills in the package in print and available to legislators and the public. But it is more than just having the information available, transparency is enhanced by having it available to DO something with it.

I am sure that many GOP legislators recall the chaos and confusion that surrounded the final days and hours of the ill-fated February budget deal. I can't tell you how many Republican legislators who have privately told me that in retrospect, they wished they had voted different. Most of them cited the rushed process and lack of detailed information as contributing to votes they now regret.

I can tell you from my perspective, as an “interested-party-not-in-the-Capitol” that my experience with that February deal was not good, but instructive.

I along with many people I know were assured that the language in Prop. 1A was a spending cap. And when I say assured — I mean over and over. Assurances came from some legislators… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Is ACORN Intentionally Structured As A Criminal Enterprise?

I see U.S. Representative Darrell Issa as a combination of a stinger missile and the Energizer Bunny. As the ranking Republican on the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee, FR friend Issa has been relentless at holding the feet of the Majority Party to the fire — over and over and over…

Now Issa has confronted a controversial issue – Is ACORN Intentionally Structured As a Criminal Enterprise? A new report released today by the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee Republicans presents evidence that ACORN has evaded taxes, obstructed justice, engaged in racketeering, and created a conspiracy to defraud the United States. ACORN’s ability to flaunt the law is made possible by a complex structure that hides illegal uses of funds and positions low-level employees to take the fall when it gets caught for illegal acts. Federal taxpayer dollars continue to flow to ACORN – this report explains in great detail why Americans should be outraged by taxpayerRead More

Jon Fleischman

Conservative Leaders To Legislature: Wait 72 Hours Before A Vote On Budget Deal — Give Public A Chance To Give Input

Yesterday afternoon a group of prominent California conservative leaders (including yours truly) sent an open letter to the 120 members of the state legislature urging them not to vote on or for any proposed budget deal until all of the text of the proposed legislation has been available to the public for 72 hours… One of the flaws of the tragic February budget deal was its secrecy and lack of transparency. In a representative democracy, the people have the right to understand what is being voted on, and to have enough time to give input and feedback to their elected legislators…

Here is the letter…

An Open Letter to Republican Members of the California State Legislature: July 22, 2009Read More

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