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Meredith Turney

Californians for Smart Energy Takes on CEC

Jon’s commentary today featured the new coalition of small businesses that have formed to combat the ridiculous and dangerous energy policies being imposed upon Californians by the California Energy Commission. The coalition, Californians for Smart Energy, held a press conference in Sacramento today to discuss how the CEC’s latest limits on our energy consumption are further hurting our economy. The press conference mostly covered a lot of the details Jon mentioned in his commentary: the new limits on TV electricity usage would essentially ban big screen TVs in our state. Looks like Super Bowl Sunday will become a major travel day in California as citizens visit friends or family in other states who are allowed to have their big screen.

During… Read More

Carl Fogliani

Congressman Cardoza -Blue Chicken

Last night, Congressman Dennis Cardoza was scheduled to address a meeting of the Stanislaus County Farm Bureau. After a local radio show mentioned this fact, Cardoza cancelled his appearance which led to a cancellation of the meeting. While Democrats in safe districts host town halls, it’s obvious the folks representing vulnerable districts are under strict orders from their handlers to hide.

Cardoza likes to tout that he is a bluedog. I propose that Cardoza resign from the bluedogs and start his own group of Congressmen who are currently in hiding. He could call it the "bluechickens." His first member could be fellow Democrat Congressman Jerry McNerney, who has completely disappeared from the district after he cast a YES vote for the government takeover of our healthcare system.

Under pressure, his spokewoman said he is conducting a "tele-townhall" this evening when pressed by the Tracy Press as to why he wasn’t having townhalls. She even called it part of his listening tour…AFTER HE HAS VOTED FOR THE BILL! I’m sure that will be a tough one. We all know that tele-townhalls have a screening mechanism… Read More

BOE Member George Runner

Global warming legislation will bring economic chill

Californians should be skeptical when their legislators ask them to make great sacrifices for dubious reasons. Sure, there are times when citizens need to be mobilized to make do with less for the greater good – World War II era rationing comes to mind. But the type of collective sacrifice now fashionable among liberal politicians based on scientifically “proven” global warming research certainly deserves our skepticism, and not just because the world has been experiencing record cool temperatures.

The liberal-dominated Legislature has fully accepted the apocalyptic calls from radical environmental special interest groups and forced California to unilaterally reduce so-called greenhouse gases when it passed Assembly Bill 32 (the Global Warming act) back in 2006. Unfortunately, Californians are now stuck footing the bill. The effects of this policy monstrosity, once it is fully implemented, will be felt by every resident.

A recent study from Sacramento State University estimates that California small business will pay nearly $50,000 more in costs due to AB 32. Naturally, these costs will be passed on to the consumers. Indeed, after full implementation, AB… Read More

Whole Foods Boss On Half-Baked Health Care Proposal (and more…)

Like it or not, there is something distinctly, even "raw"-ly capitalistic about shopping at Whole Foods. If you believe my friends in the ag business, it’s darned hard to prove that organic food has any better nutritional value than conventionally-grown products. But that doesn’t stop Whole Foods from making money in a sector long thought to operate on razor thin margins with very little consumer loyality. And today I learn that the company’s CEO is really a living, breathing capitalist.

John Mackey, CEO of Whole Foods penned an op ed column in today’s Wall Street Journal. To wit, on health care reform proposals:

"While we clearly need health care reform, the last thing our country needs is a massive new health care entitlement that will create hundreds of billions of dollars of new unfunded deficits and move us much closer to a government takeover of our health care system."

"While all of us empathize with those who are sick, how can we say that all people have more of an intrinsic right to health care… Read More

Jon Fleischman

UPDATED: Next Gay Marriage Battle Will Be In 2012


This just in from – a statement from Ron Prentice:

"The decision today by EQ CA demonstrates the difficulty of the task to turn back Prop 8, traditional marriage, and the will of the people. The best opportunity to enforce same-sex was in last November’s election. More and more people in California and across the country are becoming informed of marriage’s meaning to children and society. The coalition will continue and expand their educational approach in the neighborhoods of California to reinforce Prop 8’s standing and value."

Original Post (1130am): Just a few minutes ago, the folks over at Equality California, the umbrella group… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: New Coalition Formed To Stop Energy Commission’s Plan To Ban Big Screen Televisions

FlashReport readers will recall that I recently bestowed the “honor” of our Golden Trashcan Award to policy being put forward by the California Energy Commission (CEC) to ban big screen televisions in the name of Orwellian efforts to reduce energy consumption by – you!

Since I wrote that commentary, I noted that a new coalition has formed to fight this lame-brained idea, and others like it – Californians for Smart Energy. Today members of this coalition held a news conference outside of the CEC’s offices to oppose the big screen ban, and it arbitrary energy limits on televisions.

That’s right, a bunch of unaccountable, unelected bureaucrats now want to control what TVs we can or cannot buy here in the “Golden State.”

Californians for Smart Energy is a… Read More

Jon Fleischman

New Coalition Formed To Stop Energy Commission’s Plan To Ban Big Screen Televisions

FlashReport readers will recall that I recently bestowed the “honor” of our Golden Trashcan Award to policy being put forward by the California Energy Commission (CEC) to ban big screen televisions in the name of Orwellian efforts to reduce energy consumption by – you!

Since I wrote that commentary, I noted that a new coalition has formed to fight this lame-brained idea, and others like it – Californians for Smart Energy. Today members of this coalition held a news conference outside of the CEC’s offices to oppose the big screen ban, and it arbitrary energy limits on televisions.

That’s right, a bunch of unaccountable, unelected bureaucrats now want to control what TVs we can or cannot buy here in the “Golden State.”

Californians for Smart Energy is a… Read More

Jon Fleischman

U-Haul Rates Still Show Migration From California

Those who have any question about why Texas is becoming an attractive place to which Californians are moving, check out this study by the American Legislative Exchange Council (this isn’t new, it’s a few months old).

Just to see if U-Haul is still having to pay its employees to drive empty trucks back to California, I checked to see if it is still vastly more expensive to rent a truck going FROM California to Texas than visa versa.

To rent a 26′ truck from West Los Angeles to Austin – $2,151. To rent that same truck from Austin to West LA – $678.

That should be very telling…… Read More

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