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Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: Edwin Ramos — Gavin Newsom’s Willie Horton Moment

As 2010 approaches, I’ve be taking some time to handicap next year’s gubernatorial race. I will continue to comment on the Republican race as it develops but want to focus on the General Election next year and why Gavin Newsom’s nomination presents serious issues for Democrats in California.

As mayor of San Francisco, Newsom has consistently fallen into line with his city’s liberal political wing, most notably his support of same-sex marriage. Last year the voters showed they weren’t ready for that idea of Newsom’s.

But those in the know (as I am finding out) are aware of an issue that will be much tougher for Newsom to shake than gay marriage in a general election next year. Newsom has been a vocal supporter of San Francisco’s illegal “Sanctuary City” policy in which city officials are directed to NOT inform Federal immigration authorities when they detain or arrest an undocumented immigrant.

This policy, and Newsom’s steadfast backing of it, had real and deadly… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Edwin Ramos — Gavin Newsom’s Willie Horton Moment

As 2010 approaches, I’ve be taking some time to handicap next year’s gubernatorial race. I will continue to comment on the Republican race as it develops but want to focus on the General Election next year and why Gavin Newsom’s nomination presents serious issues for Democrats in California.

As mayor of San Francisco, Newsom has consistently fallen into line with his city’s liberal political wing, most notably his support of same-sex marriage. Last year the voters showed they weren’t ready for that idea of Newsom’s.

But those in the know (as I am finding out) are aware of an issue that will be much tougher for Newsom to shake than gay marriage in a general election next year. Newsom has been a vocal supporter of San Francisco’s illegal “Sanctuary City” policy in which city officials are directed to NOT inform Federal immigration authorities when they detain or arrest an undocumented immigrant.

This policy, and Newsom’s steadfast backing of it, had real and deadly… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Poizner Sues The Governor – Some Q&A

Yesterday Insurance Commissioner Steve Poizner announced that he was filing a lawsuit against Governor Schwarzenegger’s Administration over a provision enacted in the July budget deal that would stop an illegal state raid of $1 billion in assets in the State Compensation Insurance Fund. Sound a bit confusing? I reached out to Poizner for some Q&A to walk FR readers through what the Commish is up to…

FlashReport: Can you explain the lawsuit you’re filing against the Schwarzenegger administration? Poizner I am filing a lawsuit today to stop the state’s planned $1 billion of State Compensation Insurance Fund (SCIF) assets. The $1 billion transaction was authorized in the July state budget revision passed by the legislature and signed by the Governor. FR: What is SCIF?Read More

Jon Fleischman

Keeping Republicans In The Party – By Mistake?

I got a message from the Voter Registration Chairman for the Orange County Republican Party. She heard about the proposal I have put forward that says Republicans should choose Republican nominees for office. She was confused — she thought we already had that in place. (I can see where it is confusing, as the Presidential primary is open only to registered Republicans, but not the other races). She said that the party’s voter registration booths she encounters a great many people who are seriously thinking about re-registering from Republican to Decline To State. She’s been telling them that they should stay, and trying a number of arguments. But the most powerful and effective one? When she tells them that if they leave the party they can no longer vote in Republican primaries. That has been keeping a great many from leaving. Of course, it’s not true — and now she knows better so she can’t say that anymore. At least not for a few weeks…… Read More

Barry Jantz

IOU Bill Gets thru Approps

A follow up to my earlier post

I just got off the phone with Assemblyman Joel Anderson. His AB 1506, which would require California to accept as payment those state-registered warrants issued to citizens and businesses in lieu of real money, has passed the Assembly Appropriations Committee.

This, after the bill went to the dreaded suspense file just last week.Committee Chairman Kevin DeLeon apparently had a change of heart after Anderson was able to demonstrate the immediate state savings.As well, Anderson delivered a mere 1,500 letters of support to DeLeon yesterday.

Awaiting the Anderson release, but FR readers now have the update.… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Are you attending the Tea Party? Or is that the Tea Bag Rally?

Gotta love those Democrats. Capitol Weekly has the story about the Dems being 4 year olds (our words, not Cap Weekly’s). Speaking of the big rally — it’s tomorrow! Click on the ad at the top of the right column of ads for the details.… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Hegyi Endorsed By Senator Dave Cox in AD 10 Race

The 10th Assembly District which is centered in the San Joaquin and Sacramento County Areas – largely around South East Sacramento County, the Stockton area, and east into the foothills is a seat that had long been held by Republicans until last November when Democrat Alyson Huber narrowly defeated GOPer Jack Sieglock. As the saying goes, success has many fathers but failure is an orphan. In this case, no one wanted to take “credit” on the GOP side for Sieglock’s defeat and the shifting of this long-time Republican seat into the blue column. Some said that the candidate was to blame – did he campaign hard enough? Others said that funding priorities by the party and the Assembly GOP leadership were awry, and this caused the loss. I’ve heard others say that in the year of Obama, this seat was going to shift no matter what.

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Barry Jantz

IOU Bill Faces Committee Vote Today

Excerpted from the Assemblyman Anderson release….

The eyes of California Taxpayers will be focused squarely on the Assembly Appropriations Committee today, as Assembly Bill 1506 approaches a critical deadline … authored by Assemblyman Joel Anderson, (the bill) requires the State to accept its own IOUs as payment for taxes and fees.

Last week, AB 1506 was not allowed to come up for a vote, despite the fact that a majority of the committee’s members were co-authors of the bill. Committee Chairman Kevin De León denied Anderson’s bill a vote and sent it to the “Suspense File” – a place where bills typically go to die without a vote.

Yesterday, Assemblyman Anderson delivered more than 1,500 letters of support for AB 1506 to Chairman De León. Anderson’s office received the letters from labor unions, taxpayers, small businesses, charities, local government agencies, healthcare facilities and business leaders. California State Controller John Chiang also supports the bill.

The State has issued nearly $2 billion in IOUs since July 1st. The Controller expects to begin redeeming IOUs in early September,Read More

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