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FlashReport Weblog on California Politics

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Shawn Steel


Most politicos don’t usually socialize with terror apologists. Generally, theyare cautious to a fault. Which is whya politicalevent today in Sacramento raisesserious questions of what were they thinking. The extremist group CAIR (Committee for American-Islamic Relations)recently issued a press releaseannouncing its6th Annual Ramadan Iftar inside the Capitol Rotunda (see the release with a full list of legislative co-hosts attached to the bottom of this post).Read More

Shawn Steel


Most politicos don’t usually socialize with terror apologists. Generally, theyare cautious to a fault. Which is whya politicalevent today in Sacramento raisesserious questions of what were they thinking. The extremist group CAIR (Committee for American-Islamic Relations)recently issued a press releaseannouncing its6th Annual Ramadan Iftar inside the Capitol Rotunda (see the release with a full list of legislative co-hosts attached to the bottom of this post).Read More

BOE Member George Runner

Talking Prisons with Armstrong & Getty

Today I had the pleasure of chatting with Northern California radio jocks Armstrong & Getty. The topic: California’s prison issues – specifically, the early release of 27,000 prisoners.

The conversation went well and we even took calls from listeners. My favorite call was from the wife of an incarcerated 62-year-old man who is serving 22 months for trademark infringement. The caller was not specific about her husband’s crime, but she was livid that he was serving time arguing that he is no threat to society at his age.

Joe Getty pointed out that he was a threat to society a year ago when he was 61 years old and broke the law, so therefore why wouldn’t he be a threat now, or next year?

Here’s another point: He is in prison because he did something bad and deserves to face the consequences. Furthermore, the company, the employees and the investors he violated deserve justice. We have to remember that crimes have consequences. That’s how our justice system works.… Read More

BOE Member George Runner

Tea Party crowds: We’re not going to take it anymore

On Friday I joined thousands of Californians in a Tea Party protest on the west steps of the state capitol.

We came together to protest high taxation imposed by Liberal Democrats, and government’s burdensome regulations on water and energy. The bottom line is California taxpayers and business owners are sick to death of government intrusion. It’s ruining their livelihoods and quality of life, and they’re not going to take it anymore.

I spoke at the event, along with Republican Congressmen Tom McClintock, Northern California radio jocks Jack Armstrong and Joe Getty; Jon Coupal, president of the Howard Jarvis Taxpayers’ Association and Peter Foy, Ventura County Supervisor and the California chairman of Americans for Prosperity. Sacramento radio host Eric Hogue served as emcee.

Of the thousands of protesters, many were farmers and small business owners who have been particularly hit hard by the devastation of Central Valley farmlands in environmentalists’ effort to protect a 2-inch long minnow. The rally also attracted many… Read More

Jon Fleischman

More Thoughts On AB 1422

This morning I wrote about efforts to pass Speaker Karen Bass’ AB 1422, and why Republicans should not support it. The bill seeks to restore some of the welfare cuts that came out of the June budget revision by going after, as some would characterize it, "free money" — referring to grabbing federal tax dollars (hardly "free" to the taxpayers). Through slight of hand, the bills INCREASES STATE TAXES in order to qualify for federal money. Then uses some of that money to "make whole" those stuck with the higher taxes. The remainder is — "free money" courtesy of Uncle Sam, right?

Better yet still, those to be taxed (and reimbursed) WANT this, as they will profit when the "free money" is spent.

So it’s all good, right?


This devilish arrangement is bad in many ways, both on a policy level as well as politically.

I make the policy argument in my commentary, but to reiterate — the so-named Healthy Families program is sick. It doesn’t work well, and is in need of an overhaul of the sort that liberal ideologues are not in a hurry to do.

It is also… Read More

Congressman Doug LaMalfa

The Good Guys Protest: Tea Time At The Capitol

The Tea Party held in Sacramento last Friday served as an inspiration and a warning. I personally am very gratified that many Californians are speaking out for protecting their incomes from runaway Government spending and appetite for more taxation, as well as the emphasis on the usage of our state’s resources for people’s needs. Speaking as a farmer as well as a previous legislator, it is so helpful to have regular Californians stop what they are doing to come to where decisions are made and be seen and heard about these key issues.

Water usage, rights and water allocation is critical to so many jobs and the rural economy as we witness the devastationof an entire economy and 50% unemploymentin San Joaquin Valley counties. These Tea Party Patriots get that, that it means our state suffers with the jobs loss, the economic loss and the pressure to then raise taxes in a misguided attempt to replace that revenuewith higher taxation.

As we watch California burn once again [thank goodness so far it isn’t like last year when the statewide fire season started in June and went all summer, with brown, smoky skies for weeks even in… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Tom McClintock Shining The Way!

Freshman Republican Assemblyman Tom McClintock has outpaced every other member of the California Congressional Delegation for the last period, bringing in a total of $635,914. H/T to Dan Smith at the SacBee’s Capitol Alert blog for pointing out McClintock’s fundraising prowess.

Not mentioned in Smith’s take were two very important points. The first is that McClintock is very notably one of only a few House members to pledge not to carry or support Congressional earmarks (the Club for Growth keeps track here). Also extremely significant and refreshing is that unlike almost every other member of the California delegation, McClintock raised almost all of his funds from individual… Read More

Bill Leonard

California’s Fires – Nature Bites Back

Although the intentional use of fire to keep brush down is no longer as viable because of air quality regulations, we should learn from the Indians’ custom of actively controlling the land for the benefit of wildlife, and safety. The notion that the Indians preserved nature as if locked in amber is now being called "The Pristine Myth". The lesson we need to accept — that the Indians understood — is when nature is left to its own it may be bad for the environment. Too many snow geese can ruin wetlands, protected forests eventually rot and fall down, or burn (releasing way more carbon than new forests), and in California the environment is not clearly benefitting from the 20-30 foot high chaparral that has grown up in the hills surrounding Los Angeles — at least not as much as would grass and small shrubs animals could eat easily. We need a more dynamic approach to these public lands, perhaps cattle, goats or just clearing it by hand if necessary.

In Charles Mann’s book: "1491", his collaborative research argues the Indians dominated the hemisphere — humongous farms and cities in the Yucatan and South America,… Read More

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