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Jennifer Nelson

Interesting Bloomberg story on unconstitutional school bond sales

This Bloomberg story on how schools are refinancing existing bond debt is interesting–not only because it points out that school districts around the state may be increasing property taxes without anyone’s knowledge, but also because AG Jerry Brown is suing these districts, calling their actions unconstitutional. In the story, the Compton Unified School District is used as one of the examples. Only one out of seven trustess in Compton objected to the district’s bond refinancing scheme, saying, "Why don’t we have hearings so the community can have input on these bonds? We sit up here and shove it in their throats.” Read the full story here.… Read More

Ray Haynes

Voters Dont Care about the Rules

The battle lines are drawn. Fleischman says the rule on primary voting (restricting Republican primaries to Republicans alone) is necessary to "maintain a vibrant GOP." Maldanado says it is suicidal. I think it is much ado about nothing.

Tony Quinn, in his column in Fox and Hounds, gives the numbers. The number of independent voters in Republican primaries in less than four percent. Now, I have to admit, I never agree with Quinn’s assessments of what it wrong in the GOP, but numbers don’t lie. Independent primary voters are for the most part irrelevant in either party primary (being about 6 percent of the Democrat voters). That means that restricting them from our primaries won’t be disastrous,and including them won’t make the party any more or less vibrant.

On the whole, if pressed on the question, I would say that Republican primaries are for Republicans. Definitely no Democrats, but I am ambivalent on DTS voters. The reason Republicans are losing voters to DTS status is not because Republicans are too conservative, however, it is because they stand for nothing. The party of small government and less taxes,… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Do You Want A Strong, Vibrant GOP For Decades To Come? GOP-Only Primaries Are Essential.

In a few weeks the members of the California Republican Party Central Committee will gather in Riverside County for our semi-annual convention. At that convention, delegates will consider a change that I have proposed in the state party’s bylaws that, if passed, would establish that only registered Republicans may cast ballot in the primary to determine who will be our party’s nominee in all partisan general elections match ups.

When I tell people about this proposal, most people respond in disbelief, not having understood that currently millions of California voters who choose not to register as a Republican have the ability to cast a ballot in the GOP primary. As one said to me just yesterday, “That doesn’t make any sense – it’s our Republican Party primary, where Republicans select the nominee to go up against the Democrat in November, right?”

As it currently stands, Decline To State (or independent) voters may request a Republican ballot, and vote in GOP primaries. For some time now, only the GOP Presidential primary has been open only to Republican voters – as the Republican National Committee rules prevent the seating of any… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: Do You Want A Strong, Vibrant GOP For Decades To Come? GOP-Only Primaries Are Essential.

In a few weeks the members of the California Republican Party Central Committee will gather in Riverside County for our semi-annual convention. At that convention, delegates will consider a change that I have proposed in the state party’s bylaws that, if passed, would establish that only registered Republicans may cast ballot in the primary to determine who will be our party’s nominee in all partisan general elections match ups.

When I tell people about this proposal, most people respond in disbelief, not having understood that currently millions of California voters who choose not to register as a Republican have the ability to cast a ballot in the GOP primary. As one said to me just yesterday, “That doesn’t make any sense – it’s our Republican Party primary, where Republicans select the nominee to go up against the Democrat in November, right?”

As it currently stands, Decline To State (or independent) voters may request a Republican ballot, and vote in GOP primaries. For some time now, only the GOP Presidential primary has been open only to Republican voters – as the Republican National Committee rules prevent the seating of any… Read More

Congressman John Campbell

Ben Bernanke

As readers of this missive know, I frequently voice my opinionwhen I believe the President is doing the wrong thing. That has been the case with virtually everything he has done thus far. However, when he takes action that I believe to be correct or helpful, I will point that out as well. Such is the case this week when the President announced that he will reappoint Ben Bernanke as Chairman of the Federal Reserve for another 4 year term. This is a hugely important and very positive decision for the following reasons:

Independence: The Federal Reserve should make decisions for economic reasons and remain independent of the White House so as not to politicize those decisions. I would say this regardless of who the President is. Bernanke is independent and will have been appointed by both Bush and Obama. Replacing him could have sent a sign that the Administration was trying to control the Fed which would have been a terrible message and precedent.

Past performance: With the benefit of hindsight, one can criticize some of Bernanke’s moves and statements during his first term. Certainly, he can be criticized for not identifying… Read More

Assemblyman Nathan Fletcher

California CR’s hold Leadership Retreat in Simi Valley

As a long-time friend of the California College Republicans, I’m pleased to post the following recap of their fall leadership retreat (that took place, quite appropriately, at the Reagan Ranch):

Last weekend the California College Republicans met for their CR leadership retreat in Simi Valley. The Executive Board covered the rooms and a tour of the Reagan Library. Saturday was an intense day of training, including workshops on Fundraising, Media Messaging, and Activism, among others. State Senator Tony Strickland and his wife Assemblywoman Audra Strickland spoke on their experiences running for public office. On Sunday morning RNC National Committeeman Shawn Steel shared his thoughts about the future of our party and former NFL star Damon Dunn spoke on why he is a Republican. There were over 75 CR’s attendance.Read More

Assemblyman Curt Hagman

Early Release of Libyan Terrorist is Unacceptable

I have just introduced language (ACR 92) across the Assembly desk in order to condemn the actions of the Scottish government in the early release of Abdelbaset Ali Mohmed Al Megrahi. Abdelbaset is a Libyan terrorist who was convicted of 270 counts of murder on January 31, 2001, for his part in the bombing of Pan Am Flight 103 over Lockerbie, Scotland on December 21, 1988.

The flight was destroyed by a bomb, killing all 243 passengers and 16 crew members. Eleven more victims were killed on the ground by large sections of the plane that fell in and around the town of Lockerbie.

One hundred and eighty of the victims, or a full two-thirds of the fatalities, were American citizens, and seven of those victims were from California: Jerry Don Avritt, a 46 year old flight engineer from Westminster; Surinder Mohan Bhatia, a 51 year old businessman from Los Angeles; Stacie Denise Franklin, a 20 year old flight attendant from San Diego; Matthew Kevin Gannon, a 34 year old foreign service officer from Los Angeles; Paul Isaac Garret, a 41 year old flight attendant from Napa; Barry Joseph Valentino, a 28 year old exhibit designer from San Francisco; and Jonathan White, a 33… Read More

Barry Jantz

DA Dumanis Drops Busby Fracas Charges

Since I was — according to a story in the Union-Trib several days later — the lone reporter, blogger, and/or hack to have the "unofficial" police report (see the post) from the June 26 Francine Busby fundraisingincident, it is my obligation to update you with the news that, apparently, the story has ended with a Kumbaya….

Dumanis takes a pass on the Busby fundraising imbroglio ENCINITAS — After a nearly two-month investigation, District Attorney Bonnie Dumanis said Tuesday she has decided not to pursue charges against two women who were arrested at a fundraiser for congressional candidate Francine Busby. Read the rest of today’sU-T story.

No, I have no idea whether Dumanis, the… Read More

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