Will FEC start banning books? Not so far fetched a question
During the argument before the U.S. Supreme Court in the pending Citizens United vs. Federal Election Commission case on whether the documentary film "Hillary: the Movie," (a movie critical of Hillary Clinton’s record and policy positions) should be banned under the Federal Election Campaign Act in election season, a question was asked of one of the government lawyers, namely, whether such a ban would also apply to books that contain references to candidates. The government lawyer said "Yes, books can be banned" under the law in question.
Campaign finance reform advocates likeFred Wertheimer also agree, "books can be banned." But Supreme Court Justice Alito was not so keen on that idea when he heard it in the Citizens United case, and now the Supreme Court is holding a rare second oral argument in the case later this month on the specific subject of book burning, or, eh, I mean film and book banning, couched under the question of whether a corporation’s contributions to a communication that expressly advocates the election or defeat of a candidate can be banned. This goes to… Read More