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James V. Lacy

This post is about the Supreme Court and the FEC; not sex in Sacramento

The other news today besides the unexpected and Claude Rains-like shocking information about an Assemblyman having sex with lobbyists in Sacramento, comes from the halls of the United States Supreme Court, where a special second oral argument was held in the Citizens United vs. Federal Election Commission case that I have written about here before. Without going into too much detail on the legal mumbo jumbo, from the questions asked of the lawyers, it looks like there is a pretty firm 5-4 majority (at least to this observer) in favor of overturning the longstanding ban on corporate contributions in Federal political campaigns. For election lawyers, reading such a decision would be a little like being an Israelite observing Moses parting the Red Sea. But it is a question squarely before the count, and Justices Kennedy, Scalia and Thomas are absolutely on board with this notion, and by their questions, it appears that Justice Alito and Chief Justice Roberts are on the verge of deciding that the First Amendment belongs to everybody, including people who work for corporations (and likely unions to follow). Judge Sotomayor’s… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Norby Announces Candidacy for Assembly

If you feel like someone has hit the fast forward button on the DVR, you aren’t alone. I just got a call from Orange County Supervisor Chris Norby saying that we here at the FlashReport were the first to get the news — he is "all in" in the pending special election to fill out the unexpired term of Assemblyman Mike Duvall in the 72nd Assembly District, encompassing most of North Orange County.

Norby is in his 7th year on the Board of Supervisors and faces term limits next year. Norby rather famously won his Supervisor seat by taking out a sitting incumbent (Cynthia Coad) who was seeking reelection. Before that, Norby served for years on the Fullerton Cityu Council, and was a high school teacher.

And for those interested in such things, Norby’s campaign will be handled by the Lewis Consulting Group.

Will Norby clear the field for this run? It’s hit or miss in the OC where some primaries are non-events, and others are spectacularly rancorous. We’ll see how this develops…… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Republicans Must Stop Democrats from Using Vietnam Vets as Pawns

Yesterday, the Governor took a stand and demanded that the Democratic controlled legislature pull back all the bills on his desk until they get their act together and work with Republicans on key issues like water. The Democrats response: use Vietnam Veterans as a trial balloon to test the Governor. "I dare the governor to veto this bill," Assembly Democratic Majority Leader Albert Torrico childishly stated before the close of Tuesday’s session.

Everyone knows there are several issues where I don’t see eye to eye with the Governor, but I support his decision to veto this commemorative resolution 100% and Republicans should not even entertain the idea of an override for two key reasons.

First, we must use every piece of leverage available to force Democrats to give Republicans a seat at the table on major issues. What the Governor did yesterday was to send a powerful signal to Democrats – “Give us a seat at the table for a water package or expect all your bills to come back with a fat veto stamp.” (Frankly, I would love it if the Governor vetoed every single bill regardless.)

Second, we cannot allow Democrats to use a Veterans… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Assemblyman Mike Duvall Has Resigned His Office

Statement from Assemblyman Mike Duvall regarding his resignation from office today:

“I am deeply saddened that my inappropriate comments have become a major distraction for my colleagues in the Assembly, who are working hard on the very serious problems facing our state. I have come to the conclusion that it would not be fair to my family, my constituents or to my friends on both sides of the aisle to remain in office. Therefore, I have decided to resign my office, effective immediately, so that the Assembly can get back to work."

The statement is now available on Mike Duvall’s website here. We don’t do this often, but we thought we would toot our horn as we broke this resignation before any main stream media source — television, newspaper, radio… YEAH!

UPDATE: A funny aside, right after Duvall resigned, I got an email from Ken Mettler, President of the California Republican Assembly, calling on DuvallRead More

Jon Fleischman

Assemblyman Chris Norby?

Over at the venerable Red County/OC Blog website, editor Matt Cunningham has already begun to look past the fact that scandal-embroiled incumbent Mike Duvall still occupies his seat in the legislature, and is looking towards a potential special election if Duvall follows the advice of OC GOP Chairman Scott Baugh and resigns his seat.

Cunningham is a fan of Orange County Supervisor Chris Norby, whose Supervisorial District overlaps much of the 72 Assembly District, and who is facing term limits next year. You can read Norby’s comments over on Matt’s blog post here.

This Duvall scandal is exploding at light speed — and this kind of analysis coming from a "steady hand" in Orange County like Cunningham is telling indeed…… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Duvall Scandal Goes International: Headlines in UK Paper

The pseudo-news, tabloidy UK Daily Mail has decided to run with the Duvall scandal, choosing to tie the story to, of all people, Arnold Schwarzenegger. It’s worth a read to see how this is being portrayed over in jolly London… THE LINK: The spanking senator: Politician friend of Schwarzenegger caught on camera bragging about extra-marital affairRead More

Jon Fleischman

OC GOP Chairman and Former Assembly Republican Leader Calls On Duvall To Resign

OC Weekly’s Scott Moxley has just posted a follow up piece to his breaking story of last night on the ever-growing scandal of Mike Duvall.

In his latest piece, Moxley reports that well respected Orange County Republican Party Chairman Scott Baugh, formerly Assembly Republican Leader, has called on Mike Duvall to resign his office.

An excerpt from Moxley’s piece…

"There’s nothing defensible in what I saw or heard," Baugh said about the airing of video capturing Duvall graphically boast to a colleague during a public committee hearing about his sexual conquests with lobbyists. The key memorable line from the boasting was his gleeful observation that one of the lobbyists had complained that the assemblyman was "dripping out" of her when she walked up stairs after a sexual interlude. "My heart goes out to Mike’s family," said Baugh. "ButRead More

Jon Fleischman

Bass Dumps Duvall From Committees; Blakeslee Dumps Duvall From GOP Leadership

The Sacramento Bee has reported that GOP Assemblyman Mike Duvall has been removed from the Assembly Rules and Utilities and Commerce Committee after the startling revelations about his extra-marital affairs with Capitol lobbyists. Also, the leader of Assembly GOPers, Sam Blakeslee, has dumped Duvall from his leadership post in the Republican Caucus.

In the story are statements from Assembly Speaker Karen Bass and Assembly Republican Leader Sam Blakeslee:

"I am saddened and disappointed in the recent comments made by Assemblymember Mike Duvall. There is no question his comments were inappropriate. … The Assembly has some very important policy work to complete in the next couple of days and we will not allow this situation to become a distraction." — Speaker Karen Bass

"I am terriblyRead More

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