It’s the Messenger, Not the Message
My husband and I kept our second grader home today.Not because we thought that President Obama’s speech was going to be filled with partisan vitriol—we knew that it wouldn’t be.But when our son’s teacher sent us an email that she would be showing the “historic speech” I decided to have a conversation with the school principal (the teacher was out for the day) to learn what the motivation was for taking learning time out for this speech. Here’s the upshot of our chat:after a back-and-forth about the importance of telling kids that education is important and how the principal is happy to have anyone tell the kids to stay in school, especially the President of the United States, I asked him if he’d stop class to show a “stay in school and learn” speech by Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger.His response?“Why he’s no friend of education.”With that response, he made my point.You see, the education establishment’s participation in this Obama PR effort was not about the message, it was about the messenger.And that was why we decided to … Read More