“So Messy”
(Note: cross-posted here and at RedCounty)
"So Messy." Those words are weapons hurled in a moment of Delta-house bravado turned around to be the political epitath of their author. The sad situation with Assemblyman Mike Duvall, while still developing, offers a prime opportunity to illustrate some crisis communications maxims that are as true now as ever, and apparently bear repeating:
1. Saying nothing is stupid and never, ever, ever, helps. Ditto running from cameras. Ibid for smugly sitting on the Assembly floor while cameras photograph you and journalists attempt to speak with you.
2. Avoiding the truth or delaying acknowledgement of it never, ever, ever helps. In this case it probably makes it worse.
3. No amount of legal advice or political counsel can change video/audio recordings. It’s as indelible as you-know-what on a blue dress.
Given this, why the delay?
I don’t know Assemblyman Duvall, beyond his reputation, but I do believe there was a narrow moment yesterday when Duvall might have been able to capture control of the situation, attempt to regain direction, say something, and then move on. But… Read More