Posted by Jon Fleischman at 12:00 am on Sep 17, 2009 Comments Off on Newsflash! Drinking a lot of calorie-filled soda makes you gain weight….
The nanny state is alive and well in Sacramento. Some group came
out with a study that concluded, with what may be shocking news to
some, but not to this blogger — sugar-filled soda pop causes weight
gain when consumed regularly!
Is there someone out there that would like to pay me to conduct
a study on whether eating chocolate bars regularly will do the
same? Probably not.
Oh well, the study having been conducted, it’s results were
telegraphed in MSM articles up and down the state, and invariably
there will be magazine articles, and the study-authors will
probably pen some sort of book on the subject. That’s the ideas
marketplace at work — telegraphing information out there so that,
in this case, parents can decide the value of it and if or whether
they are going to do anything because of it.
That said, I was unimpressed to find out (h/t
CapitolAlert) that the California legislature has (I am not
making this up) a "Select Committee on Obesity and Diabetes" and
that it’s Chairman, Alex Padilla, wants to convene hearings on
this… Read More