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Rep. Ed Royce Endorses Linda Ackerman for AD 72

Popular Congressman Ed Royce (R-Fullerton)has already endorsed Linda Ackerman for the vacant 72nd Assembly District seat.Linda’s official announcment is attached below.

Linda’s husband Dick Ackerman held the seat in the 90’s and Linda is well known for being an accomplished fund raiser and GOP activist. She also serves on the board ofthe Metropolitan Water District of Southern California and on several non-profit and corporate boards.

Several other candidates have expressed interest in the seat, but most will defer to Linda.… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Poizner to Whitman (and the others): Will You Join Me In Signing the ATR No New Taxes Pledge?

Gubernatorial candidate Steve Poizner has signed the Americans for Tax Reform No New Taxes Pledge — awesome. Before I get to the part of this blog post that is about Poizner challenging his opponents to do the same, let me weigh in on this. Meg Whitman and Tom Campbell should ABSOLUTELY sign the pledge…

We are never going to be the majority party in California, or again nationally, if we cannot clearly articulate basic core differences from the Democrats. One of the essential lines that we need to draw in the sand is that Democrats think that government is too small, and that your taxes should be higher. Republicans think that government is too big, and it should be lower. All of the PR geniuses can talk about how that can be articulated to the voters in "real life" terms that are less ideological and more practical — but it is what it is.

Republicans are going to be fighting a losing battle for the Governorship if we get caught up in an intra-party fight over whether or not we should be raising new taxes. The best way to take that… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Chuck Bell: RNLA Calls On Huds & DOJ To Investigate And Defund ACORN

Longtime FR friend Chuck Bell is a highly-regarded attorney specializing in political law. He serves as Counsel to the California Republican Party and is currently serving as President of the Republican National Lawyers Association. Bell wanted to share the following with FR readers… Leading National Republican Lawyers Group Calls on HUD & DOJ to Investigate & Defund ACORN By Chuck Bell, Republican National Lawyers Association

On September 15, 2009, the Republican National Lawyers Association filed a formal complaint with the Office of Inspector General of the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) and theRead More

Irvine Mayor Joins Anti-Gun Group

One of the benefits of being an NRA member are the Legislative Alerts (orangepost cards)they send when some elected official in your area goes goofy on gun rights.

Well the other day I got an alert that my own Irvine mayor, Sukhee Kang had joined forces with Republican, Independent, Democrat, ???NYC Mayor Michael Bloomberg. The group called Mayors Against Illegal Guns (MAIG) is a front for anti-2nd Amendment forces.

In my weekly column which appears in the Orange County Register’s Irvine paper, I mention it at the end.

In the case of Mayor Kang, I suspect it was a desire to please/curry favor wththe big-city mayor that asked him to join rather than a true deep-seated anti-gun philosophy. But that is no excuse.… Read More

Jon Fleischman

*FR Exclusive* San Diego County Supervisor Bill Horn On The ACORN Scandal

This just came in from Supervisor Bill Horn of San Diego County. One of the scandalous ACORN videos released over the past few days focused on an ACORN office in San Diego County…

The ACORN Mess Supervisor Bill Horn, San Diego County The allegations of criminal acts, including slavery, prostitution, and human smuggling in San Diego County shown on news video by independent filmmakers are beyond shocking. They are revolting, and if true, those responsible should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. After that, these people should be locked up and allowed to rot.Read More

Jon Fleischman

Newsflash! Drinking a lot of calorie-filled soda makes you gain weight….

The nanny state is alive and well in Sacramento. Some group came out with a study that concluded, with what may be shocking news to some, but not to this blogger — sugar-filled soda pop causes weight gain when consumed regularly!

Is there someone out there that would like to pay me to conduct a study on whether eating chocolate bars regularly will do the same? Probably not.

Oh well, the study having been conducted, it’s results were telegraphed in MSM articles up and down the state, and invariably there will be magazine articles, and the study-authors will probably pen some sort of book on the subject. That’s the ideas marketplace at work — telegraphing information out there so that, in this case, parents can decide the value of it and if or whether they are going to do anything because of it.

That said, I was unimpressed to find out (h/t CapitolAlert) that the California legislature has (I am not making this up) a "Select Committee on Obesity and Diabetes" and that it’s Chairman, Alex Padilla, wants to convene hearings on this… Read More

Assemblyman Curt Hagman

Time to Audit and Cut off State Funding for ACORN

The Governor has asked the Attorney General Jerry Brown to investigate ACORN. Based on the video sting in San Bernardino and San Diego that is a good first start.

Congress just cut off funds to ACORN. But, the question I have gotten over the last few days is what does ACORN get from the state. ACORN is made up of an array of organizations. Some of this organizations may be getting funds from various agencies may be granting them funds for "outreach", housing, voter registration etc…

I asked the Governor to find out if money is going from these agencies to ACORN and if it is shut it off. Of course we shouldn’t fund these types of groups with state dollars to begin with. But, we should be able to stop this one.… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Meg Whitman Love$ RedState!

The last couple of days as I have been surfing innumerable websites gathering interesting political links for FlashReport readers, I have noted something interesting over at the venerable RedState website, one of the leading national conservative places on the web. Below is a clip from their main page this morning, and below I have attached a full sized image (click on the link).

Look who is showing serious love to our friends at RedState!

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