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Barry Jantz

Breaking News: Governor Calls for Investigation of ACORN

This just in. Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger today sent a letter to Attorney General Jerry Brown calling for a "full investigation into ACORN’s activities in California." The letter is attached below.

Also, according to Jim Sills at, Sean Hannity tonight will air another video investigation of ACORN out of San Diego. Read it here.

Developing.… Read More

Bill Leonard

Poizner Tax Cuts Will Create Jobs

Republican candidate for Governor Steve Poizner unveiled a new and innovative conservative tax policy yesterday at the Los Angeles Area Chamber of Commerce. Commissioner Poizner is proposing across-the-board tax cuts for every Californian and an innovative jobs program that will get California’s economy back on track. One of the things I like best about Poizner’s plan is that he is proposing specific, detailed policies on how to cut taxes. I’ll let the numbers speak for themselves: When he is Governor, Poizner will enact the following tax cuts: · 10% cut in personal income tax rates · 10% cut in the state sales tax rate · 10% cut in the corporation tax rate ·Read More

BOE Member George Runner

Cement Companies must choose paying new taxes over creating new jobs

Imagine that you are the proud owner of a cement manufacturing company. The government has just sent you an informative, yet unfortunate reminder that your production costs are about to be raised yet again.

As a person working in the cement industry, you probably followed the legislative proceedings regarding the Global Warming Solution Act of 2006 (Nunez), that was passed into California law. After three years, you receive this reminder from the government that, after three long years, their statewide crackdown on global warming is ready for action!

Well, not exactly.

Before things really get going, they’ll need just a little more of your money: 10 cents for every ton of cement that your plant produces, to be exact. This may not seem like much to an ordinary citizen, but you know full well that the average cement establishment, according to the U.S. Census Bureau and the Portland Cement Association, produces over 420,000 tons of cement yearly. This means that the $42,000 you could have spent to create another California job is now going to help pay for a new government position on the Air Resources Board.

And even that assessment is an… Read More

Barry Jantz

School Union President: “You’d better kill the King”

The La Mesa-Spring Valley School Board in San Diego’s EastCounty caused somewhat of a stir last week when they held a special meeting on Labor Day, voting 3-2 against a live airing of President Barack Obama’s address to school-kids the next day. It appears that since then some if not all of those in the majority have had second thoughts about the decision, but you can understand how this sort of thing could still be a tad controversial.

As I write tonight, the board is holding a regular meeting where they will consider officially apologizing. I won’t even touch that decision. Additionally, however, Trustee Rick Winet is asking his colleagues to support a staff recommended resolution condemning threats against school officials, to wit (excerpted):

WHEREAS, all school officials, as part of their duties, made decisions that, at times, may be unpopular;

\WHEREAS, all people are entitled to a safe and healthy community;

WHEREAS, in today’s society individuals may respond to unpopular decisions with threats and personal attacks;

NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Education ofRead More

Jon Fleischman

UPDATED: Steve Poizner Unveils Tax Cut Plan

UDPATE: I just found out that a few minutes ago, live on the John and Ken radio program, Steve Poizner signed the Americans for Tax Reform No New Taxes pledge! That is AWESOME! We wouldn’t expect that Tom Campbell would sign it, since he has and continues to advocate tax increases. But perhaps Meg Whitman, who has stated she opposes tax increases, will sign the pledge as well! Here’s a photo of Poizner signing the pledge…

4pm Original Post Late this morning Insurance Commissioner Steve Poizner, a Republican candidate for Governor, unveiled a bold fiscal plan for California that calls for a series of tax cuts to stimulate our economy (boy do we need it!). Good news for FR readers — instead of me trying to explain… Read More

Jon Fleischman

**ACORN Scandal Hits California**

This last week FR friend Andrew Breitbart (pictured) launched his new Big Government website with what has been an ongoing release of startling videos of a couple going into ACORN offices all around the country, posing as prostitute and pimp, prostitute and politician, and more.

The following six and a half minute video is startling and shocking — with an Acorn employee saying the most outrageous things not knowing that she is on video. You cannot make up this stuff. You HAVE TO WATCH IT…

This expose, crossing the country with amazing videos, has now come to the Inland Empire of California…

In this video our "actors" literally engage an Acorn staff member with help about bringing underage girls from oversees for a prostitution "business" — and one of the… Read More

BOE Member George Runner

Should car owners pay for state parks? Environmentalists say yes

Like every aspect of California government, state parks are in financial troubled waters.

As an outdoors enthusiast I am saddened by this inevitable outcome. As a result, many parks will be boarded up or padlocked and left unavailable to Californians and tourists.

I believe we could remediate the problem through a variety of means, including partnering with private industry to offer more services; subletting to counties, cities or non-profits; allowing more volunteers to work at our parks, and charging more at the gate.

Environmentalists have other ideas. They are after the wallets of California car owners by way of a $15 per year hikeon vehicle registration fees.This is an unfair idea, as it’s not safe to assume that every car owner visits state parks. There’s no nexus to this scheme. I mean why must my mother, who owns a car strictly for driving to the store and church, subsidize my outdoor activities?

The environmentalist groups must collect more than a half million signatures to qualify the proposal for the November 2010 ballot. When signature… Read More

BOE Member George Runner

For Proof that Early Release is a Bad Idea – Just Look at Fresno County

The Fresno Bee reported on Sept. 8 that Fresno County’s attempt to save money by releasing jail inmates early has been a failure. “At least one in five inmates released early from Fresno County Jail over the past year already has landed back behind bars for crimes including murder and assault,” the paper said.

From Sept. 2, 2008, through Aug. 20 of this year, 263 inmates were released from jail before they served their time, or while they were awaiting trial. Of those, 53 were later booked again on suspicion of other charges, including one who is suspected of participating in a double murder. The Bee said there may be more recidivists who were not counted, as its analysis included only those who were arrested within Fresno County.

Since the end of the period studied by the newspaper, the county has granted early release to another 206 inmates. While the county says inmates charged with violent crimes are not eligible for early release, the paper reported that one of the first inmates released was facing charges of attempted vehicle theft, and four months after his release he was arrested on suspicion of stealing a car at gunpoint and firing shots at a… Read More

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