Senator Sam Aanestad Makes It Official — He’s Running for Liuetenant Governor
As reported by our friends up at the Redding Record, State Senator Sam Aanestad is officially running for the GOP nomination for Lieutenant Governor. In making this announcement, the oral surgeon from the northern part of the state enters into a primary that for over a year has been solely occupied by his Senate colleague, Jeff Denham. Aanestad, a strong conservative, will certainly give Denham a run for his money. That said, Denham begins this primary with a huge lead in funds raises, endorsements garnered, and slate cards purchased. But it is still a long ways until the June primary, and Aanestad is a very well respected legislator.
FR readers have seen and read a lot about Denham here on the site — so now Ive reached out to Aanestad — we spoke earlier this afternoon — and he is penning a column for you to read that will talk about who he is (for those living south of Sacramento) and why he is seeking this statewide office.
There will be plenty of time for some more in-depth analysis of this primary, and where there may be policy and political… Read More