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Jon Fleischman

Constitutional Convention Nonsense

This is a short and sweet observation that I will make on a Friday afternoon. People keep talking about “fixing” Californias troubled state government by calling a Constitutional Convention.

Forget it. Drop it. Don't bother.

Until the outrageous and pervasive influence of our state's public employee unions can be curbed, the vast amount of money at their disposal ensures that, relative to a Constitutional Convention, they will either co-opt it and use it to try and further feather their nest, or they will completely demolish the results of the Convention when they are before the public for a vote.

Any time spent chasing this pipe dream (and similar ones) of making state government work again are going to be almost impossible until paycheck protection, or maybe a measure to just outlaw public employee unions altogether is passed. And THAT necessary battle will be WWIII.… Read More

Barry Jantz

Horn and Slater-Price Docket Investigation of Voting Irregularities Pertaining to ACORN

ACORN and other assorted nuts appear to be on the run in recent days, if you haven’t noticed.

This just in. San Diego County Supervisors Pam Slater-Price and Bill Horn have agendized a board item, requesting the CAO conduct an audit of the 2008 area elections so as to fully investigate any voter problems associated with ACORN, and to consult with the DA as to whether any recent allegations of misconduct by ACORN employees warrant criminal investigation.

This follows calls in the last two days by the Governor, the Califirnia Republican Party, the local GOP and others for similar investigations of ACORN.

See the attacked memo/agenda item from the two county supervisors.… Read More

Matthew J. Cunningham

Mr. Greenhut Goes To Sacramento

[Cross-posted from]

Several days ago I learned Steve Greenhut would be leaving the editorial pages of the Orange County Register to take a job with the Pacific Research Institute, a venerable conservative think tank in SanFrancsico. Ididn’t write anything because I thought Steve deserve the opportunity to announce it on his own schedule.

However, the news is already leaking out in the blogosphere, so with Steve’s blessing I’ve decided to let Red County readers know (Steve is going to talk about it in his columkn this Sunday).

I’m excited for Steve — this is a great opportunity for him with a great organization where he’ll be able to work with some first-rate minds (such as Steven Hayward, whose… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: Public Employee Unions Side With Environmental Extremists Over Non-Public Employee Unions

Once again all rational people in California cane take a deep sigh – the legislature has finished up it’s regular legislative session. Things can’t get any worse for us. Or can they? The Governor has hundreds of, frankly, very bad bills on his desk and we hope that “Arnold 3.0” will put his veto pen in overdrive (today FR presents its annual Top Twenty Bills The Governor Should Veto column).

As the Governor is busy contemplating of these bills before him, I want to share an observation about an interest group central to many of those pieces of legislation, and an important player in campaigns for Democrats — the unions!

Years ago, a very smart and visionary leader reached out to union and non-union workers and told them that he cared about their jobs and would do all he could to restore America. Working people responded and joined conservatives to elect and re-elect Ronald Reagan.Read More

Jon Fleischman

Public Employee Unions Side With Environmental Extremists Over Non-Public Employee Unions

Once again all rational people in California cane take a deep sigh – the legislature has finished up it’s regular legislative session. Things can’t get any worse for us. Or can they? The Governor has hundreds of, frankly, very bad bills on his desk and we hope that “Arnold 3.0” will put his veto pen in overdrive (today FR presents its annual Top Twenty Bills The Governor Should Veto column).

As the Governor is busy contemplating of these bills before him, I want to share an observation about an interest group central to many of those pieces of legislation, and an important player in campaigns for Democrats — the unions!

Years ago, a very smart and visionary leader reached out to union and non-union workers and told them that he cared about their jobs and would do all he could to restore America. Working people responded and joined conservatives to elect and re-elect Ronald Reagan.Read More

Carl Fogliani

ACORN-McNerney Loses a Wingman going into Tough Election Fight

I have been watching with delight the true patriots who have exposed ACORN for the criminal enterprise they are. After watching their pimping operation and corruption on video, I went back into the archives for the attack piece that ACORN had it’s "community activists" from Oakland hand out door to door against Richard Pombo when their brothels had some down time.

In this piece they not only specifically call for voting against Richard Pombo but call Richard Pombo Un-American, corrupt and immoral.

The most fun was watching Jerry McNerney throw his buddies under the bus today by having to cast a vote against their funding…looks like the ACORN office is one less place Jerry can hide out in to get away from his constituents who want him to publicly explain his vote in favor of the government takeover of healthcare. What was even better was watching Pelosi get all choked up knowing her legion of derelicts just went what those of us in the real world might call Chapter 11.… Read More

Rep. Ed Royce Endorses Linda Ackerman for AD 72

Popular Congressman Ed Royce (R-Fullerton)has already endorsed Linda Ackerman for the vacant 72nd Assembly District seat.Linda’s official announcment is attached below.

Linda’s husband Dick Ackerman held the seat in the 90’s and Linda is well known for being an accomplished fund raiser and GOP activist. She also serves on the board ofthe Metropolitan Water District of Southern California and on several non-profit and corporate boards.

Several other candidates have expressed interest in the seat, but most will defer to Linda.… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Poizner to Whitman (and the others): Will You Join Me In Signing the ATR No New Taxes Pledge?

Gubernatorial candidate Steve Poizner has signed the Americans for Tax Reform No New Taxes Pledge — awesome. Before I get to the part of this blog post that is about Poizner challenging his opponents to do the same, let me weigh in on this. Meg Whitman and Tom Campbell should ABSOLUTELY sign the pledge…

We are never going to be the majority party in California, or again nationally, if we cannot clearly articulate basic core differences from the Democrats. One of the essential lines that we need to draw in the sand is that Democrats think that government is too small, and that your taxes should be higher. Republicans think that government is too big, and it should be lower. All of the PR geniuses can talk about how that can be articulated to the voters in "real life" terms that are less ideological and more practical — but it is what it is.

Republicans are going to be fighting a losing battle for the Governorship if we get caught up in an intra-party fight over whether or not we should be raising new taxes. The best way to take that… Read More

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