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Bill Leonard

Taxpayer Legislative Agenda

I was asked to provide some ideas for Republican legislators for tax reform bills. Below is a list of ideas for a fairer tax system and enhanced justice for taxpayers. The first items are what I like from the Commission on the 21st Century Economy’s recommendations. ELIMINATE THE SALES AND USE TAX – COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION I support the Commission’s proposal to eliminate the state’s portion of the Sales and Use Tax. The Sales and Use Tax made sense when the vast majority of the economy consisted of tangible items. The economy has been transformed so much the Sales and Use Tax no longer effectively captures consumption. With economic growth occurring in services and electronic communications, the Sales and Use Tax is now merely a tax on a declining universe of businesses and it is exacerbating their decline. Additionally I support eliminating the local portion of the tax as well. LOWER … Read More

James V. Lacy

Pumpkin Potpourri

After about eight postponements, the criminal trial of ex-Capistrano Unified School District Superintendent James Fleming, and one of his assistants, will get underway in Santa Ana tomorrow. Fleming was indicted in 2007 for among other things establishing an "enemies list" in connection with fighting off the initial stages of the first recall election that led to major changes in the district. FlashReport readers may be familiar with at least one of the witnesses on the prosecution’s list for the trial………………It was great to attend Game One of the Angel’s division championship serieslast week and see thembeat the Red Sox. My wife did a great job getting those tickets. Now she tells me we will be in the Diamond Club for Game Three of the American League Championship series vs. the Yankees next Monday. At times like these, 20 years of marriage makesreal sense…………..Tonight we are off to the Reagan Library in Simi Valley to see a presentation by the Presidential… Read More

Meredith Turney

Governor Violates Trust of Californians

Waiting until the last minute, late yesterday Governor Schwarzenegger took action on the hundreds of bills sitting on his desk. Each of the bills signed into law will have an impact on our state, but two in particular will impact our society and our children. SB 54 (Leno) will require California to recognize all out-of-state same-sex marriages performed before Proposition 8 was passed last year. SB 572 (Leno) will require the governor to declare every May 22 Harvey Milk Day.

Proposition 8 was such a controversial and emotional topic, you’d think the governor would be wise enough to step back from the issue for a while. But instead, he flouted the will of the people who have twice overwhelmingly declared that they intend only traditional marriage be recognized in California. By signing SB 54, Governor Schwarzenegger told Californians that he has no regard for their decision. That is a dangerous precedent to set for the governor and his successors. Distrust of… Read More

Barry Jantz

A Brief, but Nobel Thought

I had no idea that Perez Hilton judges beauty pageants and peace prize contests too.… Read More

Jon Fleischman

ACTION ALERT! Southern California Water District set to Soak Taxpayers

Stop the Pension Increase – Sign the Letter today!

If you live in Orange County, Los Angeles, Ventura, Riverside, San Bernardino or San Diego Counties…prepare to get soaked.

While your Water rates have increased by more than 20% in the past year, the agency who supplies that water is set to give 2,000 of their employees a Pension increase that would give the workers 75% of their annual salary upon retirement – without the workers paying a single dime into the system.

The Board of Directors of the Metropolitan Water District is set to vote on this issue next Tuesday, October 13th at a public hearing in L.A., and they need to hear from you.

It’s time to say: “No New Pensions.”

With just one click, you can OPPOSE the Pension hike by signing onto a Letter courtesy of the Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Association, who will see to it that your Letters are delivered at the public hearing. Sign the Letter today.

And don’t think the Metropolitan Water District will stop at this Pension hike.

In… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Adams Recall Turns In 22,000 More Signatures

This came in today to the Facebook Friends of

“We just turned in another 22,000 signatures yesterday which brings our total count to approximately 57,000! Ironically, the folks who live closest to Adams and know him best are signing the Petition by an almost 2 to 1 margin over those who live in the LA County portion of the 59th.

I must have all petitions in my hand this coming Monday, the 12th, as Tuesday the 13th is our final day to turn in so please pass the word to anyone you know in the 59th. I firmly believe we will exceed our goal of 60,000 signatures. This is a HUGE first step in turning things around for California.

Thank you for your support!

Tim Whitacre

Campaign Manager”… Read More

Meredith Turney

State Revenue $1.1 Billion Below Estimates

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Congressman John Campbell

Gen. McChrystal, Healthcare Update, and More Legislation

Obama/McChrystal: Conflicts between military commanders and presidents are not a new phenomenon in the history of the United States. During the Civil War, several generals publicly clashed with President Lincoln. The most notable, of course, was Gen. George B. McClellan, who went on to oppose Lincoln for reelection in 1864. The public disagreements between Gen. MacArthur and President Truman are the stuff of legend, as are the protestations of Gen. Patton during World War II.In all of these cases, the general was relieved of command. That is the prerogative of the commander in chief. But it is also the right — and obligation — of a commander in the field to aggressively support the strategy that they believe will accomplish the mission that they have been assigned, with the least loss of American blood and treasure as possible.

The president fired Army Gen. David McKiernan and replaced him with Gen. McChrystal. The president laid out a mission and its objectives in March and asked the general to come up with a strategy to accomplish that. McChrystal did so, and is now under criticism for the recommendation he proffered at the president’s request.… Read More

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