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Jon Fleischman

UCI Volleyball Team Victim of Rep. George Miller

This is a "must watch" video… … Read More

Jon Fleischman

U.S. Term Limits Blasts Schwarzenegger’s Comments on Term Limits

Earlier this week Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger, perhaps startling to feel a little bit anxiety over becoming a lame duck as the race for his replacement heats up, lashed out at the term limits law that keeps him from running for re-election next year. Californians have established (and several times now voted to defeat) the weakening of the state’s term limits which limit Constitutional Officeholders (like Schwarzenegger) to two-terms in office, State Senators to two terms, and Members of the State Assembly to three terms.

Californians support term limits because they feel that we should not have career politicians in Sacramento. Those who create legislation in Sacramento should have to then return back to their local community and live under the laws they create. “Schwarzenegger is unwittingly serving the interests of the politicalRead More

And Here’s To You Messrs. Robinson

Let me skip the politics for a moment and recall a proud moment of my old boss, former Rep. James Rogan. Rogan is today a Superior Court Judge in Orange County’s "North Court," but until January 2001 he was a Congressman representing Burbank, Glendale and Pasadena, the latter home to Mack and Jackie Robinson.

Yesterday’s Los Angeles Times noted the teapot tempest aboil in the City of Roses over which brother to commemorate in the re-opening of an eponymous park/ballfield.

While the city argues about which name to affix to a park, it is worth noting another commemoration on Lincoln Avenue: the U.S. Post Office named after longtime city resident Mack Robinson. The bill to name this post office was passed, with, it should be noted, the support of many prominent Los Angeles-area democratic members. President Clinton signed the bill into law in October, 2000. The bill was authored by then Rep. Rogan.… Read More

Congressman Doug LaMalfa

Capitol Water Showdown

The Governor’s deadline approaches for this year’s body of legislative work that made it tohis desk. Hehas only a coupledays left to wield his pen over a signature or a veto message on each of the bills…and word is that he may veto most or all of themunless he receives asolution to the water crisis.

I’ve long been an advocate for new water supply and storage in this state andI do appreciate that the Guv has kept it asone of his priorities. I share his frustration that the intractible nature of this debate hasfound us years later with no real solution. The closest we came to funding for new storage wasin 2006 during the Big Bond debates on flood, schools, transportation, and housing. Bond proposals were flying all over the Capitol, ringing up to a total of $100 Billion at one time, scaring the heck out of taxpayers and financial advisors all over. However, Republicansand some Valley Dems vowed to make no deal on a ‘water bond’ that did not includereal water storage.

Alas, as negotiations go, the half-Billion that wasthe main focus of the water bond was negotiated out of the deal,… Read More

Michael Der Manouel, Jr.

Is Meg Whitman Good For the GOP?

I will have to admit – I’m tired of posers. What we need are principled fiscal conservatives leading California’s Government. I would love to go for the old "outreach template" in the Governor’s race, but its never produced an effective leader.

It has been painful during these past few weeks to watch Meg Whitman drag the California Republican Party into the mess that is her voting record. Worse still, Whitman has offered contradicting versions of her past, and clearly misled members of the Republican Party during her convention speech this past February in Sacramento. Last February, Whitman told delegates at the California Republican Convention that: “As you may have read, I’ve been a registeredRead More

Jon Fleischman

Does Linda Ackerman Support the Adams Recall?

After last night’s AD 72 Republican candidate debate, there was some question as to whether or not Linda Ackerman, in response to a question about the Adams Recall, came out in support of the recall. Much like in a contested sporting event, we’ve gone back (along with Red County Editor Matt Cunningham) and reviewed the video. After review and discussion, it is pretty clear that anyone listening to Linda’s response to the question would have to conclude that she does, in fact, support Anthony’s ouster.

But you can be your own judge, as the actual video of Ackerman’s response to the question is now up on the Red County site here.… Read More

Barry Jantz

Water Deal Threat: The Latest of Paper Tigers?

Doesn’t the "I threaten to veto all bills unless" approach get a little old, especially if after the stated threat, one always comes up with a few "except that one" bills that are "too important" to have been lumped in with the rest of the lot?

Just a question.

If, in fact, we could really count on a veto of all pending bills, including the twenty or so terrible ones that Jon Fleischman has been tracking on these pages, perhaps we should actually support a no deal on water for the time being.

Just a thought.… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Fullerton Civic Leaders Announce Support for Linda Ackerman

When I met both Chris Norby and Dick Ackerman, both were serving on the Fullerton City Council. It was entertaining, to say the least, to watch the two of them duke it out in a special election for the Assembly back in the early 90’s.

Given that both the Ackermans and Norby have long histories of involvement in the city, I think it is at notable that Linda Ackerman’s campaign is rolling out endorsements from five of Fullerton’s current and former civic leaders… Current Fullerton Mayor Don Bankhead and current Councilman Dick Jones…as former Mayors Buck Catlin, Jerry Christie and Linda Le Quire (the latter of whom I enjoyed working with immensely during our time working together in the office of Congressman Ed Royce back in the day).… Read More

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