Don’t Hold Your Breath For Meaningful Reforms To Come From Inside The Capitol
FR friend Greg Lucas over on his California’s Capitol blog posts up a media release issued jointly by Senatoor Mark DeSaulnier and Assemblyman Mike Feuer, who are Chairmen of each house’s Select Committee On Improving State Government, are convening the first joint hearing to, "address the pressing need for state government reform."
I noted with interest the group of panelists that will appear before the committee:
Bill Lockyer, State Treasurer and former President Pro Tem of the California State Senate Robert Naylor, former Republican Leader, California State Assembly Laura Chick, Inspector General of California, former Los Angeles City Controller Mac Taylor, Legislative Analyst of California William Hauck, Chairman, California Constitution Revision Commission Fred Silva, Senior Fiscal Policy Advisor, California Forward and former Executive Secretary, California Constitution Revision Commission Bruce Cain, Executive Director, U.C. Washington Center and former Director of the Institute of Governmental Studies, University … Read More