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Duane Dichiara

The Real Unemployment Rate

It’s useful to remember that the ‘unemployment rate’ used by this, and the last several administrations in Washington, is not the actual unemployment rate. Since the 1970’s consecutive administrations have segmented out portions of the unemployed and removed them from the equation. Usually, these segmented lists are basically people who are no longer looking for work or who are barely employed. Of course, people who the government determines ‘can’t work’ are also removed (having had a number of relatives in this camp, much to my disgust, I think getting on this list isn’t particularly hard).

To wit:

“If one considers the people who would like a job but have stopped looking — so-called discouraged workers — and those who are working fewer hours than they want, the unemployment rate would move from the official 9.4 percent to 16 percent, said Atlanta Fed chief Dennis Lockhart.

This is the number we should use, since it is the actual number.… Read More

Michael Der Manouel, Jr.

Gilmore’s Indecision Not Surprising

Danny Gilmore’s indecision as to whether to seek another term in the State Legislature is not surprising – he’s simply a sane person who is wholly incompatible with an insane Legislature.

Gilmore came to the office a true citizen public servant, with a distinguished career in public safety and a comfortable life in retirement. He didn’t need the job. After a tough battle with Nicole Parra in 2006 (he narrowly lost), he beat the mother of incendiary State Senator Dean Florez in 2008. In speaking with him then, he truly was interested in being part of solutions to the myriad of urgent issues facing California.

His reward from the hyper-partisans in Sacramento? Although a significant part of his District is in Kern County, he was not given a District office in Bakersfield. Another representation of the sick culture led by Assembly Speaker Karen Bass.

Then, shortly after he was sworn in, he was thrust into one of the worst budget battles in our lifetime. Budget battles are the only battles in Sacramento where Republicans matter. And the GOP leadership caved… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Whitman Announces Supervisorial Endorsements, Expanded Finance Team

I’m playing a little catch up this morning on some announcements put out by the Meg Whitman for Governor campaign. Whitman announced endorsements from roughly 20 current and former County Supervisors around the State:

Current and Former Supervisors Endorsing Whitman

Linda Arcularius – Inyo County Supervisor Marion Ashley – Riverside County Supervisor Vikki Magee Bauer – Mono County Supervisor John Bennett – Former Alpine County Supervisor Paul Biane – San Bernardino County Supervisor Judy Case – Vice Chair, Fresno County Board of Supervisors Kim Dolbow Vann – Vice Chair, Colusa County Board of Supervisors Sue Horne – Former Chairwoman, Nevada County Board of Supervisors Bill Horn – San Diego County Supervisor Dianne … Read More

Jon Fleischman

AD72: Norby Drops McClintock Puff Piece

A few posts below, I talked about the importance of "third party" endorsements in the AD 72 election. People are going to want to hear from trusted messengers when they try to sort through their candidates choices for this special election — especially with how negative the race has been, from day one.

Today the campaign of Supervisor Chris Norby dropped a piece featuring the "gold standard" of California conservatism — that of Congressman Tom McClintock. McClintock has statewide name ID from three runs for statewide office (one of them in the 1993 recall election against Arnold Schwarzenegger). McClintock was elected to Congress in Northern California last year, but undoubtedly remains well known to high-propensity GOP voters statewide.

Here is the piece:

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Ray Haynes

Another voice for Federalism

Over the last couple of days, the Governor has been crying about Federal judges. Everything he is saying about them is true. They are out of control. They think they are the governors of this state. They think they have the power to tell the state how to run its operation. All of that is true. So what? Those things are not new. Federal judges have been out of control for at least 50 years, and they have had no regard for state government since at least 1936. So what?

In previous columns in this blog, in papers, and while I was in the Legislature, I have advocated that the state government, and particularly the Governor, tell the federal judges to take a very long leap off of a very high bridge. I have been ignored, because, as everyone knows, I’m am crazy, unrealistic, way too conservative, and I lack judgment.

I would have also saved the state a lot of headaches and a lot of money.

Today, another voice, obviously one who thinks himself very reasonable, not as crazy as Haynes, and certainly wise and judicious, has joined in my solo. We are now a chorus. Take a look at the… Read More

Jon Fleischman

AD72: Young Republican Federation of California Endorses Linda Ackerman

Last night in a telephonic Board of Directors meeting, the Young Republican Federation of California endorsed Republican National Committeewoman Linda Ackerman in her bid for the State Assembly.

This endorsing is a big one for Ackerman for two reason. The first is that the YRFC is significant statewide Republican group in California, with an ability to turn out large numbers of volunteers from around the state in special elections.

The second reason is that in a blistering in-essence two-way primary with a lot of mud being hurled in both directions, both the Ackerman and the Norby campaigns will be seeking all credible third parties to come in and vouch for them.… Read More

Jennifer Nelson

Meg Whitman on why she isn’t Arnold Schwarzenegger

Last evening, I attended an event in Oakland where 250 people—mostly Republicans—gathered to listen to Meg Whitman discuss why she wants to be California’s next governor. After a brief speech in which she laid out her three top priorities—cutting spending, creating jobs and improving education—she took questions from the audience. There were a number of interesting questions asked, including her position on Prop. 13 (she doesn’t want to touch it), how would she deal with the powerful public employee unions (tough negotiations) and how she would improve schools (among other things, increase the number of charter schools and give public schools a letter grade, A-F).

On economic and government spending issues, Whitman says all of the right things. She even says she plans to take on the CTA in order to improve the schools. But I can’t help to think back to Arnold Schwarzenegger’s campaign for governor. He was saying the same things. Yet, in the end, he never had the skill set to actually achieve those reforms.

So my question to Meg Whitman last night was, essentially, how are you going to be different than Arnold Schwarzenegger?… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: Don’t Hold Your Breath For Meaningful Reforms To Come From Inside The Capitol

FR friend Greg Lucas over on his California’s Capitol blog posts up a media release issued jointly by Senatoor Mark DeSaulnier and Assemblyman Mike Feuer, who are Chairmen of each house’s Select Committee On Improving State Government, are convening the first joint hearing to, "address the pressing need for state government reform."

I noted with interest the group of panelists that will appear before the committee:

Bill Lockyer, State Treasurer and former President Pro Tem of the California State Senate Robert Naylor, former Republican Leader, California State Assembly Laura Chick, Inspector General of California, former Los Angeles City Controller Mac Taylor, Legislative Analyst of California William Hauck, Chairman, California Constitution Revision Commission Fred Silva, Senior Fiscal Policy Advisor, California Forward and former Executive Secretary, California Constitution Revision Commission Bruce Cain, Executive Director, U.C. Washington Center and former Director of the Institute of Governmental Studies, University … Read More

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