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Barry Jantz

La Mesa Councilman Dave Allan to Challenge SD County Supervisor Dianne Jacob?

Longtime La Mesa City Councilmember Dave Allan, a one-time San Diego areaRepublicanlocal elected official of the year and more recently a registered Democrat, confirmed tonight that he will run for the 2nd district seat on the County board of supervisors in 2012.It is anticipated that incumbent Supervisor Dianne Jacob will seek a sixth term that year.

Jim Sills broke the story on San Diego Rostra tonight that a David M. Allan of La Mesa had filed the candidate intention paperwork (Form 501) necessary to begin fundraising for the seat.Councilman Allan confirmed with me a short time later that he is indeed running.

"It shouldn’t be news to anyone that the number one priority to me is fire protection in San Diego County," said Allan, a retired San Miguel firefighter."I don’t think the county supervisors have prioritized that issue the way they should."

Referring to the budget impacts being faced by local government and the potential of firefighting jobs being lost, he further said that "the supervisors’ lack of focus on fire protection is now catching up to… Read More

James V. Lacy

Norby leads or ties in all cities in 72nd AD; my poll

Yesterday we crunched numbers again on the scientific poll I commissioned through my company, Landslide Communications, Oct. 22-25 among Republicans in the 72nd Assembly District regarding the special election to be held in less than three weeks to fill the vacancy created by the resignation of Mike Duvall. I had the numbers broken down city by city and Norby is way ahead in the City of Fullerton and is ahead or tied inall cities in thedistrict, at least as of last weekend. Here are the results, city by city:

Question:"If the special election for state assembly were held today, for which of the following candidates would you most likely vote?"

Anaheim: Norby, 22.73%/Ackerman 15.91%

Brea: Norby 38.89%/Ackerman 19.44%

Fullerton: Norby 35.71%/Ackerman 16.33%

La Habra: Norby 25%/Ackerman 16.67%

Orange: Norby 14.29%/Ackerman 14.29%

Placentia: Norby 20.83%/Ackerman 20.83%

Yorba Linda: Norby 19.51%, Ackerman 14.63%

Attached is the top line on this question broken down by city.… Read More

Meredith Turney

Newsom Out of Governor Race

Gavin Newsom has just announced that he is dropping out of the race for Governor. According to the Sacramento Bee, Newsom said "’young family and responsibilities at city hall’ made it ‘impossible’ to commit time needed to complete effort the way it should be done.’" Newsom had trouble with fundraising and wasn’t making much headway in the polls so it looks like he decided to get out before wasting too much donor money. This iscertainly big newsand clears the way for Jerry Brown as the Democrat nominee. Read Newsom’s full statement here.… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Slow Down The Paddles – Rushing Into A Water “Deal” Is Not A Good Idea

A "water deal" that results in a massive bond package of nearly $10 billion would not go before voters until at the earliest June of next year. Which means that the drive to achieve a two-thirds majority vote for a water package NOW is on an "artificial" deadline. Given that there are so many open issues out there, it is pretty clear that we need to put on the political brakes, step back, and decide if the way that this particular water deal is coming together represents good public policy for California.

As a conservative, I have grave concerns on the bond part of this deal. The package, as described to me, contains literally BILLIONS in spending that is not in there due to "need" (to solve the water crisis) but is in their either to appease special interests or to try and broaden coalition of votes necessary on the Democrat side of the aisle.

Never mind that the Democrats are taking advantage of the water crisis by pushing for all kinds of regulations on conservation issues that have no bearing on the storage and movement of water.

Look, I don’t expect that I will be pleased with the ultimate water package —… Read More

BOE Member George Runner

Jerry Brown’s secret taping: Is anyone surprised?

Attorney General Jerry Brown has done it again: He has misused and abused the authority of his office as California’s top cop.

Is anyone surprised?

It’s clear since day one that Brown views the AG office as a bully pulpit for promoting his political views, not serving the people.

His misdeeds aren’t limited to clandestinely taping phone calls with reporters; Brown has also abused his powers by issuing inaccurate and misleading Title and Summaries for statewide ballot measures, including one that I authored for the 2010 election cycle.

And as most people know, Brown has raised the ire of Harvey Rosenfield, founder of Consumer and author of Proposition 103, the landmark measure protecting insurance consumers that voters approved in 1988.

Rosenfield says Brown caved to pressure from a powerful insurance company – and campaign donor – when he reworked the summary of a ballot measure to omit mention that it could boost premiums for thousands of drivers.

Brown… Read More

Whitman Teletown Hall

I am on a Teletown Hall for Gov. candidate Meg Whitman right now.

Got the call at about 7:20pm and it seems like people from all over the state are on the call, althoughI can’t be sure of that.

Meg seems very atease talking about water policy, jobs, technology.

They did an online pollabout top issues which is usefulfor the call itself to guidewhatquestionsto ask, but they actually tag households with top issue for targeting.

Cool products theseTeletown Halls.

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Jason Cabel Roe

Unions Love Medicinal Marijuana

And why wouldn’t they? They must assume that 30 million Californians are walking around stoned or else they would notice how the state has been completely hijacked by labor bosses more interested in political power than the fiscal health of our state or the future of our children.

And how about the MSM? Completely checked out. Otherwise, how could they have missed this? Now I spent the last 8 years in Washington and have seen some pretty extraordinary abuses of power, but c’mon, the MSM completely ignores such an outrageous threat to elected officials? In the State Capitol! Can you imagine if the president of the Chamber of Commerce did this? The MSM would have been high alert (no pun intended).

The State of California is facing crippling budget challenges. We barely escaped the last budget process and the next one only promises to be worse. Yet, everyone seems to be oblivious to the necessary changes to rescue the next generations of Californians. The list starts with pension reform.

The idea that government employees are guaranteed 100% of their pension benefits, some of… Read More

Jon Fleischman

SF Chronicle Has Its Own “Message On The Margin” for Arnold

You can’t "see" this message online, but here is a graphic of today’s San Francisco Chronicle editorial on the whole flap of the Governor spelling out "f*** you* on the left margin of a veto message to Assemblyman Tom Ammiano.

The headline of the editorial, Message On The Margin should be taken literally…

For those who need help, the letters are… G R O W U P G I RRead More

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