I’m for Linda
Since I have left politics to try to earn an honest living, and become a profit center for the state, rather than a cost of doing business (that is, actually paying more taxes than I get paid), I have not gotten to involved in many campaigns. However, when Linda Ackerman called, I said I would do what I could to help.
I didn’t know Dick Ackerman when he ran for office in 1994. It goes without saying that I didn’t know Linda either. For the twelve years that I served with Dick, I got to know Linda, and spent more than a few hours talking with the both of them about politics, the Legislature, and the California Republican Party. During that time, on more than one occasion, I came to believe that Linda should have been the candidate in 1994, not Dick (only kidding, Dick). But it is true, Linda knew and understood policy, the Legislature and politics. Quite frankly, there are few people more suited to serve in the Legislature than Linda Ackerman.
First, she knows the right policy solutions, and knows how to work those solutions in the Legislature. Life is difficult for a Republican in the Legislature, and especially difficult for a… Read More