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Jon Fleischman

Benoit Appointed Riverside County Supervisor; Creates Vacancy in State Senate

Governor Schwarzenegger’s office just announced the appointment of State Senator John Benoit to fill a vacant seat on the Riverside County Board of Supervisors.

"I am humbled to receive this appointment from Governor Schwarzenegger," Benoit told me on the phone just a few minutes ago. "While I have spent nearly seven years representing a large portion of Riverside County in the State Legislature, I believe that there lot of challenges to be dealt with on a local level. I look forward to rolling up my sleeves and working with my new colleagues on the Board of Supervisors."

I asked Benoit what he would miss the most about leaving the state legislature. Without missing a beat, he told me, "I have had the honor to serve with a lot of great people, from both sides of the political aisle. I have learned a lot from them, and will miss them — though I will work to apply much of what I have learned in my new position."

Benoit won a hotly contested race for the 37th State Senate seat last year (the incumbent, Jim Battin, retired due to term limits), and so will actually be leaving the Senate after less than one… Read More

Congressman John Campbell

Health Care Update: Republican Reading Room

Factoid of the day: President Barack Obama’s economic recovery program saved 935 jobs at the Southwest Georgia Community Action Council, an impressive success story for the stimulus plan. Trouble is, only 508 people work there.

– Quote from an Associated Press Report on overstating of stimulus job creation by the White House.

Pelosi Health Care Update: Last night at 10:07 PM Eastern time, Speaker Pelosi released the latest version of her health care plan. This version added 42 pages to make the total bill now a whopping 2,032 pages. Majority Leader Steny Hoyer (D-MD) had pledged to have the final bill in print for 72 hours before it is voted upon. That means that the soonest the bill could be brought to a vote on the House floor is 10:07 PM on Friday night.

But by all accounts, they have not yet cajoled the necessary 218 votes to ensure the bill’s passage. It also appears clear that they may make more changes to the bill in order to secure more votes before Friday night or Saturday. But they have… Read More

Jon Fleischman

LIVE STREAM: Fiorina Announcement

Watch Fiorina’s announcement for U.S. Senate live…

Live Broadcast by Ustream.TVRead More

Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: An Interview With Carly Fiorina, Candidate For United States Senate

Today is going to be a big day for Carly Fiorina. The former Chief Executive Officer of Hewlett Packard from 1999 through 2005 will make it official that she is a candidate for the Republican nomination for the United States Senate. Her goal is to retire the ultra-liberal and ineffective incumbent, Barbara Boxer, next November.

As I like to say here on the FlashReport, we are "fair and biased" — and so I don’t mind laying out for all that there is no one that I can think of in the United States who combines the qualities of liberalism and shrillness into an all-together nauseating toxic cocktail of a politician.

In advance of her official announcement today, I had a chance to sit down with Fiorina. While normally I would try to release a lengthy interview in more digestible segments, in order to help FR readers assess this new entrant into the U.S. Senate race I have… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Carly Fiorina’s Campaign Team

In conjunction with her official announcement of her candidacy for the United States Senate, Carly Fiorina will be laying out her official initial "campaign team" (I’m sure it will grow as her campaign gets into gear)… TEAM CARLY Campaign Manager: Marty Wilson of Wilson-Miller Communications (pictured)Read More

Jon Fleischman

An Interview With Carly Fiorina, Candidate For United States Senate

Today is going to be a big day for Carly Fiorina. The former Chief Executive Officer of Hewlett Packard from 1999 through 2005 will make it official that she is a candidate for the Republican nomination for the United States Senate. Her goal is to retire the ultra-liberal and ineffective incumbent, Barbara Boxer, next November.

As I like to say here on the FlashReport, we are "fair and biased" — and so I don’t mind laying out for all that there is no one that I can think of in the United States who combines the qualities of liberalism and shrillness into an all-together nauseating toxic cocktail of a politician.

In advance of her official announcement today, I had a chance to sit down with Fiorina. While normally I would try to release a lengthy interview in more digestible segments, in order to help FR readers assess this new entrant into the U.S. Senate race I have… Read More

GSE & MBS Meltdown for Dummies

James Freeman, a former staffer for then-Rep. Chris Cox (R-Newport Beach) is today an editorial writer for the Wall Street Journal. In a book review in the paper’s "bookshelf" column, he has managed to succinctly summarize the root cause of financial turmoil impacting the government sponsored enterprises (Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, Ginnie Mae et al) and the financial institutions that bet on their investments. This summary comes in the form of a review of a new book, "The Sellout" by CNBC correspondent Charles Gasparino.

Here’s the gist, in terms of market turmoil triggers: "For another, the government had made a series of horrendous policy decisions that, as Mr. Gasparino shows, encouraged financial firms to go long on housing in ways that would have once been unimaginable.

"In 1995, Henry Cisneros, the secretary of housing and urban development, directed Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac…to buy and guarantee mortgages of low- and moderate-income borrowers amounting to 42% of their annual business volume. His successor,… Read More

Ray Haynes

The Budget’s Master Technician

In 1999, the first year of the beginning of the Davis debacle, I was re-appointed as the Republican member of the Health and Human Services Budget Subcommittee (I had been the one Republican member of the three member committee before, but had been removed because I was "too difficult" to deal with). When I returned, my consultant on that committee was Mike Genest. For at least one budget cycle (maybe two), we sat in the committee watching then Committee Chair (later Congresswoman, and now Labor Secretary) Hilda Solis spend the state into oblivion. During her time as the Committee Chair, Solis increased welfare spending by 42%, moving the state to its largest (by percentage) deficit in its history.

During that time, I learned more about the budget, how it works, and what works and what doesn’t than I had in my first stint on the committee. I had great consultants before and after that time, but I learned a lot from Genest, and learned how the budget worked. A better budget technician you will never find.

He is now leaving the state, and I think the Governor will be worse off for it. He is loyal, he is competent, he is smart, and he… Read More

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