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Meredith Turney

Real Leadership brought down the Berlin Wall

Last Friday I had the privilege of attending an event at the Ronald Reagan Library commemorating the 20th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall. The Ronald Reagan Presidential Foundation and Library and The Heritage Foundation hosted the remarkable event in the gorgeous Air Force One wing of the museum. During the course of the day, attendees listened to fascinating panel discussions featuring those personally involved in ending the Cold War. The event kicked off with the reading of a letter from Mikhail Gorbachev sending his greetings to attendees. The first morning panel, "Insider Perspectives on Ronald Reagan and the Fall of the Wall," included Reagan Administration Attorney General Ed Meese, National Security Advisor Richard Allen, Secretary of the Navy John Lehman, and White House Speechwriter Peter Robinson, who wrote the historic Brandenburg Gate speech. The insider perspectives and stories panelists shared were simply remarkable. Meese commented that if a leaderRead More

Barry Jantz

Sunday San Diego: Voices on Healthcare

I attended the annual Grossmont Hospital Foundation gala last night while Congressional voting was taking place on healthcare. Some say it wasn’t a good night for hospitals to celebrate, but the Grossmont event was scheduled long ago and Nancy Pelosi didn’t ask about any scheduling conflicts.

Any night that the community comes together and significant funds are raised for a local hospital from hundreds of generous donors — the Feds not included — it’s a good time to celebrate.

It remains to be seen how difficult such private efforts may become in the future. In the meantime, some area GOP voices on the healthcare vote:

California Republican Chairman Ron Nehring…California’s 19 Republican Members of Congress tonight stood together on the side of the American people and against a giant, costly new health care bureaucracy that will transfer decisions about Americans’ health out of the hands of patients and doctors and into thousands of bureaucrats’ little cubicles in Washington D.C. … Tonight’s vote demonstrates Democrats have no interest inRead More

Jon Fleischman

No “Blue Dogs” In California

There are a group of Democrat Members of Congress who like to refer to themselves as Blue Dogs. Supposedly this group of 50 or so Democrats are more "moderate" and style themselves after the Democrats of old, like back in the days of John F. Kennedy. They most decidedly do not consider themselves "Pelosi" Democrats.

I just wanted to make it very clear to anyone who will listen — there are NO BLUE DOGS in California. Just few hours ago the House of Representatives passed a TRILLION DOLLAR ++ socialized healthcare plan for the United States. Guess how many California Democrats voted against this travesty? ZERO. Every Democrat Member of Congress from California voted for the plan.

This includes some Central Valley Democrats who like to say that they are Blue Dogs — but tonight’s vote proves otherwise…

Rep. Jim Costa — VOTED YES — NOT a BlueRead More

Congressman John Campbell

House Call on Capitol Hill

Factoid of the Day: The Pelosi government run health care plan creates a new 2.5% tax on all medical devices not sold through a retail establishment. That means a new 2.5% tax on everything from wheelchairs and hospital gowns, to artificial organs. And that lowers health care costs how?

Tea Party: Yesterdayon Capitol Hill, we Republicans held a press conference on the west front of the Capitol to oppose the Pelosi Health Plan. The “Tea Party” people seized on this as an opportunity to express the grass roots opposition to what the Wall Street Journal has called the worst bill since World War II. They started sending their e-mails just a few days ago.

And boy did they deliver. I would estimate that there were 25,000 people in the crowd all chanting “kill the bill; kill the bill.” There are those on the left who would dismiss this movement as a bunch of kooks and fringe players. They do so at their peril. I talked to corporate CEOs, Doctors, an investment banker with an MBA, and many other educated… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: A Primer For The Upcoming SD 37 Special Election

The ink is hardly dry on the proclamation signed by Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger appointing John J. Benoit to the Riverside County Board of Supervisors. Benoit was tapped to fill a vacancy created when the incumbent Supervisor vacated his seat due to an illness that shortly thereafter claimed his life. While I could devote an entire column to why a newly elected member of the California State Senate would seek to be appointed to county office instead, let’s just say for our purposes that this is exactly what happened.

Very soon, Governor Schwarzenegger will be signing yet another proclamation – this one calling for a special election to fill the vacancy created in the 37th Senate seat – open due to the departure of Senator Benoit. While trying to map out the date of the special election isn’t a precise science, in all likelihood there would be special primary election in mid-January, and if no one gets more than 50% of the vote, then a runoff general election a few weeks later. Senate District 37 is the 10th… Read More

Jon Fleischman

A Primer For The Upcoming SD 37 Special Election

The ink is hardly dry on the proclamation signed by Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger appointing John J. Benoit to the Riverside County Board of Supervisors. Benoit was tapped to fill a vacancy created when the incumbent Supervisor vacated his seat due to an illness that shortly thereafter claimed his life. While I could devote an entire column to why a newly elected member of the California State Senate would seek to be appointed to county office instead, let’s just say for our purposes that this is exactly what happened.

Very soon, Governor Schwarzenegger will be signing yet another proclamation – this one calling for a special election to fill the vacancy created in the 37th Senate seat – open due to the departure of Senator Benoit. While trying to map out the date of the special election isn’t a precise science, in all likelihood there would be special primary election in mid-January, and if no one gets more than 50% of the vote, then a runoff general election a few weeks later. Senate District 37 is the 10th… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Part Time Elected Officials Should Not Be Taking Health or Retirement Benefits

FR readers statewide would do well to read this piece in the Orange County Register that shines a spotlight on the outrageous and expensive health benefits that are lavished on the City Councilmembers in Laguna Hills. I wish that I could say that this city is an exception, but it is my belief that part-time elected officials on City Councils, School Boards and Special Districts all over the state are getting pretty posh benefits like this.

This may sound like a backwards notion, but it seems to me that if an elected office is a full-time job, such as a state legislator, a county-wide official, or some councilmembers of large cities — well, those positions should come with benefits. But if you are a part-time elected official, that means that you either do something else for a living, are independently wealthy, or are retired — you should not be receiving healthcare or retirement benefits — period.

If people feel that the compensation through stipends for local elected officials are not sufficient enough, then perhaps a local government… Read More

Jon Fleischman

FR On Twitter And Facebook

You’re not really "plugged in" to all of the California political news and commentary that you can be, if you aren’t a "Fan of the FlashReport" on our Facebook Page, or subscribed to follow our Twitter Feed.

Just minutes ago a Republican candidate announced for statewide office on Twitter.

Get with the "in crowd" and sign up for Twitter updates and go to our Facebook page today!… Read More

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