Today’s Commentary: Arnold, Abel and Indifference
The nomination by Governor Schwarzenegger of State Senator Abel Maldonado really comes as no surprise, I suppose. Oh, there were plenty of theories about potential picks of people outside of the State Legislature, but if the Governor was going to pick a sitting legislator, Maldonado is a natural. The reason for this is that this Governor is so erratic and inconsistent that it is safe to say that he has no over-arching political ideology that is guiding him through his time as the state’s Chief Executive. Instead, everyone – even those closest to him – have stopped trying to predict his behavior, knowing that to try is folly. The only areas in which the Governor has maintained some consistency is his vetoing of those few bills each year that the CalChamber identifies as “job killers” (while signing vastly more bills that cost jobs but didn’t make the list) – and he has been “channeling” Al Gore on global warming for quite a few years now. Abel Maldonado is similarly erratic and unpredictable. Both Schwarzenegger and Maldonado seem to relish in the attention that they garner – “Oh, what will they do?”
This dynamic duo of inconsistency… Read More