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Jon Fleischman

A “Voice Vote” For Speaker Is Disrepectful Of Republicans

According to this story by Anthony York over on Capitol Weekly’s website, Speaker Bass may schedule a vote for her successor as Speaker for as early as next week. The article says that this will be a voice vote.

This is a terrible idea.

Republicans deserve some respect and the ability to have some pride. This is best facilitated by a process that allows more than simply a motion for the anointed candidate by the Democrats to become speaker on a voice vote. As a matter of fact, under that system, there is no way for a Republican legislator to make it clear that they do not, in fact, approve of or cast a vote for whichever liberal the Dems put up for the top job.

In the ideal scenario, the Democrats will accept a process whereby Republicans can place the name of their leader, Sam Blakeslee, into nomination for Speaker. Blakeslee will get only 28 votes (one GOP seat is vacant until January) and will lose the election, but will be able to stand tall for the Republican Party — and every Assembly Republican will have the pride… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Why Is Debra Bowen Running Scared?

Debra Bowen is a 17 year politician, the incumbent, and member of the party that holds a 2.3 million registration advantage in the state, and in her previous campaigns has been a fair, if not prolific, fundraiser.

So who or what has the California Secretary of State Debra Bowen running scared?

I suppose it could be that the drop in popularity of Democrats with the hard-left agenda of spending and borrowing of this President. It could be the significant shift of independent voters away from Bowen’s party.

But there is another reason: Damon Dunn.

Born to a 16-year old single mother in Texas and raised by his grandparents, Dunn worked hard as a student-athelete, earned a 4.0 GPA in high school and was the number 2 football recruit in Texas. He attended Stanford University where he graduated with both academic and athletic awards and spent a few years in the NFL.… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Adam Abrahms Elected YRFC Chairman

Due to an error (on my part) the featured column from new YRFC Chairman Adam Abrahms featured on our main page had text from an older column. That error has been corrected. Please click here to read what Abrahms has to share as he assumes the reigns of this important statewide Republican organization.… Read More

Congressman John Campbell

The Death Tax and Obamanomics

Death Tax: Last week, the House passed a permanent extension of the Death Tax, setting the tax rate on any estates over $3.5 million at 45%, not indexed for inflation. The vote was 225-200 with ZERO Republicans voting in favor and 26 Democrats voting to oppose. The Senate is talking about a much preferable 35% on estates over $5 million, indexed for inflation. I favor complete repeal of the tax, although the Senate proposal would be a step in the right direction. Here is a clip of my 2 minute floor speech on why I oppose this bill and this tax.

Obamanomics: A couple of weeks ago, I challenged the readers of this missive to demonstrate their abilities to understand and apply the principles of what we are calling "Obamanomics" as exemplified by the "jobs saved or … Read More

Bill Leonard

Pearl Harbor

I heard a great story last week from a Leonard Letter reader that I wanted to share with all of you on Pearl Harbor Day. The USS Utah was sunk in the attack on Pearl Harbor. The ship is on the opposite side of Ford Island from the Arizona and many tourists to the memorial do not even learn about the Utah or the 58 sailors still entombed in her. The Utah had a long and impressive service record before the damage at Pearl. Efforts to right and restore the ship failed so she lies on her side in the water to this day. Learn more about the Utah and her crew: I heard a great story last week from a Leonard Letter reader that I wanted to share with all of you on Pearl Harbor Day. The USS Utah was sunk in the attack on Pearl Harbor. The ship is on the opposite side of Ford Island from the Arizona and many tourists to the memorial do not even learn about the Utah or the 58 sailors still entombed in her. The Utah had a long and impressive service record before the damage at Pearl. Efforts to right and restore the ship failed so she lies on her side in the water to this day. Learn more about the Utah and her crew here. Cal DeKnikker (a Navy vet, son and grandson of Navy sailors, and… Read More

Barry Jantz

Sunday San Diego: Term Limits, Oceanside Recall in Final Days, Six Figure Paid Vacations, and More

Service Employees Solely Bankroll San Diego County Supe Term Limits Effort… Jim Sills of SD Rostra breaks the news yesterday that the entire $250 grand raised so far to qualify a term limits initiative for County Supervisors has come from either the local chapter of SEIU or its State PAC. It is of course no surprise that labor is pushing the measure; perhaps the surprise is that SEIU hasn’t bothered to raise any funds from outside sources.

Uhhh, and perhaps that’s no surprise either.

In his SD Rostra piece, Sills creatively paraphrases Winston Churchill with, “Never have so few, donated So Much, for So Little.” He points out the apparent "philosophical disconnect," as only a year ago SEIU contributed $2,200,000 in support of Proposition 93 to overturn state term limits.

So, why the dichotomy? Does SEIU oppose or support term limits? Read Sills’ piece here.

Fleischman: Join SEIU in Supporting County Supe Term Limits?…Read More

Jon Fleischman

Conservatives “Welcome” Pelosi To Orange County

Last evening, House of Representatives Speaker Nancy Pelosi appeared at a event for Democrats in Orange County… Lauryn Picciano, the Executive Director of the OC GOP and President of the Orange County was on hand and sent an account of the "greetings" given to Pelosi from conservatives…

The Story of the Speaker and the Protesters! "I Used To Be Called A Taxpayer, Now I Am Called A Right Wing Nut" By Lauryn Picciano

Once upon a time (Friday December 4th, 2009) Local Tea Party Organizations, RepublicanRead More

Jon Fleischman

With State Assembly Democrats Divided, Republicans Must Stay United

It appears that the politics of who is going to be the next Speaker of the Assembly is still yet unresolved. Sure, the current occupant of the job, Karen Bass, held a press event and announced that her ally and chosen successor, John Perez, had secured the necessary votes to win the influential position. But rumors continue to swirl around that Kevin DeLeon, who has aspired to the Speakership for some time now, is still working hard to put together the votes.

For me and for Republicans, this is a tragic spectator sport because both of these Democrats are not just liberal, but are literally tied for being the most liberal members of the legislature, scoring goose-eggs on those ratings from conservative groups. In other words, neither Perez nor DeLeon are going to do anything but continue to try and push California off of a cliff — working to increase taxes and create new regulation at a time when the exact opposite is needed.

The reason I am writing about this as we head into the weekend is that I have now heard from multiple sources that one of these ultra-liberals (Perez, if you were curious) is trying to lure Republican legislators to "cross the… Read More

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