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Assemblyman Curt Hagman

One Way To Save Money On Corrections: Don’t Overpay People

My assignment to the Joint Legislative Audit Committee has given me the unique opportunity to delve into the inner workings of California state government. Recently an investigation completed by the California State Auditors Office crossed my desk or inbox as the case may be. This report concluded that poor internal controls in the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation facilities are responsible for several instances of overpayment to employees for inmate supervision.

From March 2008 through February 2009 the State Auditor found five of the six facilities examined overpaid employees who did not meet the requirement for extra pay totaling a lost to the state of $34,512. Using this data it was concluded by the State Auditor as much as $588,512 was overpaid statewide during the same twelve-month period.

This is exactly the kind of waste the state cannot afford right now. Occurrences like these in previous years were a nuisance but could be considered budget dust, money not amounting enough to be concerned about, but now when we are cutting deeply into the Healthcare and… Read More

James V. Lacy

Voter fraud and the Bolsheviks

Democrat election lawyer Bob Bauer has left private practice and now works for the taxpayers as the Obama White House Counsel, and already there are discussions on the Left-wing blogs, encouraged by Bauer’s appointment, that statements such as "ACORN stole the election" for Obama in 2008 could be considered a form of harassment and voter intimidation in and of themselves and that to restrict such mistruths from further circulation they might best be criminalized. Because, even though ACORN engaged in massive, coordinated vote illegalities in the last Presidential election, it didn’t really "steal" the election for Obama. The drift on the Left is that Obama would have won the election without all the help, legal or illegal, ACORN provided anyway, so for people to say that Obama "stole" the election is near criminal slander, and it should be suppressed. Lori Minnite, associated with Columbia University, states that tales of ACORN "stealing" the election for Obama are "ubiquitous" in the "rightwing blogosphere," and that rightwingers also believe that ACORN "stole" the election for… Read More

Congressman Doug LaMalfa

Today’s Commentary: Shocked! By The Politics Surrounding The Lieutenant Governor Vacancy

This Thanksgiving morning, as I review some of the news, I find the rhetoric aroundthis little Lt. Governor replacement issue quite entertaining as well as disturbing. In the news, there is annoyance over: A) the mere existence ofan LG B) thecandidate chosen to fill the vacancy C) the "horrendous" cost ofpossible special elections to replace the domino’d open seat[s] caused by appointing a current legislator as Lt Governor

My, ahem, ‘favorite’ line may beabout the governor, by movingto fill the vacancy "has chosen politics over seniors and children." [It was uttered by someone seeking statewide office]

As a duly elected Constitutional officer, the Lt. Governor does have certain responsibilities. A key one is a vote on the State Lands Commission, which would have jurisdiction over key oil drilling policy. The bottom line should be is that if the people of California through their Constitution have provided or allowed for the existence of a Lt Guv, and thus vote one into office, then it’s the obligation of the Governor and the Legislature to appoint and confirm a replacement as a… Read More

Congressman Doug LaMalfa

Shocked! By The Politics Surrounding The Lieutenant Governor Vacancy

This Thanksgiving morning, as I review some of the news, I find the rhetoric aroundthis little Lt. Governor replacement issue quite entertaining as well as disturbing. In the news, there is annoyance over: A) the mere existence ofan LG B) thecandidate chosen to fill the vacancy C) the "horrendous" cost ofpossible special elections to replace the domino’d open seat[s] caused by appointing a current legislator as Lt Governor

My, ahem, ‘favorite’ line may beabout the governor, by movingto fill the vacancy "has chosen politics over seniors and children." [It was uttered by someone seeking statewide office]

As a duly elected Constitutional officer, the Lt. Governor does have certain responsibilities. A key one is a vote on the State Lands Commission, which would have jurisdiction over key oil drilling policy. The bottom line should be is that if the people of California through their Constitution have provided or allowed for the existence of a Lt Guv, and thus vote one into office, then it’s the obligation of the Governor and the Legislature to appoint and confirm a replacement as a… Read More

James V. Lacy

Things I’m Thankful For

Today I am truly thankful for my wife and family; for my friends; for God’s blessings in my life; and to live in a great, free country that offers me and all people opportunity, civil rights, and the right to speak my mind.

Other things I am thankful for today are that: my parents didn’t name me Lester Lacy; that the Angels made it to the American League championship series and that baseball is just a few months away; that I was able to get rid of low profile tires on my car, which explode too much; that my German-born and titled 121 pound German Shepherd, Ibo Vom Steigerhof, BH, hasn’t been able to figure out how to start my car, yet; that my lemon tree hasn’t died; and that our publisher has only permanently deleted one of my posts herein in the last year. Happy Thanksgiving everybody!… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Arnold, Abel and Indifference

The nomination by Governor Schwarzenegger of State Senator Abel Maldonado really comes as no surprise, I suppose. Oh, there were plenty of theories about potential picks of people outside of the State Legislature, but if the Governor was going to pick a sitting legislator, Maldonado is a natural. The reason for this is that this Governor is so erratic and inconsistent that it is safe to say that he has no over-arching political ideology that is guiding him through his time as the state’s Chief Executive. Instead, everyone – even those closest to him – have stopped trying to predict his behavior, knowing that to try is folly. The only areas in which the Governor has maintained some consistency is his vetoing of those few bills each year that the CalChamber identifies as “job killers” (while signing vastly more bills that cost jobs but didn’t make the list) – and he has been “channeling” Al Gore on global warming for quite a few years now. Abel Maldonado is similarly erratic and unpredictable. Both Schwarzenegger and Maldonado seem to relish in the attention that they garner – “Oh, what will they do?”

This dynamic duo of inconsistency… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: Arnold, Abel and Indifference

The nomination by Governor Schwarzenegger of State Senator Abel Maldonado really comes as no surprise, I suppose. Oh, there were plenty of theories about potential picks of people outside of the State Legislature, but if the Governor was going to pick a sitting legislator, Maldonado is a natural. The reason for this is that this Governor is so erratic and inconsistent that it is safe to say that he has no over-arching political ideology that is guiding him through his time as the state’s Chief Executive. Instead, everyone – even those closest to him – have stopped trying to predict his behavior, knowing that to try is folly. The only areas in which the Governor has maintained some consistency is his vetoing of those few bills each year that the CalChamber identifies as “job killers” (while signing vastly more bills that cost jobs but didn’t make the list) – and he has been “channeling” Al Gore on global warming for quite a few years now. Abel Maldonado is similarly erratic and unpredictable. Both Schwarzenegger and Maldonado seem to relish in the attention that they garner – “Oh, what will they do?”

This dynamic duo of inconsistency… Read More

Assemblyman Curt Hagman

Welcome to Sacramento, Assemblyman Norby

Last Tuesday voters in Orange County went to the polls to pick their next Assembly member. This was a hotly contested race on the Republican side, and while the race sometimes turned ugly, I was pleased to see the final results.

I endorsed Chris Norby because I believe he does what he says and he says what he means. As Floor Leader I need members like Chris by my side to help us push the Republican vision. I am confident that Supervisor Norby (and now, presumably, Assemblyman Norby) will make the voters of his district proud and will be a valuable asset to our caucus.

While this was a special election and Chris will still have to face a run-off, I have no doubt that he will be working with us in the Capitol come next year. Congratulations Assemblyman Norby, and welcome to Sacramento.… Read More

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