Admiral McRaven Keep It to Yourself
It is every American’s right to criticize our leadership. That is what separates our country from others. The Bill of Rights and the First Amendment codify individual rights that make us the beacon for the world. Certain individuals have a higher responsibility to protect the First Amendment and, when using it, not to act like a second-rate politician. That is what Admiral William McRaven did in a New York Times recent column.
Let’s get past the obligatory commentary that we are all thankful for the service and sacrifice of Admiral McRaven on behalf of our country. That does not justify his irresponsible commentary.
The Admiral’s column Our Republic is Under Attack from the President begins with the Admiral wrapping himself in the American flag. If anyone deserves to do this he certainly does. He has earned it.
The transition started with a statement that feelings of despair were widespread throughout the troops with which he interacted. By innuendo he stated they were in despair akin to his feelings without any evidence. The only example he cited was a retired four-star general who apparently told him in confidence, shook him and shouted “I don’t… Read More