Senior-Citizen Sex Offender Gets Caught Luring Child
God bless the 11-year-old Palmdale girl who, as reported by the Antelope Valley Press, managed to flee a sex offender last week. She is to be commended for her bravery and quick actions. Had this precious child not escaped, she might have met a tragic fate. Luckily, Palmdale station sheriff deputies were able to nab Keith Holmes, the 78-year-old registered sex offender. Because of tougher sex offender laws, Holmes, who is accused of luring the child, will likely go away for life. Everyone knows that Jessica’s Law requires paroled sex offenders to wear GPS and live at least 2,000 feet from schools. But what some people forget is that Jessica’s Law gives prosecutors strengthened tools for keeping dangerous men like Holmes off the streets for longer periods – or for good. I also couldn’t help but notice Holmes’ advanced years. Hmmm, aren’t elderly people – even elderly prisoners like Charles Manson and registered sex offenders like Holmes – supposed to be peaceful and benevolent souls, and present absolutely no danger to society by virtue of their old age? Isn’t 62 the magic age where bad people become good and… Read More