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FlashReport Weblog on California Politics

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Jon Fleischman

Will the GOP do something different? Or are we hamsters?

Republican National Committee Vice Chairman Jim Bopp has a great column in today’s Washington Times. You can read it here. It ponders the future of the Republican Party.

Bopp has been at the center of controversy lately for his proposal that the RNC adopt a "litmus test" on key GOP issues that candidates must meet before being eligable for RNC support.

Many people do not like that idea.

Yet, Bopp’s proposal addresses a serious problem, which you will see me write about a lot in the coming months. Which, most simply put, is how does the GOP track towards a majority that will achieve the party’s policy goals? It clearly is not the purpose of a political party to accumulate power for power’s sake. Earlier this decade Republicans controlled the Presidency, the United States Senate and the House of Representatives. With all of this, we presided over growth in the size and scope of the federal government, and the expansion of entitlement programs.

If GOP leaders don’t like… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Sunday Reading

Some Sunday Reading: Round 3 of California’s never-ending budget bout looms Sacramento Bee California’s budget crisis may be on collision course with election year Contra Costa Times Money doesn’t always buy the office Kathleen Decker, LA Times Read More

Jon Fleischman

Happy Holidays from The FlashReport Team

We would like to wish our readers a Merry Christmas or a Happy Hannukah, and a great New Years. The FlashReport is currently in our "holiday break" mode, where we offer much more limited coverage. This takes place annually from the Saturday before Christmas through New Years Day. Traditionally the political news coverage is very slow, and it gives the elves here a chance to recharge their batteries before we return full steam ahead on January 4th. The FlashReport Weblog on California Politics will be up and running during our seasonal break, and so we encourage you to keep an eye on it. Our many bloggers will still be posting, and if there is breaking news or a particularly "yummy" political story or column, that’s where we’ll point it out to you! Thank you so much for making 2009 the most successful year yet, by any measurable standard, for the FlashReport. We had more blog posts and more featured columns than any other year. We’ve had more readers (by far) than we’ve had since we began as an e-mail newsletter in 2001. We’ve had more… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: Happy Holidays from The FlashReport Team

We would like to wish our readers a Merry Christmas or a Happy Hannukah, and a great New Years. The FlashReport is currently in our "holiday break" mode, where we offer much more limited coverage. This takes place annually from the Saturday before Christmas through New Years Day. Traditionally the political news coverage is very slow, and it gives the elves here a chance to recharge their batteries before we return full steam ahead on January 4th. The FlashReport Weblog on California Politics will be up and running during our seasonal break, and so we encourage you to keep an eye on it. Our many bloggers will still be posting, and if there is breaking news or a particularly "yummy" political story or column, that’s where we’ll point it out to you! Thank you so much for making 2009 the most successful year yet, by any measurable standard, for the FlashReport. We had more blog posts and more featured columns than any other year. We’ve had more readers (by far) than we’ve had since we began as an e-mail newsletter in 2001. We’ve had more… Read More

Shawn Steel

Kalifornistan: A Movie Review

If you transform into aconservative while an undergrad at Yale, then something special happened. It happened to Wm. F. Buckley. AndGovindini Murty, who with her husband founded the wildly successful Liberty Film Festival, became a conservative under liberal group think,and met Jason Apuzzo. Both are film makers with a vivid conservative/libertarian perspective.

Finally they made their own film with Govindini starring as the "girl" entwined in a wicked plot by a Jihad Terrorist to nuke LA.The insane terrorist is desperately seeking fame while stalking an exotic dancer. The same dilemma faced by the the9/11. Before purifying their souls for the suicide attacks, several were habituating strip clubs days before.

The black comedy takes you on a journey though Iran, Gitmo and the rough streets around the LA Harbor. The… Read More

Mike Spence

The CTA Never Tasted So Good.

I have waited along time to go whole hog in support the minions that pay their dues to the California Teachers Association.

Finally, I found a teacher union action with teeth! Saul Alinksy has taught me that direct action against those oppressive elements of society is necessary.

The poor teachers of the Centinela Valley Union High School District have been put through too much.Today they stood up to the man.

They aren’t getting there fair share of the dough. No contract, no peace!

Today during nutrition breaks, instead of letting kids eat carrots and nutritious snacks and make money off the federal government subsidies for food welfare program they gave out donuts.

Not just any donut,Krispy Kreme donuts.

A luta contunia. The people united will never be defeated. And make mine a dozen.

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Congressman John Campbell

A Year End Wrap-up 2009

Quote of the week: “No man’s life, liberty, or property is safe while Congress is in session” – Samuel Clemens (Mark Twain)

The House of Representatives adjourned for the year on Wednesday night. So, as Samuel Clemens so aptly stated, your property and freedom are safe until January 12th, 2010. You all know that the Senate is still wrestling with their Health Care Bill. Thus far, the absence of the government run part is a good thing, laregely because it is therefore unlikely to lead to full-blown socialized medicine. That’s why Howard Dean and other unabashed socialized medicine advocates are now against the bill. But the bill still stinks because it will raise taxes and costs on every single American who currently has health insurance in order to create a new expensive bureaucracy in an attempt to insure the uninsured. If this bill were to pass, it would not surprise me if health insurance costs rise by about 30% on everyone because of the resulting taxes on insurance policies, new mandated coverage’s, and expanded costs. I just don’t see how the President and the Democrats believe that this will help people or… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: Annual Tradition: FR Main Page To Close For The Holidays

This is a remind that today is the last day of publication of the FlashReport’s main news link page for the year. As has been our tradition since we went online in 2005, we gives the "elves" the weeks of Christmas and New Years off in order to recuperate and get ready for the busy new year.

The main page returns on Monday, January 4, 2009. We’ll include a look back at some of the major stories (if any) that took place during the brief hiatus.

The FR Blog page will be up and running during the holiday season, and look for action there — especially if there is breaking news.

**There is more – click the link**

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