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Jon Fleischman

Michelle vs. Arnold

I think I can count on one hand (well, a six-fingered hand) the number of Republican women elected to partisan office in California. If the response to the State of the State from Audra Strickland (in the blog post below) and the even more harsh reaction from Board of Equalization Member Michelle Steel are any indicator, I wonder what Senator Walters, and Assemblywomen Harkey, Conway and Fuller thought of the speech?

Board Member Steel really hits the Governor hard on the taxes front, making the case that the Governor promoting the recommendations of his Tax Commission is a de facto call for a tax increase. She also, and rightly so, bangs the Governor for promoting the big-spending, pork-laden water bond package.

Well, rather than me telling you what Steel’s concerns are, here it is in her own words…

As I listened to the Governor’s address this morning, I was pleased to hear some good solid proposals, among them pension reform, prison privatization and budget cuts. But I was disappointed to hear that once again the toughest choices for CaliforniaRead More

Jon Fleischman

Audra vs. Arnold

When I received this thoughtful response to the Governor’s State of the State Address from longtime FR friend Audra Strickland, I knew that I had to get it up on the blog right away.

To know Audra is to know that she can be very direct and pointed when she feels it is appropriate. In a respectful but firm tone, read how Strickland takes on Governor Schwarzenegger’s proposal to pass a ballot measure to amend the Constitution aimed at cut prison spending and shift that money over to higher education. Strickland makes the case for why, in setting priorities, we do not need to pit public safety needs against the needs of higher education.

Definately worth a read…

During his State of the State address, Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger said that the one word that he and the legislature should focus on in order to solve our budget crisis is “priorities.” I could not agree with him more.Read More

Michael Der Manouel, Jr.

CD 19 – Jones is out, now Patterson becomes early favorite

In my brief post last night, I indicated that the race for the Republican nomination to succeed retiring Congressman George Radanovich was a complete tossup, given the existence of two strong candidates from just outside the North end of the District, former Congressman Richard Pombo, and State Senator Jeff Denham, and two strong Fresno area candidates, former Secretary of State Bill Jones and former Fresno Mayor Jim Patterson.

That list of strong Fresno area candidates is now down to one, as Bill Jones has indicated that he is NOT running. This development elevates the candidacy of Jim Patterson and should cause some consternation for Pombo and Denham.

Pombo is a conservative’s conservative with a great ag and natural resources pedigree, but he lives outside the district and is relatively unknown to Fresno area voters, other than powerful Westside farming interests. He can raise the money to be competitive, but he isn’t a populist, and his issue strengths, while considerable, are not the type to drive turnout in his… Read More

Jon Fleischman

HJTA Responds to State Of State

Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Association's president Jon Coupal released official reaction to Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger's annual “State of the State” address today:

“Any attempt to bring down California's $20 billion budget deficit must begin with three things: creating jobs, easing revenue volatility, and cutting spending.

Streamlining the permitting of construction projects and creating CEQA exemptions will take the brakes off job creation and will help to bring down California's astronomically high 12.5% unemployment rate.

Job growth will lead to more stable revenue streams, but only if we end California's over-reliance on the few major income earners to help balance the budget every year.

In the area of Tax reform, a flat tax – where all Californians are invested in the economic climate of California – would be preferable to the Tax Commission's recommendation of a VAT-style tax.

We do not believe it is “bold” to play a game of 'hide the tax' with hard-earned taxpayer dollars.We also join with the Governor in his concern over… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Bill Jones Takes A Pass On CD 19 Run

Former California Secretary of State Bill Jones just released a statement (see below) letting people know he will NOT be running for the 19th Congressional District seat currently occupied by Republican George Radanovich, who will retire at the end of this term.

Who does this help? Some will say that former Fresno Mayer Jerry Patterson is the winner because Jones would have split the vote from the Fresno end of the district. Another valid analysis would be that if Jones were in, both he and Senator Denham were so supportive of John McCain’s Presidential bid (very early) that they might have split up some supporters.

Anyways, here’s Jones’ statement:


It has been an honor to have served the people of California over the last 20+ years. During that time my highest priority has been to deliver on the reforms needed for our state in a way that reflects honor and integrityRead More

Jon Fleischman

Senator Bob Dutton Reacts To State Of The State Address

Below is a lengthier statement that I just received from FR friend State Senator Bob Dutton in response to the Governor’s State Of The State Address…

For several years now I have said the only way California’s economy is going to turn around is by lifting the economic and regulatory burdens that make this state the most expensive place in the nation to live and work. I’m pleased that Governor Schwarzenegger unveiled a plan today that begins making the principles of private sector job creation and regulatory reform a priority. California has one of the highest unemployment rates in the nation. In fact, other than Detroit, the Inland Empire (San Bernardino and Riverside Counties) has the highest unemploymentRead More

Jon Fleischman

“Lighting Round” Reaction To State Of The State

Here’s some "instant, lightning round" response to some of the statements of the Governor in his State of the State Address. Excerpts from the Governor’s speech are in quotes, and boldface. My comments follow each quote… "The Schwarzenegger household is something of a menagerie."

No doubt.

"Just last night the Assembly passed major educational reform, reform that once seemed impossible, but now will become law as soon as it hits my desk." Some good reforms. Governor should have noted that it should not have taken federal incentives dangled from 3,000 miles away to get them, and that the federal government should not be crafting state-level policy with payoffs.

"And now we must work to pass the 11 billion dollars in water bonds that will be on the ballot in November." This package… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Fleischman Reacts to Speech on KQED Radio

I just got off of a brief appearance on KQED’s California Report coverage of the State of the State Address. I followed Senate President Darrell Steinberg. Here’s what I had to say… (I’m being interview by KQED’s Capitol man in the building, the irrepressible John Myers… I also talk briefly about the Anthony Adams retirement.

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