Michelle vs. Arnold
I think I can count on one hand (well, a six-fingered hand) the number of Republican women elected to partisan office in California. If the response to the State of the State from Audra Strickland (in the blog post below) and the even more harsh reaction from Board of Equalization Member Michelle Steel are any indicator, I wonder what Senator Walters, and Assemblywomen Harkey, Conway and Fuller thought of the speech?
Board Member Steel really hits the Governor hard on the taxes front, making the case that the Governor promoting the recommendations of his Tax Commission is a de facto call for a tax increase. She also, and rightly so, bangs the Governor for promoting the big-spending, pork-laden water bond package.
Well, rather than me telling you what Steel’s concerns are, here it is in her own words…
As I listened to the Governor’s address this morning, I was pleased to hear some good solid proposals, among them pension reform, prison privatization and budget cuts. But I was disappointed to hear that once again the toughest choices for California … Read More