Governor Unveils Proposed ’10-’11 Budget
The Governor just introduced his 2010-2011 proposed State Budget. It’s big and fat and filled with a ton of details. If you are THAT FlashReport reader, thanks to Capitol Weekly a nearly-200 page document with a lot of details are available online here.
Linked below this post are three helpful documents. The first one is a succinct three-pager from the Governor’s office for the more "normal" non-wonkish types to get sense of the budget proposal. Also is a list of money that Governor wants from the federal government, arguing that our state pays more into the U.S. Treasury than we get back. Finally the Governor’s office created a one-pager concerning proposed education reforms.
Again, there is a LOT to digest here. Look for those controversial components of the proposal to get more attention here on the FlashReport and elsewhere.… Read More