Quote of the Day: "Here’s what I ask of Congress, though: Do not walk away from reform. Not now. Not when we are so close." – President Barrack Obama last night referring to his call to pass the government-run health care bill
State of the Union: Unbelievable. That’s my primary comment about the President’s speech last night. Unbelievable. This President continues to surprise me with his insistence on pushing an extreme agenda in spite of overwhelming evidence of that agenda’s failure and its wide unpopularity with the people. I really expected him to pivot last night and try to make a fresh start on the country’s increasing problems. I was wrong.
Instead, he basically doubled down on his agenda of last year. As the excerpt above indicates, he still wants his government run health care bill passed. Apparently, the strategy now is to try and pass the Senate bill in the House and then use the reconciliation process (requires only 51 votes in the Senate) to make some changes to satisfy Pelosi and House Democrats. He called for passage of the national energy… Read More