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Congressman John Campbell


Quote of the Day: "Here’s what I ask of Congress, though: Do not walk away from reform. Not now. Not when we are so close."President Barrack Obama last night referring to his call to pass the government-run health care bill

State of the Union: Unbelievable. That’s my primary comment about the President’s speech last night. Unbelievable. This President continues to surprise me with his insistence on pushing an extreme agenda in spite of overwhelming evidence of that agenda’s failure and its wide unpopularity with the people. I really expected him to pivot last night and try to make a fresh start on the country’s increasing problems. I was wrong.

Instead, he basically doubled down on his agenda of last year. As the excerpt above indicates, he still wants his government run health care bill passed. Apparently, the strategy now is to try and pass the Senate bill in the House and then use the reconciliation process (requires only 51 votes in the Senate) to make some changes to satisfy Pelosi and House Democrats. He called for passage of the national energy… Read More

Mike Spence

Mountjoy Endorses in 59th Assembly District Race

A few interesting developments that add to my original post.

Dick Mountjoy has endorsed Chris Lancaster. Mountjoy and later his son represented the 59th Assembly District. Mountjoy cites Lancaster’s Family Values and commitment on taxes. This is big endorsement that will help Lancaster with conservatives in the district. A big endorsement for Lancaster.

Also, Brett Henry the President of the local firefighters union has decided not run.

Stay tuned… Read More

Candidate Pushes for Term Limits in Laguna Hills

Barbara Kogerman, a candidate for Laguna Hills City Council in November 2010 is promoting a term limits initiative for the city. The current city council has been in place for twenty years. Kogerman thinks that’s too long.

Laguna Hills is awell run city, not much happening there. In factthere is nothing remarkable about the city. The council is not terribly politically active.

Promoting term limits is a great way to get a name for yourself. Kogerman is taking a page out of the Larry Agran (Irvine councilmember andpolitical boss) play book that suggests building a relationship with voters on a policy level before asking for their vote. Barbara Kogerman’s husband,Lt. Col.Bill Kogerman is an Agran ally and fellow Great Park board member (the corporation that is overseeing the redevelopment of the former El Toro Marine Corps Air Station).

If the incumbents want to, they could probably fend off the insurgency. But I am not sure they have the stomach for it.… Read More

Ray Haynes

My thoughts for Republicans this year

I just got an email from the Republican Party about the Democrat Senatorial Campaign Committee trying to divide Republicans from activists. The strategy is a real concern. The Republican challenge? How to respond to the concerns of activists without alienating them. Let’s be honest, many of the activists that are becoming engaged at this time have been alienated by both Republicans and Democrats. They are closer to the Republicans in their "Leave Me Alone" approach to government, but they don’t believe Republicans take them seriously. It is very easy to turn them off, and Republicans, in their attempt to curry the favor with the media and intelligentsia, are quick to diss the activists who would, on the natural, support them.

There is a way to deal with their issues without alienating them, and it is important that Republicans learn these ways. The activists are not hicks, they are not rubes, they are not unintelligent, no matter how much Democrats and the media wish to cast them in that light. They are natural allies of Republicans, if Republicans treat them with respect and dignity. Consultants will tell candidates to ignore or… Read More

Matthew J. Cunningham

Ghost Of Tax Hike Proposals Past Coming Back To Haunt Poizner?

[Cross-posted from]

Insurance Commissioner Steve Poizner’s gubernatorial campaign spent much of last year rubbing up against conservative opinion leaders, trying to shed the skin of his earlier political incarnation as a center-left Republican and convince the rank-and-file that the metamorphosis is genuine.

And doing a pretty good job of it. For example, he’s put forward solid budget and economic proposals that would, if adopted, put California on a path to economic growth and stable, balanced budgets.

Unfortunately for Poizner, the past isn’t so easily banished: Superintendent of Public Instruction Jack O’Connell is calling for passage of state Sen. Joe Simitian’s state constitutional amendment to lower the threshold for passing parcel taxes from two-thirds to just 55%.

This is exactly the same proposal Poizner pushed as a leader of Taxpayers for School… Read More

Congressman John Campbell

A Few Thoughts

Miscellaneous (short) Ramblings: A lot is going in DC right now and a lot has gone on since I sent you my first missive of the year yesterday. Here is a quick rundown of my thoughts on many things in no particular order:

The way the Obama Administration has handled the so-called “underwear bomber” on Christmas Day is atrocious. This guy was a foreign national operating as part of an inter-connected worldwide organization with the intent to kill United States citizens and further a process of bringing down our government and destroying our way of life. He should have been immediately declared an enemy combatant, interrogated, and tried in a military tribunal, as has been done in similar incidents for more than a century. He was injured and his mission had failed. There was significant potential to garner intelligence about his network and connections in order to prevent future attacks, and save lives. Yet he has been treated as though he was caught smoking or tampering with the smoke detector in the airplane lavatory. He was read his Miranda rights, assigned an attorney, and told NOT to say anything. Unbelievable. This … Read More

James V. Lacy

A good reason to support Three Strikes law

Liberals like to discuss the unfairness of California’s so-called “three strikes” criminal law. Under “three strikes,” a third criminal conviction results in substantial added incarceration of a convicted offender. Liberals think that is unfair to the civil rights of the criminal.

Conservatives say the civil rights of the victims need more consideration in law, and reason that putting repeat offenders away for longer periods reduces crime.

The relatively new book by a couple of basically liberal economists, “Superfreakeconomics,” the sequel to their earlier “Freakeconomics,” gives factual support to conservatives’ view that keeping repeaters in jail is best for society. According to their research, whenever the American Civil Liberties Union wins a criminal case that gets a violent felon out of prison, crime goes up in that area by 10% in three years. The authors have tested this and it is not just a theory, it is a fact. Anybody who doubts that the three strikes law is a good thing, needs to read “Superfreakeconomics.”… Read More

BOE Member George Runner

Governor’s constitutional amendment called ‘unwise’ by Legislative Analyst’s Office

In a report released today, the non-partisan Legislative Analyst’s Office called on the California Legislature to reject the Governor’s proposed constitutional amendment that would restrict the state’s spending decisions on universities and prisons.

The LAO nixed the proposal because:

1. (it) would unwisely constrain the state’s ability to allocate funding where it is most needed each year;

2. is unnecessary, as the state already had the ability to shift funding among programs without this constitutional amendment.

Read the LAO report here.

I agree with the LAO for the reasons stated and because the Governor conveniently omitted the billions of dollars California taxpayers spend on community colleges (read my blog post from Jan. 6) in an effort to skew the argument.

Even though the Legislature should reject the Governor’s proposal, that doesn’t mean we should walk away from our responsibility to trim unnecessary… Read More

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