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Jon Fleischman

Despite “State of California/Chief Justice” Appearing Seven Times in Hillary Clinton’s Campaign Records, Ron George Says He Contributed No Funds To Her Campaign

[As you read this, please note that the Hillary Clinton Campaign has acknowledged to Chief Justice George’s attorney that he appears on their campaign reports in error. So my story was based on inaccurate information on the FEC website, and my accusation was, as it turns out, unfounded. See more here – Flash]

Just a few minutes ago, I got off of the phone with Beth Jay, the Principal Attorney for Supreme Court Chief Justice Ronald George. She called me in response to my commentary this morning taking the Chief Justice to task for what appear to be many contributions to the Hillary Clinton for President campaign back in 2008.

While telling me that she can understand why I could have reached the conclusion that Justice George had made those contributions (hmmm, because the FEC website identified… Read More

BOE Member George Runner

California Supreme Court upholds the will of the people and rights of victims

The California Supreme Court made the right choice today when it sided with voters and victims by upholding Jessica’s Law 2,000-feet living restriction for sex offenders who were paroled after the date the law was passed

I am pleased with the ruling. The court has upheld the will of the voters and the rights of victims who, let’s not forget, have suffered from the hands of society’s worst criminals.

The court’s ruling is consistent with the intent behind Jessica’s Law, which is to provide better safety for children by preventing paroled sex offenders from living near schools.

According to the Declaration of Independence, our leaders have the right to rule only with ‘the consent of the governed’ and the California Supreme Court proved that today. It’s a good day for Californians and for Democracy.… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Murphy; “I’m starting to worry about the Commisioner’s mental condition.”

Famed politico and senior level Whitman for Governor consultant Mike Murphy fired a shot across the bow of the S.S. Poizner, in response to the accusations leveled by Poizner this morning (see the blog post below this one). Murphy’s statement: "After reading the ridiculous charges made by Steve Poizner during today’s strange press conference, all I can say is that I’m starting to worry about Commissioner’s mental condition. It is true that I have been trying to find a way to avoid a costly and unnecessary Republican primary. I believe it is important that Republicans across California unite around Meg Whitman to defeat Jerry Brown in the fall. It is also true that I am not the only one with this view. Many Republican leaders are more and more concerned that the Poizner campaign, now 28+ points behind in theRead More

Jon Fleischman

Poizner Accuses Whitman Of Trying To Intimidate Him Out Of Race – Says Laws May Have Been Violated…

I just got off of the phone listening in on a press conference called by gubernatorial candidate Steve Poizner. I was going to try and write up the issues he raised in the event, when I got a press release from Poizner’s campaign. I don’t do this often, but for the sake of getting information out quickly, I will reprint the release below… Interestingly, Poizner files a complaint with, among others, Attorney General Jerry Brown, the likely Democrat nominee for Governor.


Whitman campaign’s threats and intimidation cross the line; FBI, U.S. Attorney, and AG Brown are notified of the Whitman campaign’s attempts to cancel the election. Republican candidate for governor Steve Poizner today revealed intimidation tactics from Meg Whitman in which her top political advisor threatened to spendRead More

Jon Fleischman

Chief Justice George Violates California Code of Judicial Ethics

[As you read this, please note that the Hillary Clinton Campaign has acknowledged to Chief Justice George’s attorney that he appears on their campaign reports in error. So my story was based on inaccurate information on the FEC website, and my accusation was, as it turns out, unfounded. See more here – Flash] Back in 1977, when I was ten years old, you were "cool" if you were listening to an awesome new song by The Eagles — Hotel California. You were "un-cool" if you were "jive dancing" to Andy Gibb. Star Wars debuted that year, and Elvis Presley moved on to Graceland in the sky. Jerry "Moonbeam" Brown was Governor of California, and that was the year that he… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Poizner Accuses Whitman Of Trying To Intimidate Him Out Of Race – Says Laws May Have Been Violated…

I just got off of the phone listening in on a press conference called by gubernatorial candidate Steve Poizner. I was going to try and write up the issues he raised in the event, when I got a press release from Poizner’s campaign. I don’t do this often, but for the sake of getting information out quickly, I will reprint the release below… Interestingly, Poizner files a complaint with, among others, Attorney General Jerry Brown, the likely Democrat nominee for Governor.


Whitman campaign’s threats and intimidation cross the line; FBI, U.S. Attorney, and AG Brown are notified of the Whitman campaign’s attempts to cancel the election. Republican candidate for governor Steve Poizner today revealed intimidation tactics from Meg Whitman in which her top political advisor threatened to spendRead More

Jon Fleischman

Whitman’s Latest Radio Ad Features Pete Wilson

Today Meg Whitman’s campaign announced that their latest radio commercials feature a commentary from former California Governor Pete Wilson.

You can hear the ad by clicking on the YouTube spot below (conveniently provided by the Whitman campaign)…

The Whitman campaign says this is their eighth radio spot…

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Bill Leonard

Want Job Growth? Lower the Cost of Labor

As far as the “jobs, jobs, jobs” mantra, we can spend with borrowed money, which is not popular with voters, or we can look at what is right in front of our noses. To stop the hemorrhaging of jobs, the obvious thing for government to do is lower the cost of labor by cutting back on payroll taxes paid by employers and workers.

I plugged in data for an imaginary California worker making $45,000 a year who is single with no deductions and here is how it breaks out:

Gross pay (per month): $3,750 Federal income tax: $543 FICA (social security): $232.50 Medicare: $54.38

So already out of a gross pay of $3,750, this hypothetical Californian has over $829 taken out by the federal government before he gets a dime. But we need to add California’s payroll taxes.

California has four State payroll taxes which are administered by the Employment Development Department (EDD). They are Unemployment Insurance and Employment Training Tax, which are employer contributions, and State Disability Insurance (SDI) and Personal Income Tax… Read More

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