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James V. Lacy

My analysis of CU case: corporate-free-for-all in Federal elections

Here is my executive summary on the Citizens United case and a sad prediction.

Citizens United, a nonprofit corporation (formed originally by my friend Floyd Brown) released during the last Presidential campaign a documentary movie about Hillary Clinton that was critical of her. It sought declaratory and injunctive relief in Federal Court on whether it would be subject to criminal penalties from the Federal Election Commission for distributing the movie. CU lost at the District Court level but appealed to the U.S. Supreme Court.

The Supreme Court under Chief Justice Roberts had previously decided some cases that marginalized the broad sweep of the McCain-Feingold campaign finance law, which placed additional restrictions of First Amendment freedoms in a Federal election context, most notably, the Wisconsin Right to Life decision, which scaled back McCain-Feingold to allow for unlimited "issue advocacy" by a corporation during an election campaign.… Read More

Jon Fleischman

VIDEO: Ten Minute Fiorina Press Availability

Yesterday U.S. Senate candidate Carly Fiorina held a ten minute press availability in Sacramento, following the upset win of Republican Scott Brown in Massachusetts on Tuesday. Because I am in Sacramento, I went over the handy Flash Flip Camera, and was able to tape the entire thing. So here’s your chance to see what one of these press avails is like, and of course to hear the candidate in her own words, as opposed to just a snippet or two in variou MSM stories…

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James V. Lacy

Citizens United decided, campaign finance turned upside down

I still have not reviewed carefully all 185 pages, but the US Supreme Court issued the decision in Citizens United today by a 5-4 conservative majority vote and a lenthy dissent by John Paul Stevens. That means one thing: freedom and the First Anendment won! It appears corporations will no longer be banned from involvement in federal elections. More later……… Read More

Senator Tony Strickland

Tom Harman leads in AG Survey

Wednesday was a great day all around. Not only did Scott Brown win an incredible victory in Massachusetts, but I saw polling numbers that show Tom Harman is leading all potential opponents to be our Republican nominee for Attorney General. Like many of you, I believe the tide is turning in our country and our state. Tom has always been a great supporter of mine, an excellent conservative particularly when it comes to holding the line on the budget and strengthening our criminal justice system and an aggressive fundraiser. This new survey of 500 registered Republican likely voters (see below) shows decisively that Harman is the frontrunner for the GOP nomination.

These results, along with his support from leading “3 Strikes and You’re Out” champion Mike Reynolds, are extremely strong indicators about the strength of his campaign and our opportunity to put this seat back in the GOP column – particularly when you consider that these same 500 Republicans said they would be more likely to support a… Read More

Shawn Steel

Today’s Commentary: Michael Steele Wins Again

Last year Michael Steele upset the Republican establishment as the first outsider in a generation to win election as Chairman of the Republican National Committee. Massive forces were aligned against Steele, but the harsh lessons of wholesale Republican repudiations of 2006 and 2008 helped propel Michael’s message.

The message from Steele? That for Republicans to win again, they must embrace and act conservative. We have valuable lessons to learn from the Tea Party movement. Depending on the Republican bulls in Congress could be fatal. Over the years, many RNC vendors grew rich over no-bid contracts. In fact, there still remains an RNC member who was paid over $1,000,000 from the RNC — who was a fierce opponent to Steele’s election. Chairman

Steele promised reforms. No more no-bid contracts. Old favored vendors would have to compete. The Establishment would have to move over and and re-invent themselves.… Read More

Shawn Steel

Michael Steele Wins Again

Last year Michael Steele upset the Republican establishment as the first outsider in a generation to win election as Chairman of the Republican National Committee. Massive forces were aligned against Steele, but the harsh lessons of wholesale Republican repudiations of 2006 and 2008 helped propel Michael’s message.

The message from Steele? That for Republicans to win again, they must embrace and act conservative. We have valuable lessons to learn from the Tea Party movement. Depending on the Republican bulls in Congress could be fatal. Over the years, many RNC vendors grew rich over no-bid contracts. In fact, there still remains an RNC member who was paid over $1,000,000 from the RNC — who was a fierce opponent to Steele’s election. Chairman

Steele promised reforms. No more no-bid contracts. Old favored vendors would have to compete. The Establishment would have to move over and and re-invent themselves.… Read More

James V. Lacy

McCain is a terrible waste of effort

I enjoyed reading Senator John McCain’s book during the 2000 election cycle, about his service in the military and time in a Vietnam prisoner of war camp. He seemed to be a real hero. I also recall fondly bumping into him occasionally at the "social Safeway" in Old Town Alexandria, Virginiawhen my wife and I worked in the Reagan Administration. I specifically recall one instance where he was closely observing a Romaine Lettuce and I approached him to say he was getting a raw deal on the "Keating Five" scandal in the media. The next time I met him was at a private meeting with the Board of Directors of the Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Association in Los Angeles, that Mrs. Jarvis attended. We talked about his presidential ambitions but I voiced a small concern about his idea on campaign finance reform. He didn’t have much of an answer when I asked about implications to the First Amendment.

Today Cindy McCain is reported to have appeared in a television advertisement in support of gay marriage. This report comes on the same day that the U.S. Supreme Court, in yet another decision, has further clobbered… Read More

Senator Tony Strickland

$220 Billion Government Run Healthcare

Earlier today, the Senate Democrats passed SB 810, which would mandate government run healthcare. The Democrats in Sacramento aren’t listening. The people don’t want a government run healthcare system. The lack of support for the federal proposal and the election results in Massachusetts, less than 48 hours ago, should indicate the public’s desire to have government stay out of their healthcare decisions.

SB 810 is far more intrusive than the federal program. And, it comes at a time when California is facing a $20 billion deficit and cuts are being made to education, healthcare, and public safety. The Legislature should not even contemplate implementing a program that will ration healthcare and cost over $200 billion annually – more than double the California State Budget.

This is the plan for you, if you want the compassion of the IRS and the efficiency of the DMV.… Read More

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