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Jon Fleischman

CTA Wants To Divert The “Payoff Benefits” That Got BigBiz Onboard With Higher Taxes, And Divert Them To Thier Own Purposes

The Sacramento Bee is reporting the California Teachers Association is busy qualifying a measure to repeal about $1.7 billion dollars in tax benefits for corporations currently in place, or about to go into effect in the next budget year. First and foremost, for the record, repealing these benefits is a bad idea. Right now we need to be freeing up the capital of corporations so that they can grow, thrive, and create private sector jobs.

Now, that having been said, the bulk of the tax benefits that are targeted by the CTA are, in my opinion, ill-gotten gains from the February 2009 budget deal where taxpayers got slammed with $16 billion dollars of income, sales and car taxes, as well as loss of some of the dependent tax credit, and also the same deal spawned a ballot measure that would have doubled the length of those tax increases. Somehow as part of the deal, while taxes went up on the people of California, big-business got a bunch a tax breaks. And, go figure, the "business community" rallied around the deal, which in my opinion, stunk. It was… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Rest In Peace Ethie Radanovich

Just received word that Ethie Radanovich, the wife of U.S. Representative George Radanovich, passed away last night. She had been fighting cancer for some time. Our prayers go out to the Congressman, his family and their close friends. Very sad news, indeed.… Read More

James V. Lacy

MacLean recalled by 19 votes; recount unlikely

News reports today informed us that Mission Viejo City Councilman Lance MacLean, the current appointed Mayor, was recalled by the very narrow margin of just 19 votes in the city recall election held last Tuesday. After spending the extraordinary amount of $105,000 to oppose the recall (or about $15 a vote) (one wonders who did the union’s polling!) and lose by just 19 votes, the Orange County Deputy Sheriff’s union might want to demand a "recount" just to satisfy any doubts individual union members might have about the results, or the wisdom, of dumping such a large amount of precious PAC funds down the drain on just this small part of the County.

If union members want a recount, however, they will have to pay for it, adding insult to injury. Under the law, a County Registrar may initiate a recount where he/she believes there has been a miscount of the vote. However, today’s news reports make it clear that the County Registrar’s office, through their spokesperson, has full confidence in their election count. Where the government does not initiate a recount, the law allows any "voter" in the district to request… Read More

Ballot Designation Junkies Get Excited

I consider myself a ballot designation junkie. My firm has polled extensively on which ballotdesignations work best for which types of office andin which parts of the state. I enjoy the creativeprocess of coming up with the best three words. Note: Most other states we don’t have ballot designations.

It is usually the third question I ask a candidate after, "Can you really raise money?" and "Whowas your favorite player on the1986 World Series Championship Mets?"

"Whatwill you use for a ballot title?"Actually, the questionsjust got a little more complicated.

Thankthe good folks at Reed & Davidson, some of the top political attorney’s in the state for their quick analysis of the recent changes to the regulations that govern ballot designations. According to an email they sent out today there are several things to watch out for:

-The ambiguity surrounding the use of appointed titles such as mayor and mayor pro tem in cities where those positions rotate among the city council, no longer exists. You can use thedesignationIF they do not… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Meg Whitman Launches Statewide Television Buy

The most effective way to communicate with voters in a state as large as California is through television and cable advertising. It also happens to be the most expensive. That said, we can certainly be sure we will get to see a LOT of it coming from the two candidates who want to be the Republican nominee for Governor. Thus far, the campaign of Steve Poizner has not been doing any direct voter contact (obviously choosing to wait until close to the election which is still four months out), and the Whitman campaign has been running a series of statewide radio spots.

As of today, the television "phase" officially begins in this primary — with the announcement today that Meg Whitman’s campaign is launching their first statewide television and cable ad. The ad, which is below, will be running in all of California’s media markets. And our FR sources have verified that it is a substantial seven-figure buy (not one of those minimal buys geared more towards earned media coverage of it).

Clearly this throws the gauntlet down to Whitman’s opponent, Steve Poizner. He’s need to get up his own advertising campaign yesterday if… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Michelle Steel: Willie Horton, Maurice Clemmons and Now…

We just received this piece from BOE Member Michelle Steel…

Willie Horton, Maurice Clemmons and Now… By Michelle Park Steel, BOE Member

Kevin Peterson was arrested – for attempted rape, sexual assault, false imprisonment, and violating the terms of his parole – early Tuesday morning, 12 hours after his early release; part of the Governor’s effort to reduce the state’s prison population. He was one of the many released under the Governor’s new release plan. Of course, this plan was to involve only the release of prisoners who were jailed for non-violent offenses. His chosen victim? A female counselor at the Catholic charity, Loaves and Fishes, helping the poor and destitute in our state’s Capital, on a route frequently taken by the very legislators who passed the bill, and theRead More

Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: South Lake Tahoe Transit Chief Embroiled In Controversy

I have many fond memories associated with South Lake Tahoe – renting a cabin with friends, a couple of weddings, a couple of rowdy New Years Eves… I’m sure I’m not alone in having a lot of great times at this great postcard perfect vacation spot. But while many of us visit South Lake Tahoe, believe it or not there are nearly 35,000 people who call that city their home.

Whether a visitor or a year round resident of South Lake Tahoe, everyone sees the signature “Go Blue” public buses that zip all around town. For someone like me who doesn’t like to drive in the snow, I’ve hopped on them a time or two.

The reason why I bring this up is because today I am going to devote my column to exposing the bizarre story of John Andoh. John Andoh is the Big Kahuna of the Go Blue public bus transit system – in… Read More

Jon Fleischman

An Open Letter to Senate Republicans

Today you will be asked to vote on whether to approve or reject the nomination of your colleague, Abel Maldonado, to be elevated into the position of Lt. Governor of California. I have spoken with many of you, and know that there are a range of opinions on this subject within your caucus.

I have yet, in the context of this confirmation, to find a Republican Senator who has told me that they are enthusiastic about Abel’s nomination, and looking forward to having him as Lt. Governor. But unfortunately that does not mean that I have encountered unanimous and strong opposition to confirming Maldonado, either.

To be blunt, there seems to be a lot of agreement that for various reasons, Abel Maldonado, as a politician, is not well liked or respected. Some feel that he doesn’t keep his commitments, others object to his quest for attention, others resent his lack of commitment to any set of principles, and of course there is deep unhappiness stemming from his role in the budget deal last year.

The reason why there is not uniformity in voting no on such an unpopular politician has nothing to do with Maldonado personally, but rather everyone seems to be… Read More

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